Enjoying the game thus far.
Not sure if you are familiar with URM, but I like to play around with games using it just to see how the different stories/paths work. It's great for testing and finding bugs as well.
I did find a weird variable condition check on the Yoga scene, and not sure if you've already found and fixed it. See below screenshot in spoiler tag:
Just in case you aren't familiar with URM there are three blue windows open (top, middle, and bottom windows, as they are visually stacked):
- Bottom: This shows you are giving a choice or doing an evaluation. The game is doing an evaluation and the result shows under Active Path if it matches (True) or does not match (False).
- Middle This shows the condition check from the bottom window, in this case does variable 'chp3yogafannyhelp1' equal "False"?
- Top: This shows what the variable is currently set to. In this case 'chp3yogafannyhelp1' is set to a String value "no". I declined Fanny's help.
As I declined Fanny's help, the Active Path should show as a green "True". But because you are comparing two unlike values they'll never match and the game will always assume Fanny helped me.
For consistency purposes, I'd personally suggest using the same variable types whenever possible and not mix and match Boolean, Strings, and other variable types. This will make life a lot easier as the game and variable list gets longer and more complex.
This was the only one I've come across at this point, but I'll keep playing around. Keep up the fun story!