It's me or there is some problem with Zoe writting? Mc and her were supposed to be childhood friend and very close , and they act like it after their reunion, and nothing bad with that, but the begining of the story is hard to explain then because :
For someone that supposedly miss so much her friend after a few years without seeing him, she didnt even bother to talk to him during her whole vacation, even though she live close to his house, like she couldnt even spare a a few minutes just to say hello and greet an old friend?
And if mc didnt run into her accidentaly, she would have left without even saying a word to him since she returned to the city the day after that, something that is hard to explain, unless she had forgot about him , which doesnt seem to be the case.
It seem realy out of character, because she seem like a nice girl and seem to genuily miss him,which is why i mention it.
Also we have a little error with her age, Tony said that she's two year older than them ( mc and Tony are 21 and Adam 22, so she should be 23-24, but the bio say 22)