Fallen Angel Productions

Engaged Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2017
a message keeps coming up saying you hear someone asking for help somewhere in the dungeon I've been to every room but can't find anyone needing help
Aug 17, 2019
I am having lag/stutering problems on a higher end AMD PC. Dae know about this? I've tried every option in the game settings and in the AMD Radeon software. Thanks!


Active Member
Jul 9, 2020
a message keeps coming up saying you hear someone asking for help somewhere in the dungeon I've been to every room but can't find anyone needing help
I found 'em. It was not far from the exit. Sorry that I can't give more precise directions, the floors are randomly generated, after all.


Formerly 'lovefemdomscat'
Oct 1, 2018
u know what dev ? this game not hard but the camera movement suck make it become hard too much
i hope u will fix camera movement soon better use mouse to roll camere, how we can play chase game with suck camera movement ?
Last edited:


Active Member
Jul 9, 2020
u know what dev ? this game not hard but the camera movement suck make it become hard too much
i hope u will fix camera movement soon better use mouse to roll camere, how we can play chase game with suck camera movement ?
You can actually control the camera with the mouse. For this, you need to hold the right mouse button. It also allows you to strafe, which makes it easier to avoid the pillow trap and some of the subs.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2020
I've been to every room they aren't there what do they look like
I don't know if their appearance is random or not. For me it was a blue-haired babe in a fetish outfit, and she was hanging upside-down next to a fireplace. Saving her didn't seem to have any effect on the game though. Still, you've probably missed a room. You wouldn't believe how many times I've gone in circles only to realize that in my rush to avoid pursuers, I actually didn't notice a door.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2018
a message keeps coming up saying you hear someone asking for help somewhere in the dungeon I've been to every room but can't find anyone needing help
I don't know if their appearance is random or not. For me it was a blue-haired babe in a fetish outfit, and she was hanging upside-down next to a fireplace. Saving her didn't seem to have any effect on the game though. Still, you've probably missed a room. You wouldn't believe how many times I've gone in circles only to realize that in my rush to avoid pursuers, I actually didn't notice a door.
The room that they spawn in is always the same, and can only spawn at least a certain distance into the maze. They spawn in the archive, which is the room with books cases on the walls, and no tables. The archive spawns about 75% or more of the way through the dungeon, so it should always be after the middle room that marks the half way point.
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Formerly 'lovefemdomscat'
Oct 1, 2018
You can actually control the camera with the mouse. For this, you need to hold the right mouse button. It also allows you to strafe, which makes it easier to avoid the pillow trap and some of the subs.
that still make u need to hold mouse button im not used to it :(
Sep 11, 2020
I want to like this game, but the poor camera and controls along with audio bugs, makes for a poor experience.

-"Player volume" does nothing. I still hear my guy moaning, even when sliding it all the way to the left. It's tied to opponents voice.
-"Master volume" can't be turned off completely. The lowest setting is like 10%.
-During a gameover, the same opponent keeps grabbing my character. She jumps/teleport right onto the mc after she's done, instead of all the enemies taking turns.
-During the "misstress" gameover screen, the camera is tied to the mouse. You have to use the mouse to select the options on the screen, which causes the camera to go all over the place.
-Dicks sizes increase/decrease whenever the game feels like. It's like the character creation is fighting with the visual/display options.
-Wish I could turn off pubic hair for opponents.

Game can be lot of fun, but right now I would give it a pass.


Aug 10, 2017
Wow, what a great game!
I let myself surprise with building my opinion and its really good.

The concept is awesome and the execution is very well done. I really like how the dev managed to embed the fetishes into actual gameplay. I fiddled around with the bondage item effect and it really makes a fun difference cranking it to the max. The animation are really enjoyable and well done to add more each floor.

However, the weakspot for me is also the camera. For *cough* unexplainable reasons I have to let go for my mouse when an animation starts. That leads to some trouble.
Most animation show the persuer/sub from the back, blocking the view on the Mistress/Master you play as and also prevent you to see most of the action. Therefore you must change view.
You can change the base setting of the camera with C but most of them lock the camera changed into a direction and after the animation ends, you have no chance of steering into your desired direction, causing you to be caught again or running into a dead end, ending the run.
The camera is the weakest part of the game.
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Jul 19, 2017
For anyone wondering about the endings to the story, after playing around with conditions for a bit, here's everything I was able to find. Feel free to add or correct anything I missed (the game actually has a fully editable save file you can tinker with using something as simple as Notepad).


The game has a Reputation system you can acquire with characters, mostly relating to their romance. It starts at 0 with everyone and I believe can go as low as -2 or as high as 2, influenced by the dialogue choices you can make. You can gain/lose this rep with Axel, Sapphire, Lucy, Oriana, and Mark (the submissive you gives you "hints"). I have not found Oriana or Mark's reputation actually having any consequence.

You can Romance Axel, Sapphire, Lucy, and Crimson (they each even have their own Achievements on Steam). Romancing any of them them will lead to a "sex scene" of some kind on your day off after clearing Floor 6. You can begin romancing multiple people, but only choose one sex scene, which will lock in the romance. Oriana will ask you what you plan to do on your day off, and anyone whose romance has been started will appear as an option to meet up with. Oriana also has a Romance Variable in the save file, but I have not found anything in game that activates it. Even manually editing it into effect doesn't seem to lead to anything and she doesn't seem to have a "sex scene" option. As far as I can tell, "Romance Oriana" has either eluded me, was cut content, or is perhaps a possible future update (though since Mr Zed seems mostly done with the game, that's probably wishful thinking).

Crimson does not have a reputation value, but you can romance her all the same. To romance Crimson, you have to be receptive to her threats in conversation. She'll periodically show up between floors to say you should just surrender and become her submissive. By responding that you might actually like being her submissive, she eventually offers you a trial run, which you can agree to and then choose to have a secret meeting with her on your day off. You'll meet up and try to dominate each other in different positions. You have some control in each position - you can try to dominate her by random chance, definitively dominate her, or submit to her. You can also speed up the position animation or slow it down. You will switch to another position after a bit (30 seconds?) but you can also manually move to the next position, with the two of you eventually climaxing. This will not change anything in the story, she's still your rival (Crimson will actually show up as an enemy in the final floor to get in your way, romance or no).

To romance Lucy, I believe you have to have a positive reputation with her. This can be achieved by just being polite in conversation. To get a negative reputation, you just need to be rude and refuse her requests. She'll ask you to find the Octagon wrestling arena on the Fighter's Floor and stand in the middle of it. If you agree then she will be an option for your day off. The Octagon is out of the way and may take a little searching to find - and will almost certainly lead to a number of enemies grabbing you - but all you have to do is stand in the center of it for a moment and you're done. The two of you will meet up and Lucy will show off her domination skills. You have the same options as above: try to dominate, definitely dominate, submit, speed up, slow down, and move on.

To romance Sapphire, I believe all you need is a positive reputation with her. She'll tell you she prefers you as Grandmaster to Crimson and if you're polite and agree with her you'll gain reputation. To get a negative reputation, you can be rude to her, tell her Crimson isn't so bad, or be up front with her that you're trying to romance Crimson (Sapphire doesn't like that). Sapphire doesn't really ask you to do anything, she just offers to meet up with you for a "wrestling match" (I fulfilled this requirement the same run as Lucy's, so it's possible you may need to find the Octagon for her too, but she doesn't mention it). If you agree to meet with her, you'll go to the Octagon and have a sparring session, which mostly resembles a sex scene, which again has all the options mentioned previously.

To romance Axel, you'll need a positive reputation with him. I... know nothing about this romance option. I have done nothing towards achieving it. If you're polite he'll probably ask you to meet up. I do know that if you tell him he's a dork and to buzz off then you'll get negative reputation with him. Presumably, his sex scene plays out similarly.


I have found 3 basic endings after completing the final floor, with a small modifier based on your romance (though I might be missing some). The 3 endings I have are:

1) You are not fit to be Grandmaster
2) You could be Grandmaster, but you're not ready. You need training first, which you will receive.
3) You are Grandmaster! Huzzah!

These are affected by three major factors:

1) Doing Mark the submissive's suggestions. He'll tell you about a shortcut somewhere in the middle floors (which if you find is actually a trap) and at the end he'll give you some performance enhancing gel, which you have the option to use or not. If you do either of those things, you will be told you are a cheater and not worthy of being Grandmaster.
2) Finding the lost submissive asking for help. I don't remember what floor it is (4? 5?) but it's been discussed in previous posts (each floor is randomly generated so it's not a set place). If you do not find the submissive then you are told you have Grandmaster potential but you're not ready yet. You'll get some training first and be there in a year or two.
3) You didn't take Mark's cheats and you found the submissive. You are the greatest hero in history. All Hail!

Getting ending 1 isn't the end for you. You're still a player in the scene and your star is actually on the rise. Even though you aren't Grandmaster everyone respects you more and you have ultimately gained influence.

Getting ending 2 means everyone congratulates you and comforts you for not being perfect. You're told it was a good try and you'll get there soon.

Getting ending 3 means everyone tells you you're super cool and you've won the Game of Thrones. You then sit in a cool chair.

After the results are announced, your romance partner (if you have one) will come and flirt with you. You have the option to continue the romance in your new position or end it. There will not be any new scenes but the final ending slide will reflect if you are still in a relationship with them or not. If you don't have a romance partner, Oriana will come by and congratulate you, and the ending slide will just mention you and your supportive helper. You can have this exchange with Sapphire, Lucy, and Axel (probably). You cannot have it with Crimson. Ending the game with a Crimson romance is the same as ending it with no romance. Crimson will not continue a romance with you because...

Regardless of ending, the Grandmaster will kick Crimson out of the organization. She sent Mark to convince you to cheat and she broke the rules by showing up as an enemy in the final floor. Crimson will insult you, insult everyone, and leave. I have not found any way to keep Crimson around or maintain a relationship with her. If you've spent all game romancing her, had your sex scene with her, and wanted to be Grandmaster just to impress her, well, too bad - even in your new role as Grandmaster, you can't stop the old one from booting her (maybe a future update will let you keep the romance - though that's very wishful thinking).

*Of note is that having/not have a romance sometimes screws with some of the ending slides. Becoming the Grandmaster with no romance/Crimson romance gives you a slide with you back home with Oriana. But becoming the eventual Grandmaster with a romance partner will put you on the throne in the next slide. A little weird.*


This isn't really an ending, but it's there, so I thought I'd mention it. Getting a Game Over during the Story run - not just losing a floor, but completely running out of continues - will get you the Crimson's New Pet ending (and an achievement on Steam). In it, Crimson has become the new Grandmaster, is sitting on the throne, and you'll get a full scene of her calling you in to pleasure her (similar to losing in "Dungeon Run" mode). You'll cycle through 4 different sex animations at random and can control speed and advancement of each one, ending in a climax, then a dismissal and Game Over screen. It'll even save, so you can revisit it. You could consider it Crimson's Ending if you want.

And that's it! That's what I've learned about the game. Feel free to add what you know or correct mistakes. Or ignore it!


Formerly 'lovefemdomscat'
Oct 1, 2018
see? so many reviewer write about camera suck movement, i hope you see it. Dear Dev of this game


Active Member
May 7, 2019
see? so many reviewer write about camera suck movement, i hope you see it. Dear Dev of this game
He's well-aware already, he can and does read. There's no need to sound insulting about it. Or do that contacting him through the platform you bought the game from, that'll be the right place.

I don't really care about Coup. It's good if he comes up with a simple fix, like having a setting for movement/camera that allows us to finally let go of the Right mouse button. But I'd much rather he spend more time on Solas so it comes out 1 month (or even 1 week) earlier :p
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Active Member
Jul 9, 2020

This isn't really an ending, but it's there, so I thought I'd mention it. Getting a Game Over during the Story run - not just losing a floor, but completely running out of continues - will get you the Crimson's New Pet ending (and an achievement on Steam). In it, Crimson has become the new Grandmaster, is sitting on the throne, and you'll get a full scene of her calling you in to pleasure her (similar to losing in "Dungeon Run" mode). You'll cycle through 4 different sex animations at random and can control speed and advancement of each one, ending in a climax, then a dismissal and Game Over screen. It'll even save, so you can revisit it. You could consider it Crimson's Ending if you want.
Oh, so becoming Crimson's sub really is an "option"? Good to know! xD


Jul 19, 2017
Oh, so becoming Crimson's sub really is an "option"? Good to know! xD
It's the ending I always shoot for. You can have a screen saying the character and another girl continued to have a relationship or you can have a full scene of Crimson tying the character up, ordering them about, and screwing them in a huge throne room. That one seems a little more fun.
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Mar 24, 2019
So...has anyone been able to find the 'shortcut' on Floor 5? I've gone around the entire floor twice looking for it, and I can't find anything I can interact with...
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