Others - Completed - Echidna Wars DX [v1.11] [D-Gate]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I thought I was going to like this game, but it ends up being screen spam with a bunch of attacks that have priority over yours and even puts the player in awkward positions sometimes. Like for example, fighting on platforms with spider webs on each side of the screen that trap you and you have to try and avoid those as well as making sure you don't fall off the platforms while dealing with a screen full of enemies. This happens pretty early on too. Like 20 mins into the game. There's also attacks that will force the player into an enemy grab. It's really the enemy screen clutter that makes all this pretty bad. If the screen wasn't so busy, then it wouldn't be this annoying.

    Dealing with the enemy attack spam combined with a double (for the one character that has a dodge) tap dodge mapped to movement keys is a recipe for a really annoying gameplay loop. The least the devs could have done was make the hit boxes smaller. And to top it all off, most enemy attacks just seem to be vore, so while the animations and sprite work are amazing, there's not much for you here if you're not into vore. This could have been great if it didn't resort to such cheap difficulty.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I officially bought this game, yet I use the pirated version anyways because the DRM is really really bad.
    The game however, is one of the best vore/unbirthing games that has ever been made. The art is great, the monsters are great, if you like unbirthing and/or vore this is for sure the game for you.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    First off, this game looks really, really good. The pixel-work is quite nice to look at and all the characters are expressive as ever. While the H-content of this game isn't for everybody, it's a rare treat for vore fans with how fluid the animations are. The entire package is wonderful eye candy.

    However, the same can't be said for the gameplay. It's heavily inspired by games like Metal Slug and Final Fight, and that includes all the arcade-y difficulty elements that make this game frustratingly hard to play. The best way to see these is going through each character:
    • Mirea: The main character of the game. Good balance of short and long-range attacks, along with having a quadruple jump. Is shit in the damage department, but makes up for it with a strong special attack which pierces at max level. Overall the best character to play due to her good air mobility and special attack.
    • Sachiho: Fast brawler character. Moveset consists of only close-range attacks, which really hurts since her dodge roll has no IV frames. Try dodging through an enemy and you will be grabbed. Also gets destroyed by flying enemies since all you have is a shitty mid-air kick and a leg drop with more end-lag than Dedede's forward smash. Special attack acts like the dropshot from Metal Slug and is worse at max level than at level two, though it's the only ranged attack you get. Very frustrating to play with, although her grab is fun to use since it makes you totally invulnerable and deals a fuck-ton of damage.
    • Usaco: Plays exactly like a Metal Slug character with no special weapons. Pistol deals shit damage but easily let's you cheese sections with sheer range. Knife is faster and deals more damage but also puts you in harms way of being grabbed. Special attack levels one and two are grenades with AOE blasts, but max level is a forward-facing shotgun blast that sucks in comparison with the level beforehand. An extremely basic character to play, but is probably the best amongst the roster due to unlimited ranged damage.
    • TGO-07: Enters the stage in this cute SV-001 type box, but don't get your hopes up. Whole schtick is that nearly all of her attacks require special meter to use, and those that don't are either slow as molasses or have really weird hitboxes that never seem to hit enemies. Special attacks range from a piercing laser (pretty good), homing missiles (also pretty good), a screw-attack (best special), an extra explosion after her slow-ass two-hit combo (fucking awful since it disables movement for two seconds afterwards and does shit damage), and a massive move speed increase that also has the two second cooldown and restricts you to the two-hit combo as the only means of attacking. Has a jetpack as opposed to multiple jumps, but it has this weird lag when it first comes out that makes it really unorthodox to use. The only good thing I can say is her skating ability that lets her speed across the ground. TGO feels more like an incomplete experiment character rather than one that's ready to be implemented into the game.
    Other problems associated with the game include:
    • Enemy health being WAY too high, making them incredibly tanky.
    • Large, disjointed grab hitboxes that make you feel like you're getting grabbed out of thin air.
    • Needing SP to kill the tanky enemies faster, but also needing it to deal with the Melee Marth grabs, leading players to play super conservative or burn through SP and pray they have enough to protect from grab damage.
    • Flying enemies being shits in general. They account for half the enemy roster and love to hover just out of your reach before grabbing at the worst possible moment.
    • Bosses not being difficult because of the boss, but because of an endless amount of adds that constantly stream in to distract you.
    This could all just be a case of "git gud" syndrome, but Echidna Wars isn't an arcade game meant to suck up the quarters of unsuspecting kids. Making a game difficult just for the sake of it being difficult (on the normal setting, mind you) is a great way to frustrate players and discourage them from coming back.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 Erotic game, reminds me a lot of Metal Slug and a few other games

    ☑ Very good
    You've got multiple characters with a play style each.
    The gameplay is pretty well done, there's some inputs to do some special things there and that.

    ☑ (s)Excellent
    High quality animations, all of them progress until game over, which can end up in multiple things happening to our MC

    ☑ Great
    Cool music, great SFX, MC's are mute tho, so if you're into that, bad news :(

    ☑ Dynamic
    Depending which stage and character you use, it can get challenging, but you've got multiple lives on you, so don't worry about loosing.
    There's a dificulty system too, so you can always choose whichever you enjoy most

    ☑ Just Buy it or Support the creator
    This game's a classic!
    Lots of great scenes, replay value so you will not be dissapointed.

    ☑ Bug free?
    I personally, have not encountered any bug.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    smooth gameplay, challenging, smooth animation, great character designs.. actually a really great and tasteful game that includes both vore and monster girls. rare quality for a vore-exclusive game. probably the best "vore game" out there that has actual GAMEPLAY.

    it has exclusively "soft vore" E scenes : implied fatality (digestion) for most of the enemies. So nothing graphical or disgusting.

    the music is soulful and the sounds are great and satisfying!

    >If you're into vore, you like yuri and monster girls, and you're a GAMER this is a real bliss.

    on the art side, Asimofu has this talent and fashion of making ovewhelmingly cute monsters, and making vore look so sweet and adorable despite what it is... they hit a special spot.

    fuck the harpies though, unfair hitboxes and no vore !!!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played this game quite some time ago for the first time, really enjoyed it, and have kept it around for some replaying from time to time. Now, finally, I made a review for it! In the meanwhile, the bigger, proper, Review, for the game, as before, on my own blog (plus Files for the game like a Full Save and also a Cheat Table), link to that here:
    [The Link]
    An Initial "Taste" (pun intended) of the review:

    All Scores:
    ================ Plot = ----
    ================ Gameplay = 7
    ======== Mechanics = 9
    ======== Complexity = 7
    ======== Uniqueness = 6
    ======== Replayability = 7
    ================ Scenes = 8.5
    ======== Visual = 9
    ======== Written = -
    ======== Interactivity = 7.5
    ======== Replayability = 9
    ================ Development = ----
    ================ Obtaining = 8
    ======== Price = 7
    ======== Methods = 9
    ================ FINAL SCORE = 8.5


    A short-towards-medium Arcade Side-scrolling Beat 'em up Vore game, D-Gate and Asimofu really made a quality gem with this one. It has interesting gameplay, variety in playable characters, each with its own abilities, and quite a lot of H-Scenes, all Pixel-animated in-game! With a lot of enemies being Monster Girls (and some Monsters as well), there is plenty of Vore to be seen around, and each level can then be replayed in Stage Select, as well as fighting any enemy chosen via Freeplay.
    On DLsite for a certain price (you probably can try to get a Coupon to lower it a bit though), it is a game I do recommend playing! (or at least trying out the Demo, as DLsite usually has demos for their games, to see if it's your cup of tea beforehand)
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a joke. If you want to get grabbed all the time and die every ten seconds, go ahead play this. I didn't enjoy myself at all with this. I put the game on normal because i hate playing games on easy. 1st level... I die within 30 secs. Not because i suck, because there are fucking enemies all over the god damn screen. And you can't block in this game... There is only one character that can "evade" enemies (evade is a strong word here because foes in this game have huge hitboxes). I've only been able to play as Sachiho because of her down X flame kick move. I had to spam this all the way to the end to defeat the only 3 bosses that this game has... (really exciting). I usually don't bash on games like this and i always try to leave games a chance but this one really pissed me off. I gave this 2 stars because of the somewhat decent animations.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorites by far, I just wish it was longer or they made more games like this.
    The animations are well done, the sprites simple but descriptive, and the way you can stay in the animation as long as it takes for you to finish is a mechanic I wish I saw in more games.
    All in all 5/5 easy.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    !!ONLY VORE!!
    !!ONLY VORE!!
    There is NO raw sex present within this game. Now, with that out of the way...

    This has been a long-standing favorite of mine. I've never found a sprite based NSFW game of this quality, and I doubt I'll see anything like it for quite some time. The animations are incredibly fluid and diverse, both for combat and the vore scenes.

    The combat in this game is genuinely good, and that's something that's rare. The only thing more rare is how enjoyable the Vore content is. There's absorption, bondage, goo, tails, throats and even vaginal vore, all smoothly animated and integrated into combat. You can quickly skip past the animations if you wish to continue on fighting too, so if you just want to enjoy the game, you can!

    The game also features 4 characters to play with, and each has their own unique abilities and fighting styles. Though the animations are the same for the vore, despite the character you choose, it's refreshing to also be able to see different characters in the same situations.

    If you're into Vore, this game is an absolute must, especially if you're a fan of pixel animation! This game earns a 5 from me, and although that means pretty much nothing to people since I'm a noone, it means something to me!
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    El necrofilo

    Be warned this is one of those titles that make your fingers bleed. Is First castlevania level of frustrating. It has good gameplay and cute characters to choose from, but aside from that it doesn't have anything to offer other than vore stuff and very hard to distinguish nudity. Overall you'll play more for the challenge of it. Then again don't expect a fair contest either, you'll be cursing everything on the screen
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I wanted to give this game 4 stars or even 5, for my first impression of this game, for very pleasant graphics, smoth game and vore animations, also gameplay, but... there is not much plot, not much gametime (but maybe for better), unplayable characters (only bunnygirl is playable) and hitboxes of last boss is bullshit. Difficulty of last boss on medium is so much grown from everything in this game, so you would probably change your difficulty to the easiest and beat here right there even without any deaths (like me).
    Anyway, nice and unique 2d platformer beat 'em up vore fetish game. Can recommend it.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    If you know what Vore is you've already decided weather or not you like it, and if you're going to walk into this, you had better damn well like it because you're going to be seeing it a lot. That's all there is in fact, there aren't even pixel-art nipples (minus the lamia). I don't really like it myself but I was on a streak of sidescroller H-Games and decided to give it a go.

    And holy fuck, if you're in this for the porn you're going to have to fight for it. If you're the type to complain about Dark Souls hitboxes this game is probably going to piss you off. As I said I'm not exactly a huge vore guy but this game is suprisingly a very competent beat 'em up, which is why i played it through to the end. Whoever designed this knew what they were doing with the controls. There are 4 characters, each of which have a pretty unique feel; there's a Valkyrie lady who has a laser sword/whip thing and can fly slightly, there's a catgirl brawler type who shoots fireballs and is seemingly DESIGNED to constantly get grabbed by enemies, there's a bunny girl who is literally just a Metal Slug character (probably the most well animated on purpose, though that's subjective), and an android who plays a lot like Mega Man. They each feel unique, and they each have a different level of complexity in their control schemes. Echidna Wars is honestly 90% game and 10% porn, at least in terms of complexity and the amount of what's on offer. Which is why, if you're not very good at beat 'em ups or video games in general, I'd suggest turning the difficulty down unless you want to turn your normal boner into an angry boner after getting grabbed for the five-hundredth time in a row. If you're up for the challenge though, there's plenty on offer.

    As far as sex scenes, there's only Vore, and only fail conditions. Everything is "on-stage" so to speak, there aren't any CGs minus the "thank you for playing" screens after beating the game; the only adult content on offer here is [get grabbed] -> [take SP damage and get half-vored] -> [take HP damage and get fully-vored/die]. The only time you aren't going to get vored is if you die to a projectile attack or from falling off the stage, so again, if it's not your thing like it isn't mine and you're mainly in it for the game, you're going to get very well acquainted with the skip button. I guess I can say there's no shortage of variety on offer since every enemy in the game has it's own animation for this kind of stuff (minus the enemy variants like the super harpy or the lamia mage which recycle the old anims). I don't know what else to say so I won't say anything else.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    as far as vore games go this can be consider the very best.
    most games mostly consist of the runner type to press 3 directions and few attack , this however feels like a real game .
    vore lovers can rejoice as the animations live up to the fetish they deeply love to savour. at times you feel this was actually a cancelled game from gba or ds and restored with new elements of platform to make it more intense and hard.

    the enemies on the hardest difficulty can be brutal and merciless specially for the bosses as they can ignore when youre damage and swallow up whole.
    the number of characters are varied enough to show advantages and weaknesses leaving room for experimentation. this gives the game replaybility over a few times till you tried every vore moment with every girl.

    bosses are designed to always attack at a distance or hit and run tactis that feels true to vore. you can get close enough for some melee hits but you put yourself at great risk for the enemies can take advantage and some of them go straight after you.

    the number of bosses leaves much to be desired though. we only get 3 and makes you feel a bit unsatified, all 3 boses were just ubber powered forms of the smaller enemies.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It's the best you can find on the internet if you like QUALITY MONSTER GIRLS GAMES that are NOT STILL-IMAES BASED VISUAL NOVELS.

    0) it's fully animated
    1) action based, MEGAMAN inspired gameplay (but much more frantic and with 4 characters to choose from, each one unique and with twists on how you play them)
    2) variation in character design
    3) lot's of animated frames per character
    4) lot of difficulties to pick at
    5) bonus content