RPGM - Abandoned - Elena's Life [v0.33] [Nickfifa]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game. Love the story line with brad. Wish it had gone on longer. Elena was very hot and would have loved more scenes with the daughter. Animation is a bit dated but still fun. This was the first game I played here.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's not the most refined game and not the best graphics, but those points are minor as it's focus is more about the sexual situations that Elena gets herself into. I really enjoyed the story line and the corruption of Elena.

    It's too bad that the game was never fully completed but there's enough there to keep you busy for a while.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is not best in graphics but it returns in interesting story. Really good working on the corruption of the main character. I am missing more variacies of clothing connected with level of corruption.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I never thought I do this - give five stars to a RPGM game!

    But I just have to do it, even though I would never in a million years actually play this version. The reason I'm here is I want to award Nickfifa five stars for accomplishing something rare:

    A corruption game where the girl actually stays reluctant for a very long time!

    Yes, Elena does turn into a willing slut eventually but there is soo much content before that time!

    The game is everything you could ask for - it has a protagonist that actually tries to stay pure without out quickly going "cum slut", it is naughty, it is hard core, it isn't badly repetitive and lets you play a woman that gets a lot of cock from a lot of men.

    Now then: everything I said applies to the renpy conversion! I haven't even downloaded the RPGM version. This grading is for Nickfifa's content only. (No RPGM game would ever get more than 1,5 stars from me).
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I gotta give this 2 stars.
    First of all, the Elena model is amazing and the scenes are well done.

    However, the dialogue and the story?!?!?!
    The Dialogue is atrocious, and the Story, while in premise is fine, is very poorly executed.
    for one... she is calling the hyper abusive and mysoginistic black KID "So manly" This is pretty much her response to every asshole in the gme.
    Second, every guy has a third leg with dicks down to their knees while flacid but her above average fiancé is small and unsatisfying.
    Elena never gets off unless its through intercourse with a horse sized cock.

    In all, I would not be surprised to learn that the Dev only has experience from really bad porno movies and no actual sexual experience, because for most of it... That's not how it works. He seems to have no clue what women actually want or how they actually work sexually.
    I've been trying to finish this game for over a year, but always end up putting it down amused and shaking my head at how bad the dialogue and story is. I remember the renders though, and the odd really good scene so I wait a bit for the bemusement to subside and try again only to be reminded just how bad it really is.

    Really its a parody of a good game at this point, and I really want to play that good game, but alas... it does not seem to exist.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Archetypal female protagonist game.

    The Good
    • Hot MC that doesn't hold back in the slut department
    • Tons and Tons of Content
    • Solid variety of kinks that aren't commonly found in lewd games like mother-daughter content
    The Bad
    • Threadbare story: MC is really dumb and needs money and gets into progressively lewder and lewder scenarios
    • Lack of any real choice: 90% of your input in the game is going along with a lewd scenario or refusing. Going along lets you see the content and continue the route while saying no skips it. There is no real consequence to your actions.
    • Outdated renders and animations that look corny at times
    If you like slut female protagonist games definitely check it out, it has tons of content to keep you fapping. If that isn't your thing you can skip, there is little substance going on here.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Just love this game, what a sexy game, no bulls*** just pure pleasure, love it a lot! May be more games were like this, but seems like this is one in a million, didn't find any game sexier than this. WOW!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good to Know it is still in progress although the quality of the art is kind of crappy but it still get the job's done, has kinda good story also has a lot of choice which is great because you get to choose your path.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    What a good game! Nickfifa FTW. pls lets finich it!

    This game takais alot of fantasiys! overt all one of the best games!

    Nice twist with hidden quest and all type of sceens. only missing more choises and mor consecenses
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The female MC is hot. That's where the pros begin and end.

    Plot is virtually non-existent. MC doesn't seem to spend more than 5 minutes at a time without someone's dick inside her.

    Low quality textures and bad lighting result in shoddy-looking renders.

    Cum looks like toothpaste.

    Dev has a penchant for making cum come out of MC's nostrils whenever someone cums inside her mouth. I don't know where he got that idea from, that this is somehow a common occurrence in oral sex, but I've never seen it happen in real porn, and it looks equal amounts of disgusting and stupid.

    I could forgive each of these flaws, but not all at the same time, especially when the dev's mission statement is to create a "realistic" game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game started in 2016 and it is still alive. This is a CULT game with Classic female protagonist story
    ... it is MUST HAVE for all gamer special collection.

    Renders are very nice considering the 2016 technology...

    For me adult porno-games are good when I need to watch a funny sexy story...
    This is one of the best story that comes with a lot of fun and always new unexpected events

    This game is and will be for ever one of the most beautiful game
    and it is a CLASSIC one
    the fact that this game started in 2016 and it is still in development is a prove;
    4 years of great success

    This game can be consider a CULT in his genre
    Elena's story should be studied by all devs who want to hope to achieve such a long-term success...

    In the human history since ancient greek scenes of sex and the nude are considered forms of art ... Helen of Troy
    Elena's Story with its simplicity remains faithful to what it was more than 4 years ago without being influenced by new trends and continues to be actual and fun.

    Congratulation to Nickfifa
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    I do really like this game.
    Blackmailed/forced/abused... All nice stuff.

    I would like to see a better graphic and longer animation/sex.
    Gangbang finally and good interracial... This is what people like.

    Good game
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1514239

    This game is very annoying . . . mostly because it has potential. But . . .

    The bad:
    - Age old story: Dumb blond meets boy, boy blackmails / tricks / forces sex, girl becomes a slut. No subtlety at all. No cleverness. No empathy / connection to the MC.
    - "Animations" are basically two still shots that are then alternated to create an "animation." Which go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and . . . you get the picture. Even holding down the Enter key to "fastforward" through them takes forever.
    - VERY unnecessary steps that occur EVERY SINGLE DAY.
    > Click on the wardrobe in the morning to put on a towel. Walk to the bathroom. Click on the shower. Take a shower. Walk back to the bedroom. Click on the wardrobe again to get dressed. Yet she never brushes her teeth . . . her mouth must be a petri dish.
    > Stairs don't work. So first you have to click on the button to summon the elevator. Then you have to walk into the elevator. Then you have to select your floor. Then you have to walk out of the elevator. And of course their are slight delays between key presses, so you can't just power-type through this sequence (which happens at a minimum twice a day - once to leave and once to return).
    - Renders are, at times, decent. But the lighting is terrible . . . this is mostly evident in the character's mouths. You can see their teeth (same brightness as everything else). You can almost see their tonsils. You might think this is picky, but when someone is gasping during a sex scene and you're distracted by a mouth full of shiny teeth (which at times makes everyone look like vampires) . . . just not good.
    - Quest function is not very useful. And there are "hidden" quests . . . except they're disclosed outside of the game (and if they weren't revealed you would have to be VERY dedicated to find them, as they're not at all intuitive). So sometimes you're running all over RPGM world wondering if you can trigger a hidden quest (mostly you can't) until the stars align and it is ready to go. Why not use the quest function within the engine? Seems lazy and stupid on the devs part.
    - Almost all of the male characters are loathsome. Wimpy boyfriend with a small dick. Fat old boss. Wimpy annoying schoolboy. Stereotyped black schoolboy. Fat neighbor boy. Fat neighbor man / pervert. Fat old landlord. So you don't really have any characters with which to identify (unless this is your kink, which is fine) . . . you get either an idiot MC or disgusting male characters.

    The unacceptable:
    - Playing through one more time to see if the "trapped in the bedroom" bug is fixed. This bug has been lingering for a couple of years. It is why I quit trying a couple of earlier versions, but based on some vague posts it seems maybe, just maybe, this is fixed. If not, I maybe found a save that will work. But there are so many posts, it is difficult to pinpoint which save is post-freeze.

    The good:
    - Main character is appealing (except for those rows and rows of bright teeth).
    - There is a lot of content. M/F partners - around 15 (so far). F/F - 2-3.
    - There are some good concepts (don't miss the "hidden" hypnotist side path - one of the more entertaining).
    - Hitting "W" fastforwards through some of the text. Holding Enter fastforwards through the animations. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be a "hide text" button.

    Such a shame. The dev has put a lot of effort into this game. And if the multitude of minor annoyances were absent (shower, elevator, shiny teeth) I might have given this 4 stars. But when playing the game annoys you, then the game doesn't get above average stars.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    with all those kinky situations and good humor, this game would be SO much better if mina were the main character. she is by far the hottest and cutest girl in the game, followed by maria. unfortunately elena never cut it for me (i got something against sharp facial features in women) and also her model has been overdone by many other games in the meantime. graphics were good enough for a game that started in 2016. animations, sounds and music could be better though, and the elevator and shower routines were tedious and those are the reasons i couldn't give it 5 stars. overall it was a fun game to play and a well done corruption story. looking forward to the finish of this one and nickfifa's other games in the future.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1023239

    "There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."

    I really enjoyed the overarching plot and twists in this game, as it encompasses all the classic elements of a good story. Although the standalone routes weren’t by any means remarkable, they were great at building suspense and a sense of urgency to figure out the pieces of the puzzle in order to solve the mystery. The universe of this games grows increasingly more complex and interesting the further you delve into the storyline. This demonstrates solid world-building and good storyline pacing by the writers.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Elena's Life is a light-hearted adult game that can either be a slice-of-life with occasional erotica or a series of sexual escapades depending on which route you take. Elena(the main character), her fiancé David, and their children from their previous relationship move into a new city. The couple hopes to earn enough money to have their dream wedding and honeymoon. However, there's no specifics like how much money is needed nor is it shown as the ultimate goal in your quest log. Despite the question of "Will Elena resist and remain faithful or will she surrender to her innermost desires?" from the game's description, this isn't how the story is structured. The real question is "Will Elena follow what she truly wants or stay in a relationship because it's familiar?" This review will be based on playing version 0.24 to version 0.27 of both routes.

    The gameplay itself is very simplistic due to its RPG-style format with using either the mouse or keyboard to control Elena and perform basic actions like opening up the menu, pick up items, etc. Unfortunately, exploration around the game's setting is limiting; some areas will always be restricted. For instance, in the city, you can travel the east, south, and west sections but never the north side. In my opinion, this doesn't fit for an RPG genre. The core factor of its gameplay is the choices you make and its Corruption mechanic like a visual novel game. Corruption Points(or **) is either gained or subtracted based on your decisions, leading to either Elena remaining faithful or becoming a corrupted cheater. My main playthrough is corrupted Elena, which I find a guilty pleasure. What I love about the Corruption system is the freedom to completely reject the men I don't like while still gaining alot of ** from the ones I do like. The tricky part is in the beginning of the game; if you reject too many options that could you give **, you may be locked from accessing future sex scenes and get an alert saying you don't have enough.

    The best part about the game is the characters and sex scenes. I love the distinct personalities of the men and women Elena meets, and how her relationship with them is very unique. For example, Mr.Johnson(who is David's boss) is confident, highly competitive, shrewd, and dominant. He treats and exposes Elena to the finer things in life, courts her, and is sexually in control. Their dynamic is a scandalous love affair that could potentially lead them into being a power couple. One of the many other notable characters is Tom, who is a student at the school Elena works at. He's good-natured, creative, clever, and has a puppy-love type towards Elena. I think it's perfect how the sex scenes and how they speak to Elena during it also reflects their nature. Another aspect I deeply enjoy is it proves there's ways to make the naughty encounters fun and varied without heavily relying on it being extreme. This is something I wish more adult games would do and make it a choice for those with different tastes.

    There is some notable flaws that keeps me from giving this game a higher rating. The first is the presentation with character renders and 3D backgrounds. While the base models, objects, and environments are fine, the lack of extra lighting makes everything look dull and still a work-in-progress. Somewhat relating to the first is too many of the men have the same type of look. With the except of Chad, David, Peter, and Edward, many other guys are either ugly, old, overweight, bald, average-looking & lean, or a combination of 2 or more. I think it would help to add other fantasy types like a Fabio, a Italian Stallion, and a debonair look-wise to make the game stand out from the trend.

    Next is the music and animation. There's only 3 soundtracks used for the entire game: one for outside in the city, one for the school, and one for at home. This is a major flaw for me because music is so important for immersion. There many times where the music doesn't fit the scenario like in naughty scenes or when Elena is blackmailed because of the generic, relaxing music playing throughout. The animation of the sex scenes are unfortunately not fluid; they're very stiff and akin to a slideshow. I think it would be better for it to be still images if there's not going to be improvement on the animation.

    Lastly, is the non-corrupt route itself. My playthrough of being faithful is obviously the "wrong" way to play this game, despite it's there as an option. Besides the developer's statement of "this game is mainly about Elena releasing her sexual side", another sign is how there's no content specific for the faithful wife route. The only notable difference is Elena being content with David sexually instead of complaining. Certain scenarios that would somewhat make sense in the corrupted route would make no sense or expose the poor writing in the non-corrupt one. For instance, there is a moment where Brad(Elena's possible future Stepson) attempts to give her a "special drink". I refused the drink and not long after the power in the apartment goes out. Yet the elevator still works, haha. Another part is most of the days will be like this...

    *Elena goes to work, says it's boring, goes home, watches movies, and goes to bed.*

    I'll give this 3 out 5 stars. Hopefully it'll be improved in later versions.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games so far. - *** No longer - see edit below***

    Much more akin to a visual novel then a true game imho - there seems to only be one main story line so the only way to see all the scenes is to accept the corruption choices 100%. You only miss scenes by your choices and do not set up a alternate storyline... except one which will lead to removing a character from the story which has yet to play out...it seems like there will be 2 paths in the later versions of the game but not implemented yet.

    Once you get past the slow beginning and get used to some minor grind that the RPGM format forces on you this is one hot game. (The lobby /elevator is the worst grind. The rest is minor once you get used to the map).

    There are at least 2 and sometimes three sex scenes every day. The rendering is great and I am in love with Elena. The sex is always different and there is something for everyone.

    I absolutely love the femdom cuckold aspects of the game - Elena is trying to remain loyal to her fiance but the cocks she is now servicing are just too big and good . The scene in Dave's apartment where she is seduced by Edward is one of the hottest I've ever seen in a game - and the internal thought interplay between her morals and her pussy is always so hot and leads to a great atmosphere.

    For the same reason I actually have come to like Brad and Jamal. At the start of the game they are really over the top in un-likableness but they mellow a bit as the story develops and are much easier to digest. Nicely done as Elena gets to know them and at first hates them then slowly learns to appreciate what they do to her - the player experience reflects this attitude change too. They are still bad boys but for me it is done very well.

    The storyline is fun and engaging and explores a lot of fetishes - perfect for a perv like me.

    Wish it was in renpy but I guess there is an unofficial port out there somewhere.

    Highly recommended - give it a '5 hard cocks' on the rating scale.

    Edit for .29 version. Knocking 2 stars off for 2 things -
    1) The persistent error that occurs at the end of the evening where the star is not on the bed. This has been going on for too long - the dev has ignored it and it is a pain in the ass. I have tried to use saves from here and the issue still occurs way too much. It is a bug in the code and has never been addressed.
    2) The totally unneeded 'permenent'Tom/Jamel story split in ver .26. So far there has been no reason to divide the game for this - it could have been done through choices alone as it has been dealt with all game , not a full split in the game mechanics.

    Because the game only allows 20 saves and you cannot rename them, It has caused me a lot of wasted time because of the bug in #1. Trying to find a Jamel path save that works is a royal pain in the ass for each new version. The dev has provided a save in the past that included both routes - wtf??? It made no sense game play wise to include both paths in a save after he forced us to choose one permanently - wtf??? and even with it the Jamel path seems not to come up all the time or has more share of bugs then the Tom path most of the time.

    The game was fine when it relied on simple choices that allowed a player to choose who to sleep with - fuck the permanent change - lost a star here from me for replay-ability because of the ancient rpgm engine.

    The dev is obviously focused on his new game ( designing 2 games at the same time is a HUGE mistake for independent developers) which I could give a shit about - 3 months for a poor update. Such promise but the dev has lost their way imho. I recently removed Patron support from them for this reason.

    I do support the unofficial ren'py version by a fan- it is hands down the way to play this game to completion - no hassles no time wasted trying to find saves and dealing with bugs that are persistent and month's old. That is if the original rpgm version ever gets finished by Nickfifa.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    It is just an okay game. There are many that will enjoy this game. My issue is that many of the decisions at first was not really that realistic, and that gave me the feeling that they don't really matter in the long run. The character builds for many of the kids are over the top, which again kind of feels unrealistic. The story is just the run of the mill for this trope, with around average renders.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This is just a bad game, actualy one of the worst I have seen.

    There is pretty much no good things about: the writing is bad, it's just very simplist and way too much agressive. Like every characters in this game are just looking to blackmail Elena and fuck her from the son of Elena's husband, to to the kids from the school, the neiberhood, your boss, the boss of your husband, the landlord of your girl, your ex-boyfriend, the celebrity your husband is trying to interview and way more. Like holy fuck can we chill a bit ? It's not because you're making a freaking porn game that everybody have to go str8 into the asshole of your protagonist.

    The idea of the game being an RPG can be decent, but in the case of this game it's just very poorly made since the RPG side is just nothing but straight grind and time waisted with traveling: shower, buy this, go home, go work and you have to do that every day in the game. Nothing of that is gameplay, it's just stupid grind between each scenes and it's pointless. Don't make an RPG for the sake of it.

    Also the choices arepretty much non existent. Basically when somebody wants to blackmail you, you can say "yes" and acces to the sex scene or "no"and get nothing.

    What a choice.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A great story that draws you in and feels very realistic. Fantastic models that look more like real beautiful women and not cliché caricature bimbos. A "slow burn" type story that gives you some rewards, but more importantly keeps building the interest, tension, and excitement as you move the story forward. Choices seem to actually matter as well, and a decision you make could have an unexpected pay-off down the road. it's already been a real pleasure to play and I really look forward to the next release! I'd definitely rate this as one of the best out there already. I hope we keep seeing more of this level of quality as we move forward