Unreal Engine - Elvenfoundry Dungeon VR [v0.2.13] [SunbathGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I know its too early to review; it's a little unplayable at the moment.

    But what is here is actually already not bad. In case you were wondering, you can move the NPCs around by grabbing their head, so they dont fall. The physics are kind of great. The gallery thats included is not bad. I like the clothing. In some instances, feels more immersive than VAM thanks to the walking physics. Some really interesting stuff going on here in VR
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    What's going on?

    People are talking about a factory game, game is tagged with female protagonist, but the "game" I played...

    I play a very hairy dude that is 2.5m tall with a horse dick, I'm in a building with 10 rooms with an elf inside I can't interact with, a shower, a lab, and a quick scene viewer.

    Not really what I expected.

    Not really what is advertised either.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Very limited currently.

    The graphics are nice and I can see the start of somethin ggood. But frankly.. Its rather boring and pointless, the sex is very static (Place a girl on a dildo and she'll bounce on it until you stop her). It doesnt seem like theres any point to the sexual parts of the game.

    Hopefully it'll improve, but right now its just a very graphics intensive demo.
  4. 4.00 star(s)



    Really good game, I enjoyed every second I played, its just a prototype but really promising.

    Things I liked from Prototype:
    - Visuals, really good textures and map
    - Gameplay, its a short gameplay ngl, for now, but really enjoyable
    - Game idea, the idea its incredible and I think it will be a really good game
    - Open interfaces really far away from them

    Things I didnt like from Prototype:
    - UI, I think the UI needs to be more beautiful
    - Interpolator, if the machine already has 5 items, it doesnt input
    - Item movility, its hard to conect the Ore Extractors with furnaces without make a giant belt
    - Elfs Spawn, Ik its a person floating in the air but if it spawns in the other corner of the map I'll never find her

    I played VR too but I have nothing to say, it doesnt have enought gameplay to make a review about that

    Things to improve:
    - Building UI, dildo and Sextronic are in a column instead a row
    - Interpolator
    - Item movility

    Bugs I found:
    - If open an interface and change window for a while, the interface will close but it keep showing in screen

    I hope I can make more reviews about this game bc I really ejoyed it
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I am a huge Fan of Factory Games such as Factorio, Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program or Captain of Industry etc....

    This really feels like a prototype of a game but it has a huge potential!
    I Hope that devs will not waste this potential because its very promissig

    I have quiet horny hope that milking elfs will gives extra material to build some sexy stuff <3