I'm not even really into NTR (at least the way most devs portray it, they usually focus on things from the wrong PoV or they focus more on a humiliation kink than anything) but I hope that one day that they stop being mostly about race more than anything. Like, why not add some variety? I'm not saying there's an issue with including a black antagonist but mixing it up a bit wouldn't be the end of the world.
Instead it's always a white girl (well light skinned, sometimes she's asian I guess) getting fucked by black dudes. Sure, NTR between people of the same race/complexion isn't unheard of but the polar opposite (black woman and non-black guys) is virtually, if not entirely non-existent.
I wonder how livid some people would get if some dev made an NTR game with a bunch of black side characters shown in the preview screenshots. Then they keep moving the story along in ways that make it seem like it's just a slow burn story building up into something like this game... only to never actually involve them in the action.
Female domination, Futa/Trans, Group sex, Humiliation, Interracial, Kinetic Novel, Vaginal sex, Male Protagonist
Oh.... REALY? 0_0Complete and utter waste of time
Yeah that someone is GrummzComplete and utter waste of time. Even if you like NTR, which I don't, this is a pointless project. It was apparently made as an elaborate "fuck you" to someone? So it only has personal value to the creator and anyone who might get the reference. It is of no value to anyone else. You have been warned.
I'll say it ad nauseam, why "bbc" as a fetish isnt on new tag list boggles my mind, there's a zillion games that target an extremely specific crowd, usually much of the content has little to do with swinging or even ntr, and everything to do with fans getting their melanin preference fix.BTW, there was no Swinging involved in the making of this series of images.
None. At. All.
Oh I'm sure he played it =)) at least after the fit he threw todayFuck, Kern will probably play it. I can't think of a single person who needs porn more than he does.