surprised nobody has mentioned this method that i learned from an unrelated posted game link somewhere on this site
goto your game folder with the games exe and once there look for this folder renpy open it and look for this folder common open it
and then look for this file 00console.rpy and open it with your txt editor (note pad or what ever)look for this line
# If true, the console is enabled despite config.developer being False.
config.console = False
change this to config.console = True
save/exit and its case sensitive do exactly as ive explained
now go back to your game folder with the games exe file and play your game
press shift and o and then your console will open
i notice alot of people saying to use UnRen-dev.bat or UnRen.bat which is fine too (Linux users use wine to open these)
HOW EVER sometimes theres games that wont run those at all ive encountered this MANY TIMES
the method i explained you wont have any problems with opening console
dont play harder play smarter thats what i always say not a modder or anything like that im just a person that learns and shares knowledge