The emotional response that an NTR story evokes should be the result of the NTR, not from how poorly the NTR is written. With NTR games they can't just have cheating in order for them to be good, they have to create the atmosphere that goes along with it. They have to evoke that emotional push and pull that defines the genre. For note, Robert is the MC, Arieno is the FemC, and Raymond is the antagonist. This review contains spoilers.
For NTR stories you almost always have to suspend your disbelief to a decent degree, however sometimes the ridiculousness of a story becomes too much and you simply can't do that anymore. That's what happens with this game. The sheer amount of illogical and brain-dead storytelling and actions that goes on is too much to ignore. Not only that, but any "character progress" is irrelevant for 80% of the game.
All that considered, the primary issues with the game falls entirely on how Robert and Arieno are written and involved in the story.
Robert's issue is with his hopeless obliviousness, failure to act, and major lack of involvement in the NTR aspect of the story. There are times where Arieno and Raymond fuck in front of Robert's eyes and he still has doubt on if they're fucking, it's that bad. It isn't until you're about 8 scenes from the finale that Robert starts lends credence to the idea that they're fucking behind his back and it isn't until scene 32/35 that he sees them "in the act" without obstruction (I don't mean fucking, just them kissing). Then, what really drives this issue home is that Robert won't actually act on anything. He's a genuine spineless bitch despite his character having being established as not being such. Because of all this, the game doesn't properly properly establish the emotional aspect of NTR from the loser's perspective. Robert is just there to drive the main story forward while Arieno and Raymond are there to drive the NTR story, and proper crossovers are rarely established. Since this game is from the POV of the male being NTR'd and has such a small scope and cast, he needs to be heavily involved in the NTR story. Not just 5 hours of thinking "are they fucking!?"
Arieno's issue is with her corruption and outward depiction. Corruption in NTR games has three important aspects: corruption of the body, sexuality, and emotions. Arieno's body was corrupted 2 years before the story and her sexuality is corrupted within the first two sex scenes. The issue with this is that it's appropriate from a story perspective but since we, the player, don't see much of it or get to experience it in full it falls flat. The remaining 90% of the game covers the emotional corruption, but unfortunately, despite becoming Raymond's cock sleeve, she emotionally remains loyal to Robert for almost the entire game. She barely corrupts over time. Even with that, when she does slip into sexual depravity not only does she not show any signs of it to Robert (aside from returning to calling him "His Highness"), robbing us of that emotional pull, but after her h-scenes ends she slips back into having not fallen for Raymond. The game milks the "final fall" scene for 20+ scenes, making the h-scenes feel detached from the main story and stopping any and all progress. Also, to make it clear, "she's hiding her true nature" is not an excuse for showing zero character change.
On top of all this, reading the premise of a story should never be more interesting than experiencing the story, and unfortunately that happens here. The game also fails to build the emotional connection between MC and FemC and keep that going throughout the game. What irks me the most about this game though is that it's not bad enough for me to drop, but it just isn't good. It has a significant amount of almost great things, but they all come with a negative parallel. The game is a 2/5, with a better execution this could've easily been a 5/5. I don't even know if I can recommend this game for the porn, because while the quality is fantastic the quantity is severely lacking. It kind of pisses me off.