version 0.1.10
the only reason i dont rate it 1/5 because at least the skills and world is working. and there are working sex scenes.
but this will never be a good game. maybe in 10years LOL. so dont bother. i will check on it in a much later patch to see if anything changed to change my rating but there is like max 1% chance that my rating will improve, it will probably just go lower.
because first minute you go out there are weapons in a chest. 7 types of weapons. cool. cool? not really. if you take it all to your inventory, then you get overburdened

so literally first 1minute you are overburdened by these weapons(can't put them back into the chest). which means the dev didn't test his game at all. which shows how lazy he is so the game will never be good with a dev like that.
furthermore there are hundreds of problems with the game. attack animations are all very basic and do only 1 attack. (slow and bad, and all the same)
first goblin encounter test in city they dont even have the sex scene (obviously, why would anything good be in the game)
the writing is atrocious. (at least english is more-or-less correct)
the goblins stay in the same place and whack air randomly, and if i go 3meter forward they completely freeze and cant find me (during the fight)
these goblins had 110 hp and i do like 10-20dmg with most spells and attacks.. except a spell for the battlemage which instakills all goblins lol. (bugged)
and many more bugs. this version is unplayable, sex scenes are boring, it probably deserves a 1/5 but giving 1/5 for a first release feels wrong especially since it has some sex scenes even if they are the results of really really bad writing.