Others - Completed - Eroico [Final] [Kyrieru]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was a treat. It's admittedly quite short and not overly difficult, but all of the pixel art and animations are wonderful. The game takes maybe an hour to beat, and it has a ton of cute characters as well as an amusing little plot.

    You unlock a gallery of sorts where you can encounter all of the different enemies to re-watch any of their scenes organically in a sandbox area which I thought was a quite creative way to have a gallery.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Eroico my fucking beloved

    This right here chat, this is the greatest H-Platformer you will ever lay your hands on.

    Am I biased? Yes.

    Want to know why? Too bad we're going through it anyways.

    Ah the main character is a prince that needs to defeat the demon lord but unfortunately for him all the monster girls wanna that royal treatment(can't relate). You're also accompanied by this little funny girl I named Bluey.
    Story takes a backseat here, and I'm glad it does.

    There is no platformer I've played within the H sphere with movement as tight as this one. You have actual physics, you slide and bounce and jump and it all feels right. You've got a sword, a shield, and a fucking glock. Well no, it's a magicannon, but still. Using these tools you clamber through four separate stages, each one pretty long and allowing you fight a lot of WOMEN along the way. Finally I can practice my social distancing skills since I am always flocked with needy women.

    In actuality, you can completely turn off scenes when starting the game. Because scenes in this game don't actually do anything in terms of gameplay, they don't reduce health or anything of the sort. The game even gives you a stun button to literally forcibly see a scene with a girl you're near without ever taking damage.

    Frankly, I didn't care much for that when I first played this years ago, and I still don't. I just turn the scenes off and go for the glory, the game is incredibly challenging by design, forcing you to really understand it's movement in some areas as well as giving you enemies that attack you with unorthodox methods compared to a standard platformer. It will certainly keep you on your toes.

    Working your way up this game's difficulties can feel incredibly satisfying, as you do in fact get better.

    So my brain was braining and I tried to remember if there were three or four areas, and now I can't seem to recall. Regardless, the three bosses I do remember?

    The first one is incredible, the second one is okay, and the third one is great.

    It's definitely a mixed bag, but they're regardless fun capstones to each area. Not to mention on every difficulty you're given a checkpoint right before them so you can learn them without issue. There are even a few easter eggs(pong anyone?)

    Original music anybody? Its a shame I can't afford the social credit loss of playing the Eroico Boss theme anywhere would cause me, still, its great music, all of it.

    In the end, this game is a ten out of ten, five out of five, two out of two, whatever you wanna rank it.

    The game may be shortish, but it makes up for it for being well paced and having multiple difficulties for a lot of replayability. For that reason I don't deduct any points in the story regard, since I was so emotionally torn at the end of my adventure. (The real bluey was the sex we had along the way)

    Okay, I'm done my reviewing spree for now, I can't think of any other H-Games I've played that I'd wanna rank here... Let me know if you have something else I should look at.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's Good, the reason why I didn't give it 5 stars is because it has a lot of Untapped potential.

    You could make it so that certain enemies damage your health when in an H-scene, or that some become stronger, or that some health their health, or even an instant-loss.

    Even if you didn't like that function so you didn't add that to the game there is still a lot of other things you can add...

    -Text, in an H-scene so you know what they are saying or thinking
    -Making the fighting to get out of the H-scene more dramatic
    -Add different types of attacks, like Infatuation, Magic, Temptation, etc.
    -Buffs and Debuffs
    -Ecstasy for when u lose the H-scene battle a lot (Can be stun or instant-loss, etc.)
    -A reason why not to intentionally lose

    As you see- there is A LOT of stuff you can add that I didn't even mention, but I hope you have an amazing day for whoever read my entire essay T_T

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Eroico is... genuinely a great game. Being the follow-up of Kurovadis, Kyrieru really took a lot of lessons and improve this game in every way possible, leading to this magnificent piece. It is without its flaws but I think it still deserve immense praise for what it managed to do.

    ~Art: a major upgrade from Kurovadis, the pixel art in this game is amazing. It's lively, well animated and it has this very arcade-like feeling to it. Everything from your character, the enemies, the background and especially the effects are super well-done.

    ~Sounds: super duper satisfying. Every actions from attacking, blocking, dashing, enemy death effects, etc. All of them compliments the gameplay a lot. And the OST, oh the soundtrack, the songs BANGS. It is worth mentioning that both Kurovadis and Eroico's soundtrack was composed by Kyrieru themself too, so this is honestly an amazing job for a pixel artist to handle both the music and the sprites in such an astonishing way.

    ~Gameplay: now this is PEAK. This game honestly succeed in being a proper game, as it is REALLY good at being an action platformer.

    -Your arsenal of mobility and offense: there is a lot to explore in this game, even beyond the surface. You have 3 buttons: attack, block and backdash. You actually have lots of attacks: up + attack is your projectile (requires a limited bar), down + attack in the air, down + down in the air is a downward thrust and down -> forward + attack is horizontal thrust (damn, we playing Street Fighter?). You have a lot of options BUT that's not all because you can cancel your backdash into ANYTHING (but walking), including normal attack AND you can cancel your normal attack into backdash which means this game has some advanced tech. I love advanced stuff, even in these H-games, they make the game so much deeper and more fun, and Eroico is full of that. I am barely scratching the surface because this game have some very nutty stuff you can pull off, and I'm all for it! The more you play this game, the more you'll notice how hard but rewarding it is to master the game's movement and simple combat, it add more layers to such a simple system like this.

    -The enemies and the stages with them: stage design and enemies placements is nothing short of phenomenal. The platforms, the parkours and the mix of enemies inbetween really makes this game challenging. The enemies themselves are great, each are simple and only gets mildly more complex as you play but still create enough challenges when you combine multiple of them in one room. The synergies between each of them is crazy, setting up new obstacles to overcome by simply putting two different enemy types or heck, 2-4 of the same enemy in one screen. And outside of the enemies, the stage design of this game is out of this world. Each world and each screen have bits of alternative paths to get some extra power and health, from time to time, you'll meet some parkour obstacles which is really fun to figure out and go through. Combine that with the jolly amazing and deep movement mechanics and you have one of the best platforming sections out of an H-game. It's this mix of both stage challenge and enemy challenge that makes this game and Kurovadis really unique.

    -Bosses are cool: there are three worlds, which in turn means three bosses, each come in their own flavor. All three are amazingly designed, the first being a rushdown, high octane fight which really pumps your blood. The second requires some real patience and the third is just a mini-bullet hell, you will dodge a lot of b a l l s. I had a lot of fun beating all three with no-hit, and usually that means the boss are well-made, not boring and is actually fun to fight against.

    -Difficulty: now I think that this game isn't easy. Eroico is quite brutal, and takes some time to truly "master". Even so, the easiest difficulty is not the hardest thing in the world for casual players, I really recommend that for beginners because whew, this game is really really hard.

    ~H-scenes: the scenes and CGs are great. I love how well-animated they are, like every other part of the game and the CGs are just images but I give a solid thumbs up too. Although, the game really lacks some sex mechanics, being that it's the simple "get beaten and get sex scenes" again. This game gets a big plus over Kurovadis though, 'cause it has an actual gallery mode this time, woohoo. Only problem is this game is hard to beat, so you aren't getting a giant gallery to compliment your journey.

    ~Misc.: the game has more quality of life features than Kurovadis, but I'll say it's still lacking. Screen resolution still just make everything blurry. Story is non-existent though it is simple enough and can be understood easily so it gets a pass.

    ~Conclusion: the game is just an amazing game, although it isn't a perfect H-game. It is missing a lot of H aspects, but it hits the game part really hard. Recommend this to anyone looking for a decent challenge and an amazing platformer to go through, if you want some quick H-scenes, sorry you're out of luck. 9.5/10.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The first ever H game ive played, and its hella good.

    Gameplay is fun and interesting, it introduces a variety enemies with gimmicks along the way. This game has tons of cute and sexy monster girls with a couple bosses and covers different sex positions. Theres a lot of different special attacks with key inputs, so you can experiment with different controls (though the game is kinda easy even in higher difficulties so I doubt you'll ever need them). This game can be difficult at start (especially the first boss) but soon you will get used to it and the rest of the game will be a breeze.

    The game used to have cheats, but it wasn't working for me so I dont know if it had been removed.
    You can activate cheats with F1. If you can hear a special audio cue then it is working. (try FN +F1 if not working)
    After that you can press 1 to max heal and 2 to restart current level without healing (not stage, every time the map switches you are in a new level)

    Developer had been gone for years now (im pretty sure he have been gone since 2019) , some think he might be taking a break but most think hes dead.

    Anyways, this game is an absolute treasure and I will never forget how Eroico brought me into playing H games.

    Edit: Whoops! Did some research and the last trace of this man's existence was from twitter in december 2022, he said he had been struggling with mental health problems and trying to get back into making games. Never heard from this man ever since GOD BLESS THIS MAN
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A certified hood classic, this game came out well before the boom of the monster girl genre and was one of the true pioneers of the side-scroller H-Game genre. As for the game itself? The combat is simple, but satisfying once you get a feel for it. Multiple difficulty options ranging from Pro Gamer to So Easy My Grandma Could Do It means that you can just muscle through most levels if you want or actually try to beat the game on the hardest difficulty for a challenge. All this to say, despite its simplicity there's substance here. Oh, and the porn? Fantastic. You can induce hit-stun on yourself at will without losing HP, so if you see a cute monster girl you like and want to see some action you can anytime you want. I'd recommend you beat the game first and then enjoy the animations at your discretion in the gallery though. This isn't really the type of game you can play with one hand. 8.5/10
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The animations are well made, the locations are diverse, as are the opponents. Overall, it's a great game. Only if you play with two hands. I didn't sweat so much in Sekiro, as at level 1 in this game. Although maybe it was intended that way :oops:
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Game way too hard on normal and i hate playing games on easy, so this is a next for me. I spent 10mins playing this and no saves... Also, when you start this game, you just spawn in this forest and you're a knight (no lore is explained or how to play). I don't understand why the knight armor and the medieval music lol (maybe a ghost and goblins replica who knows). But i got to admit that the sprites are good to look at. I know i could beat the game on "easiest" and probably have fun with it but that's not my style. 3 stars for the art style.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    N T R Q U E E N

    Eroico is a 2D side-scrolling platformer with pixel art, where you fight monster girls who are trying to have sex with you.

    You play as a prince who must defeat the demon lord. Not much else to the story really.

    The game is challenging but fair to the player, controls are nice and responsive, the enemies are all unique with their own attacks and strategies to take them out. The boss fights are the real challenge of this game, so expect to die a few times while learning their attacks. Platforming can feel clunky at times, but still enjoyable.

    I really enjoy the pixel artstyle of this game. The levels also feel unique and varied in their design.

    The main menu music feels calming, which is good. The ambient music is also good, since it matches well with the levels and their atmosphere. The boss fight music also feels intense.

    I do feel like the boss fights get easier as you progress through the game, even though it should be the opposite. I never used the dash move, since i only blocked and jumped over my enemies. I enjoyed the gallery mode, since you can have sex scenes with monster girls without taking any damage. You can also use it to replay boss fights.

    Eroico is a good game and i recommend it to anyone who enjoys 2D side-scrolling platformers. The game is challenging, but it never feels hard or unfair to the player. The game is very short, with only 3 levels to play through, which is really the only problem i have with this game. It will take you about 2-3 hours to complete, depending on how many times you die along the way.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is challenging. If you play this game you should not wonder when you feel some frustration at some points and not that of the sexual kind. You may need several tries for it, but it is still fair.

    The gameplay of this game is solid and not too complex. A look into the instructions might be necessary as no tutorial is given, but basic controls soon become all too familiar and even when a few new elements get introduced like upgrades or jump... squares... it becomes apparent what they can do.

    In the game not much of a story is given, but still the game manages to build a slight twist into it. With only 3 levels someone already familiar with the game might get through it quite fast, but especially for the first time you are quite likely to take some hours.

    Smooth pixel graphics and animations make the protagonist and the enemies feel quite alive.
    Personally I am not that much of a fan of GoR, but due to the variety of H-animations and Game Over CGs, their quality, the existence of a gallery, that unlocks even without hitting the ground and the possibility to invite the enemies like the catgirls to "pounce" on you, I quite enjoyed it.

    The music accompanying you through the levels rounds out the experience of this adventure.

    All in all if you are only looking for a quick fap you should look elsewhere. If you are looking for a good side-scoller game to pass your time with, this here is definitely at least worth a try from your side.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent pixel art, Very great fighting mechanics and high quality animations. I suggest this game to anyone who likes pixel art and enjoys amazing fights, this really is way above the standard for hentai games.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Ripe Banana Games

    This game is a nice improvement from Kurovadis, which was made by the same Dev.

    Challenging platformer, but not grindy or crazy hard. Pacing feels nice, controls are good, some bosses will take a few tries because you have to learn the fights, platformer levels have good designs, all monster girls have their own defeat pics, nice gallery mode, multiple save slots, pretty good interface. The sex animations are pixel, but still pretty good.

    Only ran into one bug with one of the bosses disappearing sometimes mid fight.

    Was able to complete game in ~ 3 hours. Some of the fights / levels took a few tries.

    All and all, I like this game and it seems to improve on Kurovadis in just about all departments and feels more modernized. Also, getting raped by monster girls for a few hours is hard to beat...