If i may give some advice/thoughts on this.
If she is not a Love interest and no incest with mc, it would have been cool if she was but nonetheless. If she is "sister" sister to mc and you want to keep the platonic feeling for Chloe, then it would be weird to include sexual content for her. It would be like watching your parents have sex, which is weird to say the least even for someone who like incest. I think it would not go well with a part of audience.
Secondly, if the character she is going to be put up with, is a guy, then I'm going to give you advice
Don't, just don't. It will invoke the three cursed word and a war will begin in the comments, li or not, justified or not it will happen.
-> If you are avoiding her as LI because of patreon, you can make her a friend to mc as a default and let the player choose the relationship they want at the start of the game, if they want to change it.
-> If you want to show the character model without it being an LI, maybe you can go for a masturbation session, that's kinda not weird, i dont know.
-> If you want to show her have lesbian workout, as you already said some people might not like it and would like to avoid it. Just make sure it's actually avoidable and not like the scene with Lana and blue where mc goes around a corner and then you get a choice to skip the scene by walking away.
-> If you want to show her with a guy, again
At last your game so far seem great with its setting and story. With great characters and models. It's a really entertaining and beautiful game. Good luck for future development of your game delinquentproduction
