These two sentences are mutually exclusive. When we don't know what would have happened, you cannot conclusively say that there was no attempt either, as I don't think her reaction amounted to someone who would "just want to talk about it" so to speak.
You also need to consider her character to begin with, she's someone who clearly doesn't enjoy taking no for an answer and clearly has no qualms with using her position of authority as leverage to get what she wants, to say that she would never even attempt to rape someone is, again, not exactly something we can claim.
Being kicked in the face or balls is apt to provoke a reaction. Having said that, I agree when you say she doesn't enjoy taking no for an answer and uses her position abusively. And I never said she would 'never' attempt something like that, merely that so far in the game, she hasn't.
As I said she's not a rapist just very very close to becoming one. And I really can't see a full rape scene (Ashe being forcefully penetrated against her will) fitting in the tone of the game, so yeah she'll never be a full rapist. Just a piece of shit who abuses her position of power to get really close to raping her victims.
What I find annoying is that if you refuse her in the kitten route or if you are in the siren route you are put in the Natasha enemy route so unfortunately she'll still be in the game and she'll be hostile towards Ashe. I was really hoping this would be her last appearance in the game for those who don't want Ashe to be on her route.
The fact that both positions (delilah being or not being the blackmailer) are represented and discussed is just a good indicator for story-telling done right. Let's see who the blackmailer is.
(inb4 schizo MC reveal and her dream-demon personality did this to herself )
The fact that both positions (delilah being or not being the blackmailer) are represented and discussed is just a good indicator for story-telling done right. Let's see who the blackmailer is.
(inb4 schizo MC reveal and her dream-demon personality did this to herself )
I mean it'd be a fucking twist, that's for sure.
Regardless of who it ends up being however, I'm more concerned as to how it'll be resolved, with the blackmailer getting involved and spying on MC and Vanessa of all people, there's a bit of a concern that Vanessa will just end up taking care of it which would just end up feeling like another massive L for Ashe and not really a cathartic release to a tense arc that's almost universally disliked in the thread.
While the dev is hard to read, it feels like the vast majority of twists and turns thus far have all been to Ashe's detriment, which is why this is a concern in the first place honestly.
Finally finished the latest update, and I always had a hunch that delilah could potentially be the blackmailer. Plus, I found it suspicious as fuck she knew the duplo thing but I wonder how it will all play out in the next episode.
Anyway, just wanted to ask yall who you think Mr.X? or maybe it's actually just his guy xD
Finally finished the latest update, and I always had a hunch that delilah could potentially be the blackmailer. Plus, I found it suspicious as fuck she knew the duplo thing but I wonder how it will all play out in the next episode.
Anyway, just wanted to ask yall who you think Mr.X? or maybe it's actually just his guy xD
I just want it to be Delilah to move on and past with the blackmail story , it's gotten to the point I hate it now. But I think Delilah would be to damn obvious now I think. I do have a wild theory with no proof it might be Ashe's boss. Since I recall she is a bit religious and not sure how someone like that would treat Duplo's but I would bet they would hate them.
I just want it to be Delilah to move on and past with the blackmail story , it's gotten to the point I hate it now. But I think Delilah would be to damn obvious now I think. I do have a wild theory with no proof it might be Ashe's boss. Since I recall she is a bit religious and not sure how someone like that would treat Duplo's but I would bet they would hate them.
Why would Ashe's boss send a photo to herself? Or know of her dealings intimately like the Vanessa date. I haven't had time to go back and play old scenes to see if it lines up time wise but I think if it isn't Delilah it's Vanessa's mom, or Vanessa herself, but less likely. She has the power and influence to be able to have Ashe's boss' phone number and track her, as well as an inherent reason to dislike her as the person her daughter brought on a date, cause shes a bitch lol
Why would Ashe's boss send a photo to herself? Or know of her dealings intimately like the Vanessa date. I haven't had time to go back and play old scenes to see if it lines up time wise but I think if it isn't Delilah it's Vanessa's mom, or Vanessa herself, but less likely. She has the power and influence to be able to have Ashe's boss' phone number and track her, as well as an inherent reason to dislike her as the person her daughter brought on a date, cause shes a bitch lol
like I said Wild theory with no proof, I just think it's a character that isn't obvious and she kind of fits the bill to me. But the photo could be easily explained to show she is serious while also letting her off easy for the first infraction / failure to comply.
Ashe isn't raped at any point. That's simply a fact.
At no point does Natasha attempt to force her penis into Ashe. that's also a fact.
Does Natasha grope Ashe?
Yes, during the pat-down, especially if the player allows it to continue.
And yes, during the housecleaning scene, whereupon the player has the option to kick Natasha in the face and leave early or let it continue and kick Natasha in the balls later on.
Natasha's intentions after being kicked either in the face or in the balls are open to interpretation, as we simply do not know what she would have done.
None of this amounts to rape and pretending it does is silly. Is Natasha's behaviour good or legal? No, of course not. But this is a porn game we are talking about. The player is given the option to determine whether Ashe is turned on by Natasha and her dominance or whether she is not.
And in either case Ashe is not raped, nor does Natasha attempt to rape her.
I see you are conveniently leaving out the part where I label it *attempted* rape and sexual assault.
She tries to force herself onto Ashe, that is already been shown for several episodes now.
If you think it's hot to force yourself on somehow or the reverse, you think it's hot for someone to force themselves on you. Then by all means enjoy it. It's a videogame, IRL do it with consenting partners. I do not care. Enjoy it.
Don't pretend it's not what it is though. Be honest about what it is and that you enjoy it.
it's not the same tag or fetish wise, but still the same technically and even legally(in some places)
if you are so bothered by rape one would assume blackmail would tingle your "rapey vibes" senses thus stay away from games with said tag.
but no here you are trying to shove your arbitrary definitions of rape down other throats.
it's not the same tag or fetish wise, but still the same technically and even legally(in some places)
if you are so bothered by rape one would assume blackmail would tingle your "rapey vibes" senses thus stay away from games with said tag.
but no here you are trying to shove your arbitrary definitions of rape down other throats.
Blackmail can lead to many different outcomes. The possibilities are practically endless. It doesn't have to be sexual in nature. Though it clearly is here. From a moral standpoint I am obviously against it. But again if this is a fetish if yours. That's perfectly fine, especially considering it's in a videogame.
We all should be bothered by rape. Even people who want to "secretly" be forced don't deserve to be actually raped by someone.
I have no arbitrary definition of rape, attempted rape, sexual assault or sexual harassment. Though they have overlap. It is you who is trying to put everything to the 1 word you can attack. Namely rape.
Natasha hasn't raped Ashe, as in she hasn't penetrated her against her will.
Natasha has tried to force herself on Ashe, which is what I've said multiple times. Someone who is willing to do that clearly has "rapey vibes". The problem isn't her testing the waters, it's pushing well beyond that. Repeatedly, she clearly isn't bothered by the lack of consent.
Groping their private parts against their will? Sexual assault
Putting their hands on your genitals against their will? Sexual assault
Stopping them for leaving once they gather the courage to? Sexual assault
Grabbing them by the dick and rubbing them to completion against their will? Sexual assault
Inaction by someone isn't consent, their state of arousal is irrelevant, it doesn't even matter if they cum or not.
You forced yourself on someone.
Congratulations, you have just sexually assaulted someone!
No matter how glorious her big fat dick is, it's still sexual assault.
And just so we're clear:
Just throw your clothes in the washer, you pervert
Blackmail can lead to many different outcomes. The possibilities are practically endless. It doesn't have to be sexual in nature. Though it clearly is here. From a moral standpoint I am obviously against it. But again if this is a fetish if yours. That's perfectly fine, especially considering it's in a videogame. But like with blackmail, something that is clearly happening
We all should be bothered by rape. Even people who want to "secretly" be forced don't deserve to be actually raped by someone.
I have no arbitrary definition of rape, attempted rape, sexual assault or sexual harassment. Though they have overlap. It is you who is trying to put everything to the 1 word you can attack. Namely rape.
Natasha hasn't raped Ashe, as in she hasn't penetrated her against her will.
Natasha has tried to force herself on Ashe, which is what I've said multiple times. Someone who is willing to do that clearly has "rapey vibes". The problem isn't her testing the waters, it's pushing well beyond that. Repeatedly, she clearly isn't bothered by the lack of consent.
Groping their private parts against their will? Sexual assault
Putting their hands on your genitals against their will? Sexual assault
Stopping them for leaving once they gather the courage to? Sexual assault
Grabbing them by the dick and rubbing them to completion against their will? Sexual assault
Inaction by someone isn't consent, their state of arousal is irrelevant, it doesn't even matter if they cum or not.
You forced yourself on someone.
Congratulations, you have just sexually assaulted someone!
No matter how glorious her big fat dick is, it's still sexual assault.
And just so we're clear:
Just throw your clothes in the washer, you pervert
I think it foremost shows how good the dev is in creating a world and likeable characters that people get so invested here to feel for Ashe and her situation that they actually complain about Natashas behaviour.
A big kudos for that from me. Not many porn games can get people this invested imho.
For everyone who really is triggered by that might be a solution to get on the kitten route. Here Ashe can confirm on several occasions that she kinda likes Natashas dick and also likes to her forceful demeanor. So everything becomes consensual and therefore should not give anyone a feeling of "rape".
I personally like to see the sub Ashe and therefore am totally on board with everything that happens in this story so far. I even hope we will get some BDSM or even CBT scenes with maybe Vanessa in the future. Even though I doubt dev will actually go this far. But well, one can hope.
Regarding the Blackmail it is clearly mentioned in the games tags so no one should be surprised about it. As I said before I really like it as a plot device because otherwise it would just a coming of age story which is interesting as well, but the higher stakes of the mystery makes it even more interesting for me.
I personally think we already saw Ms. X in the last scene of this chapter. Maybe as mentioned by someone before she is somehow using Delilah for her schemes. This would explain why everything is pointing to Delilah but she seems very unhappy and under pressure. It also would be more in line with the clever narration of the dev. Just Delilah would be too simple.
I think it foremost shows how good the dev is in creating a world and likeable characters that people get so invested here to feel for Ashe and her situation that they actually complain about Natashas behaviour.
A big kudos for that from me. Not many porn games can get people this invested imho.
For everyone who really is triggered by that might be a solution to get on the kitten route. Here Ashe can confirm on several occasions that she kinda likes Natashas dick and also likes to her forceful demeanor. So everything becomes consensual and therefore should not give anyone a feeling of "rape".
I personally like to see the sub Ashe and therefore am totally on board with everything that happens in this story so far. I even hope we will get some BDSM or even CBT scenes with maybe Vanessa in the future. Even though I doubt dev will actually go this far. But well, one can hope.
Regarding the Blackmail it is clearly mentioned in the games tags so no one should be surprised about it. As I said before I really like it as a plot device because otherwise it would just a coming of age story which is interesting as well, but the higher stakes of the mystery makes it even more interesting for me.
I personally think we already saw Ms. X in the last scene of this chapter. Maybe as mentioned by someone before she is somehow using Delilah for her schemes. This would explain why everything is pointing to Delilah but she seems very unhappy and under pressure. It also would be more in line with the clever narration of the dev. Just Delilah would be too simple.
Last thing I’ll say about this, learning to accept your circumstances however shitty they may be is not the same as consent. It doesn’t magically turn past actions good or okay. Doesn’t suddenly mean that consent now means consent in the past.
It can be incredibly hot to coax someone into accepting the massive dick you’re slinging. Natasha is not doing that, she simply doesn’t give a shit. She will do it, if you start agreeing or following her lead. Great! If not she’ll just keep doing it anyway. It probably turns her on, and that is what she cares about. There isn’t anything wrong with having such a character in your story, or having scenes with such a character. This is intentional by the dev in this case.
I will trade your Vanessa CBT scenes for Ashe CBT scenes on Natasha though
yeah you’re right no one is surprised about the blackmail, it’s the lack of player agency with the blackmail that makes it annoying.
Delilah is either helping or a complete red herring. And I suspect the last scene is also a red herring. Don’t expect her to have anything to do with Ashe, likely someone on the house though. I presume it’s going to be Vanessa.
I personally like to see the sub Ashe and therefore am totally on board with everything that happens in this story so far. I even hope we will get some BDSM or even CBT scenes with maybe Vanessa in the future. Even though I doubt dev will actually go this far. But well, one can hope.
Ashe on her knees and being overwhelmed is just too cute, it would be amazing to see some BDSM scenes, I definitely think it's possible we'll see something like that, CBT as well as chastity cages are too much for me, butt slaps or a bit of choking sounds good, water games or electroshocks are within my comfort zone.
Last thing I’ll say about this, learning to accept your circumstances however shitty they may be is not the same as consent. It doesn’t magically turn past actions good or okay. Doesn’t suddenly mean that consent now means consent in the past.
It can be incredibly hot to coax someone into accepting the massive dick you’re slinging. Natasha is not doing that, she simply doesn’t give a shit. She will do it, if you start agreeing or following her lead. Great! If not she’ll just keep doing it anyway. It probably turns her on, and that is what she cares about. There isn’t anything wrong with having such a character in your story, or having scenes with such a character. This is intentional by the dev in this case.
WOW just take it easy man, it's just fiction, although I understand you some situations in other games make me very angry, I guess we have other standards of tolerance for bad things that happen to the MC, honestly in my opinion Ashe doesn't have it so bad.
WOW just take it easy man, it's just fiction, although I understand you some situations in other games make me very angry, I guess we have other standards of tolerance for bad things that happen to the MC, honestly in my opinion Ashe doesn't have it so bad.
I mean we absolutely do since no two humans are alike, but it's not really a question of 'tolerance' and moreso what's morally and objectively reprehensible.
Just because certain individuals might normalize some behaviour doesn't mean that behaviour is acceptable.
As he said, if you're into coercion and sexual assault, that's great since there's a lot of content for you, but it doesn't mean that the content or the character is non-problematic even if it's fictional. I think where he, I and a fair few others start reacting is more towards individuals in the thread who tries to normalize that character and the actions and slap a huge "it's no big deal" on it when in fact they probably should consider it a bigger deal in terms of morality.
And again, sure it's fiction, there's no issue with finding it hot but trying to defend the morality of it kind of is an issue.
I will say it is kind of annoying seeing people cherry-pick arguments or certain words to gloss over the entire thing, clearly not understanding the point of the post to begin with.
Hi everyone. I can see you're having a lively conversation about rape, so don't mind me but I just want to ask one simple question.
I need to know if Delilah (Fiona's younger sister) is female or not. I just started this recently and it's pretty good, but the one thing that annoys me is that every other character is a futa. I'm here for futa x female, so I very much need Delilah to NOT have a penis for me to continue being interested in her.