okay wow. So ignoring those giant blocks of text over whether blackmail and coercion are okay or not…That was an interesting chapter. It’s either a massive red herring or Dellie is definitely the blackmailer. Im thinking that the mysterious women talking to Luna at the end is almost definitely Jessica and she’s looking for revenge against Vanessa for the incident at Moira’s dinner get together, and not related to Ashe’s blackmailer. Honestly I hope Ashe catches on to Dellie soon and gets super dominant with her (in the siren path obviously), make her earn back her trust first and then give Dellie something both her and Dellie something they’ll mutally enjoy. Not really a big fan of one of my favourite characters ending up being the blackmailer, but Vanessa is still good, and Morrigan is definitely building up to Rachel so Im still fairly happy. My guess is that Dellie
wasn’t asleep when Ashe left or when she and Zoey came back and peeped on them and got a view of Ashe’s pussy. Notice that we don’t ever see Dellie again after Ashe lays down, but then again realistically the light from Dellie’s phone being on would most likely be visible when the text was sent even if just dimly from Ashe’s position, but that can be hand waved away by Morrigan not rigging the entire scene to include Dellie on her phone off screen. Wonder if anything will happen with Natasha on the siren path after telling her to fuck off and blocking her, while not a big fan of her personality I still think it would be interesting to have Ashe turn the tables on her and domm the shit out of her, but I doubt that as something tells me she’s one of the unavailable characters on the siren path. God I feel like this party might go bad with both Dellie spying and Jessica planning to presumably drug every attendant with Elysium, or maybe it’ll go well for Ashe
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only Morrigan knows.