
Active Member
Jan 26, 2024
I find it so terribly amusing that you all have such colourful theories of who this blackmailer supposedly would be, especially when it seems - to me, at least - rather obvious what her identity truly is. I will not yet reveal my own thoughts on the matter, as I have no desire to spoil the reveal for the rest of you, but suffice it to say, the clues are available and the trail is visible. I shall be deeply surprised - and not a little disappointed - if no others are able to reach the same conclusion as I.

(And I do apologise if I seem a tinge arrogant with that little shpiel; such is not my intention. I merely wish to further encourage speculation - however wild it may be - on the matter.)



Oct 26, 2017
I find it so terribly amusing that you all have such colourful theories of who this blackmailer supposedly would be, especially when it seems - to me, at least - rather obvious what her identity truly is. I will not yet reveal my own thoughts on the matter, as I have no desire to spoil the reveal for the rest of you, but suffice it to say, the clues are available and the trail is visible. I shall be deeply surprised - and not a little disappointed - if no others are able to reach the same conclusion as I.

(And I do apologise if I seem a tinge arrogant with that little shpiel; such is not my intention. I merely wish to further encourage speculation - however wild it may be - on the matter.)



Active Member
Sep 28, 2023
I find it so terribly amusing that you all have such colourful theories of who this blackmailer supposedly would be, especially when it seems - to me, at least - rather obvious what her identity truly is. I will not yet reveal my own thoughts on the matter, as I have no desire to spoil the reveal for the rest of you, but suffice it to say, the clues are available and the trail is visible. I shall be deeply surprised - and not a little disappointed - if no others are able to reach the same conclusion as I.

(And I do apologise if I seem a tinge arrogant with that little shpiel; such is not my intention. I merely wish to further encourage speculation - however wild it may be - on the matter.)

All possible candidates have already been mentioned here.


Active Member
Jan 26, 2024
All possible candidates have already been mentioned here.
Perhaps. As I previously stated, I have no intention of revealing my own thoughts on the matter just yet. It is a worthy topic of debate, after all, so why stem the tide of ideas and notions?

I should like to point out, however, that I am not psychic, nor do I possess any form of insight not available to all other players. Well. In the sense that my 'insight', such as it may be, is based entirely on information that we all may freely access within the game as it stands.

I could indeed be proven quite wrong in my presumptions. Only time shall tell.



Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2018
I find it so terribly amusing that you all have such colourful theories of who this blackmailer supposedly would be, especially when it seems - to me, at least - rather obvious what her identity truly is. I will not yet reveal my own thoughts on the matter, as I have no desire to spoil the reveal for the rest of you, but suffice it to say, the clues are available and the trail is visible. I shall be deeply surprised - and not a little disappointed - if no others are able to reach the same conclusion as I.

(And I do apologise if I seem a tinge arrogant with that little shpiel; such is not my intention. I merely wish to further encourage speculation - however wild it may be - on the matter.)

I also find the whole discussion here amusing to read, I think its pretty obvious who it is too. But seeing people elaborate theories is super fun so I also wont say who I think it is. (Especially because Im pretty sure the reveal will come in episode 6 considering the person I think it is will be in the party)


Engaged Member
Apr 29, 2023
You know no one will believe you if you say "I knew it" after it's revealed, right? So the smug, pretentious, 'I know who it is' just comes off as annoying. If you think you're right, attach your name to it. The fact that many different theories have been posted and there isn't one accepted theory means it is very unlikely your Johnny come lately theory is going to sway everyone's minds with your brilliance.

Put up or shut up.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2023
Perhaps. As I previously stated, I have no intention of revealing my own thoughts on the matter just yet. It is a worthy topic of debate, after all, so why stem the tide of ideas and notions?

I should like to point out, however, that I am not psychic, nor do I possess any form of insight not available to all other players. Well. In the sense that my 'insight', such as it may be, is based entirely on information that we all may freely access within the game as it stands.

I could indeed be proven quite wrong in my presumptions. Only time shall tell.

Again, all possible candidates have already been mentioned here. So your candidate has probably been mentioned too. Especially if it is obvious from your words.


Engaged Member
Apr 29, 2023
Again, all possible candidates have already been mentioned here. So your candidate has probably been mentioned too. Especially if it is obvious from your words.
"I wish to encourage debate. Participate, no, that's too far."

It's such a crazy stance to take. And that their one opinion would somehow 'stem the tide of ideas and notions,' as if people needed their permission to theorise.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2023
The butler did it.
I thought it's always the gardener...

Btw, if you don't want to tell us who you think it is, alright. But maybe you could tell us some of the clues that let you there. Because at least to me there are really not that many. Delilah was ruled out long ago as red herring. And apart from her I really wonder which obvious clues there could be.
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Active Member
Sep 28, 2023
You know no one will believe you if you say "I knew it" after it's revealed, right? So the smug, pretentious, 'I know who it is' just comes off as annoying. If you think you're right, attach your name to it. The fact that many different theories have been posted and there isn't one accepted theory means it is very unlikely your Johnny come lately theory is going to sway everyone's minds with your brilliance.

Put up or shut up.
In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on level of critical importance, the disparity between us is to vast to quantify.
Maybe someday, you'll achieve your goals, get yourself a CostCo car or adopt a Labrador, but the reality is, I surpassed EVERYTHING YOU ARE EVER GOING TO DO... before I was a toddler! I was spitting out formulas while you were spitting up formula!
While you were suggesting your naive versions, like children in a school lesson, I simply used advanced mathematical analysis, beyond the capabilities of your meager mind, and identified the blackmailer. For me it was as easy as going to the toilet for you. And I won't share it with you because your little neanderthal brains will never understand my genius.
You know what the problem is with being the smartest person in the world? Everyone else seems stupid.

Jan 8, 2024
I find it so terribly amusing that you all have such colourful theories of who this blackmailer supposedly would be, especially when it seems - to me, at least - rather obvious what her identity truly is. I will not yet reveal my own thoughts on the matter, as I have no desire to spoil the reveal for the rest of you, but suffice it to say, the clues are available and the trail is visible. I shall be deeply surprised - and not a little disappointed - if no others are able to reach the same conclusion as I.

(And I do apologise if I seem a tinge arrogant with that little shpiel; such is not my intention. I merely wish to further encourage speculation - however wild it may be - on the matter.)

In german we have a word for your notion:


Active Member
Jan 26, 2024
I suppose, given the needless and quite frankly almost aggressive obsession here regarding my personal abstaining from divulging my thoughts, I shall give in to peer pressure 'for a change', if only to hopefully put an end to the badgering. I shall be hiding all of the 'relevant information' behind inline spoilers, so as to not accidentally ruin the fun of theory-crafting for anyone.

Suffice it to say, given all the evidence present as well as not present, the blackmailer cannot have established identity within the game just yet. She is, to put it simply, a hitherto unknown character. Having played through the game and thought at length about the variables at play, the only reasonable conclusion can be that the blackmailer is simply unknown. There were indeed a number of potential candidates that could have fulfilled one or even two of the three key criteria in the matter, but none that could reasonably fulfil all three: Means, motive and opportunity.

I shall remind everyone of the most important facts of the case, before I delve into my 'theories' regarding the suspects.
  • For starters, the blackmail began shortly after Ashe lost her virginity to Zoey. This could be a coincidence, but is nonetheless a relevant fact. At least for now.
    The number from which the messages were sent was an unknown one, indicating a level of meticulous forethought and caution.
  • The blackmailer in question knew not only where Ashe lived, but also where she worked, and evidently also had the number of her boss, Marita.
  • The blackmailer is bold enough to contact Ashe directly, albeit anonymously, through text messages, never resolving to any 'delayed' forms of communications such as letters or emails.
  • The culprit in question also has an entirely uncaring attitude towards duplos in general, as well as Ashe in particular.
  • Given the lack of demands beyond merely 'toying' with Ashe in a sexual and humiliating fashion, it indicates - though not necessarily to a point of absolute certainty - that the blackmailer is of a sadistic, cruel nature.
  • The blackmailer clearly also has the financial means to keep this manipulation going seemingly indefinitely, as not only does she have access to an extra phone or sim card to utilise for the blackmail, she also had the toy essentially hand-delivered to Ashe, rather than sent as a regular parcel. Additionally, she has the time required to dedicate herself to this matter at nearly any hour of the day.
Now, then. With the facts adequately established, let us begin with the first and perhaps most immediately suspicious potential candidate: The policewoman, Natasha. From a certain viewpoint, she could indeed arguably have had all three: Means, motive and opportunity. However, if one considers her more closely, one would undoubtedly reach the mundane but obvious conclusion of "Why and how would she?" She clearly has an unorthodox approach to 'law enforcement', but she does not seem like the kind of person to resort to blackmail of any sort. Pressuring someone, most assuredly, but in a twistedly 'righteous' fashion if such was to be her method. She also does not seem quite clever nor subtle enough to utilise this level of manipulation.

Next, one could indeed suspect Zoey, as she did have a very clear opportunity. But means and motive, arguably the more key criteria, are both utterly lacking. She would not benefit from this course of action in any reasonable - or even unreasonable - fashion, so it seems utterly unlikely that she would pursued blackmailing Ashe. Additionally, she would have needed to, for some reason, have had an extraneous phone or at least sim card on hand to send those anonymous text messages mere moments after having sex with Ashe. It simply seems wholly contrived that she would have had access to anything of the sort so shortly after their shared tryst.

The third candidate, Kate, could very much have had an opportunity to spy Ashe's peculiar anatomy shortly before entering her bedroom during the night of Ashe and Zoey's sexual escapade. But much like the aforementioned Zoey, she lacks motive. She does not strike me as an unintelligent woman, and the prospect that she would risk jeopardising her relationship with Evelynn over this is... well, that alone simply rules her out as a reasonable suspect.

Delilah, then. A girl obsessed with Ashe since childhood years, having spent a great deal of time near or with our beloved heroine. Surely she would have had ample amounts of opportunities? Indeed she would have. Additionally, she could very well be in possession of an extra phone or sim card with which to send those texts. In fact, she seems to even have a vague sense of motive, as well, given her obsession with the protagonist. But as has been pointed out, she is so obvious, in fact, that if it were her, it would be such a tremendous letdown as to sour the story as a whole. Furthermore, she is clearly overly protective of Ashe, and despite - or even because of - her obsession, her unrequited love and her apparent recklessness, she simply does not 'fit the profile' of a callous and cruel blackmailer.

Rachel and Evelynn are not even worth considering. Though they both knew about Ashe's particular sexual anatomy for years beforehand, neither one would go so utterly against their own character as to blackmail a member of their own family.

Fiona? No. Her loyalty to Ashe is so profound that I find the idea that she would be the blackmailer to be outright absurd.

Vanessa, perhaps? She certainly does seem to have the prerequisite callous and unattached nature, she is blatantly obviously a woman of extensive financial means, and though she lacks a clear motive, she could just be doing it to amuse herself for all we know. However, and this is entire a matter of interpretation rather than intuition, she seemed to have warmed up to Ashe after their first 'date'. With this in mind, it seems rather unlikely - to me, at least - that she would engage in blackmail not only during their second 'date', but even afterwards, as well. Additionally, she would have needed a third party to send the messages and control the buttplug vibrator, as she would most definitely have been unable to do either thing during aforementioned date.

Isabella and Cleo are both too unintelligent and disorganised to be able to orchestrate something this meticulate, so neither of them could reasonably be the culprit.

Lexi, whilst possessing a clearly far superior level of intelligence compared to the previously mentioned duo, has no means, motive nor opportunity of any clear kind. She is also quite clearly a very sweet and caring person; judging by the way she behaves with Ashe, I would say that aside from Rachel, Evelynn and Fiona, she is most definitely the least likely suspect of all.

Now, then. Lest my memory fails me, that would be all of the 'key' suspects. There are a number of other, thus far less prominent characters, such as Luna and Moira, but it seems wholly unlikely that the blackmailer should turn out to be any of them. I shall admit rather frankly that I never even considered any minor characters, as it would simply make for an unsatisfying or even aggravating 'plot twist' that any of them should have committed the act. Given the level of intricate writing of the game thus far, I very much doubt the author would make such a basic mistake as to assign a minor, unnoteworthy character to ostensibly be 'the main villain'.

Thus I have reached the singular reasonable conclusion that the blackmailer must simply be some thus far unknown party.

I should also like to point out that I did not bother all too much with any form of 'editing' of this ridiculous post of mine prior to sharing it, so as such, I apologise for the slightly disjointed and possibly tedious 'formatting' of it. Additionally, I had intended to keep this to myself until shortly before the next update would be released, not only to avoid 'spoilers' - such as they may be - but also to spare myself the effort of writing it all down 'in one go' as I have now done, and instead present it in a slightly more palatable format.

With all of that having been said, enjoy reading through my thoughts on the matter. If you can be bothered. Quite frankly, I rather suspect some are simply looking to instigate interpersonal conflict.

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Active Member
Sep 28, 2023
Thus I have reached the singular reasonable conclusion that the blackmailer must simply be some thus far unknown party.
Hahaha. Do you really think that no one has suggested this version, detective? And you also made up that these are spoilers:ROFLMAO:


Oct 26, 2017
I'm sorry if perhaps you also include my comment in the 'attack' you suffered MalLiz, it was never my intention, just poking some fun.

P.S. And I'm doing it again at the satirical use of "inline" spoiler for a whole thesis xD
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