Others - Escape from Z City 3 [v0.315] [SunNTR]

  1. 1.00 star(s)



    the game is absolute dumpster. the controls are atrocious. i dont know why devs feel the need to reinvent controls but here we are. i can't even pick up the first gun because it says i need to press TRIANGLE.

    i pressed every button, no triangle. no options to change keys. =1/5

    lazy dev.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The short summary that I have in my mind is:

    This game is a chore to play.

    It is built like a maze. The further you progress the more complex the labyrinth gets and there is no map to be had. All rooms in a section look exactly the same. Sewers, caves, streets and forest are the worst offenders. When the game led me to a third section of sewers that was again built like a maze (which was the 7th maze in the game at that point) I just alt-F4-ed outa there.
    There seems to be a decent variety of enemies in total in the game with 1-2 animations each. However they are just mindlessly inserted everywhere since the labyrinths are so huge.
    I could overlook imperfect animations, shoddy translation, unstable fullscreen, weird control mapping, sex stats that seem to have no use... But I can't stand when a game openly wastes players' time with copy-pasted environments and copy-pasted mobs. Either make it shorter or give us a map...
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    it wont stay maximized, every loading screen shrinks it down. the dialog is extremely slow, I would have been more satisfied with a wall of text. plus no skip function. spent the first 30 minutes with atleast half the time trying to skip through the dialog as fast as possible.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    VErsion 0.14
    1 Story :

    Despite the fact that the game is just a mere sidescroll action game, it have a deep story and the characters background have intresting stories which is pretty good, the english translated version is modestly understandable and not the usual mtl, there is a bit at time the original language show up namely for the character name but that is only once I encounter it.

    2. There isn't that many in the genre of NTR in the post apocalyptic era with sidescroll action with a good decent story so this is very interesting.

    3.The game renders character models look excellent as if it were 3D models that was taken in the pictures per frame for animations and the animations is very smooth not janky , high detailed character models so is the monsters.

    4.Sounds, There isn't much sounds other the gunshot, kick, zombie moans. and various sound effects. it is sufficient to get the point across.

    5.Playbility basically you can just easily win if you calm and keep your distance and take on the enemy one at a time and not getting too close, if you're too close then you're bound to get attacked up close range. The female zombie also offer a challenge as the attack is about the same range as your kick. Basically the playbility is doable, but the method to lock pick is a bit tricky as it also goes to the performance hard to lock pick when it get suddenly sluggish and slow due to the performance suddenly dipped.

    6. Performance : there is a flaw in the game at least for me, when I access the inventory after I exit the invetory the character start to move sluggish slow and I need to head to other location to able to recover my previous speed and not sluggish. The lock pick is a nightmare as it get sluggish and ended up you breaking the lock pick. There is a few places that the background doesn't render and only black screen is shown, normally if not the situation that I mention above the game worked pretty good. Also I need to mention this that I may not have the top of the line latest high end PC, so it could be that affect my performance when playing the game.

    7. Bugs, At time when you manipulate the revolver in the inventory it at time create a copies of the said guns on the inventory. I try to duppe bullets but it doesn't work only the gun can be dupped but you can't drop the dupped guns and when you enter new area, the dupped gun disappear.

    8.Animations : the animations is high quality, even just sprites, the sprite seem like a highly detailed 3d models that was taken as a refrences or as a base which make it look the sprites for the said animations look good.

    9 VOice acting : There are no voice acting in the game.

    10. Grammar : it is passable not a poke in the eye bad writting, but then again I am not an expert in english grammar so I can't judge on this matter.

    11.Amount of content : Not that much but then again it is just the non complete products so I guess it's decent.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Wake

    Unfinished as of writing- and sadly seemingly buggy for a lot of commenters. However, I had no issues with this game and look forward to more future content!
    My only gripe is that there was no tutorial on what buttons did what. I only got to the end of the version before discovering 'V' is dash!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, it is pretty good as for the unfinished game. A lil bit of fixable fps drops after closing the menu (just reload the map) that's all I found as bugs. The character control is specific but not too hard. Hope there will be more interactable scenes with NPC and some 'morality' status. Let's wish the dev to complete his project:)
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1017199


    • Resident evil side scroller in the aesthetic of the old Hounds of the Blade ryona games.
    • A tad bit too much unskipable dialogue and the mildly poor translation doesn't help.
    • Combat mechanic is very basic. Just kick and shoot.
    • Very easy to get stun locked when crowded by enemies. Knock down state after sex attack and immediately get grab again before being able to get back up on your feet.
    • Audio could use more work. Sex sounds and voices.
    • Inescapable sex attacks are tedious when you are just trying to progress the game.
    Proof of concept. Not good but not completely terrible.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.14

    The idea is- there, I suppose. However, nothing else really is. I don't know where exactly to start, because I really really wanted to like this game. It's almost exactly what it looks like- a spiritual successor to Parasite in City.

    Similar (less in variety, however,) enemies, but all now in 3D- shitty, nonsensical MTL storyline (you can work your way through it,) moderately attractive female MC, decent background artwork, and amazing animations.

    Sounds pretty okay, doesn't it? Well, the game doesn't wait long to crush all your hopes and dreams of it being even remotely playable;

    1. You're not told any of the controls. That's manageable, and I excused the game, proceeding to then find out what they all were so I could play it. [linked below if YOU need them.]
    2. The hitbox has to be exact- if you don't hit an enemy with your melee attack from some *exact* distance, it'll just go through. (speaking of the melee, you require 3 hits to kill an enemy. The gun also takes 3 hits to kill something lmfao).
    3. You can't break out of animations- at first, I really liked this, since it was pretty realistic, and not something many games do. No matter how much of a feminist I may be, I can't deny that my gender is physically weaker than the other, on an average, and our MC looks more prime for breeding than fighting, no matter what her past is. However, since you don't get a short time period where you can't be hit after getting released from the rape animation, you can end up getting locked into rape animations endlessly if there's more than 1 zombie around.
    3. The game gives you ZERO information on what to actually do. You don't know what your goal is, or, like I mentioned before, what the controls are. You sometimes get told where to go, but that's rare too, and only happens within safe zones.
    4. All enemies respawn when you leave an area. This may not sound bad, but sometimes you need to go through the area multiple times, and it becomes very frustrating. Not to mention, if you somehow do get hit by a zombie, they can knock you into another area, resetting your progress on killing the stuff in there.
    5. Sometimes, when opening the menu (which opens with SPACEBAR for some fucking reason,) the game will fucking die, and your frames will be stuck at like 5 until you enter a new area. Again, you can work through this, but it's very annoying.

    To summarize, as it is right now, at v0.14, the game is playable, if you're willing to endure the game itself trying to make you stop playing every 5 fucking seconds. I really, really want this game to be fixed up, because the animations are amazing, and the gameplay decent.

    However, if you do still want to try this game even after my warnings, or, perhaps, sometime in the future where the controls still are not told to the player anywhere, here:
    A post I made that gives you all the controls I've found, which, I'm pretty sure, is all of them <3. Have fun cooming, coomers, and don't let the cumbugs bite.