
Jun 26, 2017
I talked to one of my whores, and when you persuade them to work harder there was an option to slap her for fun. When I used that option, a gif played, but actions and additional information became blank.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Damn, locked into a male PC? :(

The level of PC customization was just about all the original had going for it

Bored _Gamer

New Member
Nov 26, 2017
I for one am glad there is only a male protagonist. I hate it when a game forces you into being a sissy or forces transformation on the MC. There are so many text based games out there that do this to the player and when I see it in a game its the end of that game for me. Now I understand that different people enjoy different kinks, and that's fine but like I mentioned before there are other games that have this content (well a lot, truthfully) and hope this one or one in the future stays out of those genres. But that's just my two cents from a random person on the internet.


Dec 19, 2017
As i remember, ver. 1 was google translated from Russian to English, in the worst possible way. (played it few years ago, so it possibly changed). I'm russian so i can say for sure. Are u fixing text yourself, or i just miss update with good text?
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Nov 12, 2017
If you cum in a slaves mouth and "make her swallow it", instead of that happening, she spits it out, says that's gross, and leaves your apartment. (Supposedly, it's just text, the girl is still there, so it's either a bug or an oversight where it's displaying the wrong event end)
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Jun 28, 2017
I have two girls (Alla and Piper) that have merged into one girl. Also, lots of girls don't talk to me at the beach. Is there a way for me to increase the odds?
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Jun 28, 2017
Also, how long does it take to develop an ass? She likes it when I stick a finger up there during normal sex but hates it when I try to develop it. Seems a little bit contradictory.


Aug 20, 2017
(Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, however the illegal slave training... how long is it supposed to take? I can break their wills but they're not 'fully corrupted'. And I assume that means sex, however I've done that a lot and I don't see a change... Also, a little annoyed that breaking them isn't enough, though that one's on a conceptual level. Seems like if you torture someone to near death you wouldn't need to oversex them to get them to sign a piece of paper, no matter what it said.

Basically, I just want to know how I can tell when they're 'done' and how long it should take. Because not knowing right now, and seeing no progress, is a bit frustrating.)
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Nov 12, 2017
Might consider muting videos. It'll really screw with you if you to go from silencesilencesilencesilence LOUDTINYMUSICCLIPTHATLOOPSNONSENSICALLY~! Dunno how you do that other than editing the sound out of the videos, though.
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Aug 20, 2017
(Also, what appears to be a bug. I did the Rich Orphan start to test Maids, and while I have hired several, and the initial costs were taken out, none of them have appeared since or were registered anywhere. So, basically money for nothing, and I have no maids.)


Jan 4, 2018
Didn't the original have family members of the MC as well? But I don't think they were playable.


Active Member
May 5, 2018
I see you've definitely left yourself open for expansion, as when creating a character there's sex, gender, and sexuality. Just for now, there's only one option in each. Good thinking ahead. I hope there'll be gay and bisexual options in the future. I'm actually fine with the one sex choice. Most games on the site are like that. You're either a guy or a girl. It is nice when you get to choose, but ultimately as long as it's a good game I don't care too much. Love the preg tag though. I admit it's one of my fetishes, and other than biology I couldn't say why that is. I hope this will be a game as impressive as Girl Life, but perhaps a little less... I don't know. I think that game went overboard in some ways, I guess. Do I really need hunger, thirst, sleep, and so many meters to keep track of? Must it be a literal in game 365 day year? The game can be bit overwhelming and of course there's a plethora of unfinished content. Sometimes I wish they'd just focus on finishing some content instead of adding. I've been wanting to marry Fedor for forever. Still wasn't an option last I checked.
Anyways, a well made game is more important than excessive content, but if you can achieve both people are usually absurdly happy with it. I'm not sure what I favor. I know I want good games. I also want content cause I hate boredom. Yet I don't want rushed shit games. Conundrums. Hell, I'm not even completely sure what my favorite things for NSFW games are. So far I've discovered that I love preg, but specifically if it includes impregnation, pregnancy, child birth, and child. Missing any of that leaves me feeling unsatisfied. I love gay, but I found that out a long time ago. I got an entire website banned at my school because I was reading gay comics from said site on the school computers. I seem to have a love/hate relationship with sissification. A part of me likes it and another hates it. It's quite confusing. Definitely discovered a love for bdsm. Like lots. To an extent forced and twisted relationships get me going. Degrees of Lewdity is really pressing all the right buttons for me, can't wait for the pregnancy update there. Actually, what was I talking about again? I think I've started rambling and can no longer remember where I was going with this. So~ looking forward to you're game?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
They can, most choose not to. There are a few that do. Punisher is like 120 mb or something like that.
Punisher also doesn't really have any videos. It's mostly just pictures from what I remember playing through it.

On a side note, does this game have a Gitlab or something? I'd contribute to the text and lower end stuff if you had something like that going. Just easier than sending a txt2gam file and using diff to find all the changes. I'd rather not step on toes for the other stuff however, seeing as how I am completely unable to play a QSP game and not screw around with the code. Mine is like some rabid chihuahua at the moment, was even messing with the variables, some are a complete wtf and make no sense but there's also over 1,000 of them so it's pretty slow going.
I'll probably move most of it over to this version however and make it a rabid chihuahua with armor, it's not going to be pretty at all.
May 10, 2017
Is it possible to break slaves in this version? They seem to eventually reach a state where they become "broken but not corrupted" but nothing more. It seems that no amount of fucking or beating will get them to become "corrupted". (though enough beating at that point will eventually kill them in an oddly passive aggressive manner)

As a sidenote, the dialog in the actual sex interaction does change in way that indicates that they have been corrupted to enjoy the abuse.

(As a matter of personal preference I would rather breaking a slave didn't necessarily require that they be both broken and slutified.)

It would be nice to set up a daily schedule. If I want to go to class everyday, I might as well be able to set the day to start after class.

For those unopposed to cheating:

The most troll thing about original Evil is the dominance stat, which takes forever to grind, massively restricts your options in sex, and can get instantly tanked very fast if you happen to take home a girl with higher dominance than you. It's also one of the things that made a female almost unplayable - because god forbid you actually suck a dick or you will become utterly unable to resist all future dick.

If you use the injector you can use
dom[you]=100 to max your dominance. Any other value 0-100 if you want less than max.
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