Mar 21, 2018
The game does not really need more videos, It is overloaded as its. Ofcourse it is up to you but jessicajones would it not be better to flash out the complete barebone relationship system and city. The game itself is completely barebones despite massive size.
Probably. You are right about the videos and pictures. Most categories have plenty, just a few need more. I'm just trying to keep the game alive and am only working on things that interest me right now. I quit developing the game a while back like spectre1viper did but decided to come back and add some more. The only person working on the game right now is me and it is part-time.

There will be a multi-part random event which will be new. I put a lot of time and effort into it. You are right about parts of the game being barebone. The original game is much worse.

Evil 2 was kind of doomed from the beginning. Players have no tolerance for removing game features. Because the original game featured all possible starts (gay, lesbian, trans, male, female, male feminization, transformation, etc.) the entire game was barebones. You can't possibly have an in-depth game while coding for the multitude of exceptions that all those starts bring to the table. That is why there was no depth to the original game. All those possible starts was the only thing the original game had going for it.

spectre1viper took the original game and streamlined it and expanded the sex system and other areas of the game. If he hadn't focused and streamlined his efforts it would have taken him forever to release anything worthwhile. Players weren't having it though. Constant complaints about removing features and players facepalming the OP, among other things. spectre1viper also released Evil 2 as Windows only which drew a lot of additional criticism. The other QSP player from Sonnix didn't provide full MP4 support, so spectre1viper decided to not support that QSP player. spectre1viper communicated with Sonnix multiple times and Sonnix either couldn't fix his QSP player or didn't want to. The Sonnix QSP player allowed the Linux and Mac players to play the game on their platform. It may even work for android but I'm not sure on that. Basically, the Sonnix QSP player will play basic MP4 videos but not ones encoded with common VLC and other libraries which 98% of MP4 players support.

The straw that broke the camel's back is when a player posted a 100% pure hate review of the game with lots of inaccurate information and spectre1viper reported the review several times but the moderation team sided with the reviewer. The review was eventually deleted after the blowback but it was too late by then. As long as the moderators have 100% of the decision making power on this site then he isn't interested in continuing development.

So basically, spectre1viper isn't coming back and I'm just releasing content every once in a while to keep the game alive. I didn't start developing for the game until after spectre1viper left. spectre1viper added me as an author after releasing several moderately sized content updates to the game. spectre1viper is still on this site and plays some of the games here, he just doesn't develop porn games anymore.

I will say that is is frustrating to developers when they spend lots of time releasing updates and then get little to no feedback when they ask for it. 90% or more players on this site "download and ditch", they contribute nothing, just download and run. They only post on the site if they run into a problem. Case in point, the last major update I made (with the four new random events) I asked players for feedback on them and not a peep from anyone. I spent a great deal of time on those events. I had no idea if they hated them or loved them. Without feedback a dev can only guess...

I'm currently only working on content that interests me, otherwise, there won't be any. I'm probably going to take another short break after I release this update (soon).
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Mar 21, 2018
How do we meet the family members?
You can't currently. I have been contemplating having your sister visit and do some events with that but haven't done it yet. It has been on my mind for quite some time...

It would be quite involved and the reason I have put it off for so long. In order to make it believable, I would have to add a lot of content. That is, if you expect to have incest sex with your sister which most players would be expecting. It would just be a great deal of work. That is the only reason I haven't already done it. I'm not saying that it will never happen however...

In the past, players just edited the code and allowed the player to fuck their sister and mother. I don't see the point in that. I made it much harder (many releases ago) for players to make that simple change. If it isn't meaningful, I don't see the point. If it happens, I want it to be both believable and meaningful.
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Mar 21, 2018
Current release status:
  • Coding - 100%
  • Writing - 100%
  • Pictures and Videos - 100%
  • Bug and feature documentation - 100%
  • Multi-part random event - 100%

Left to be done:
  • More testing - 50%
  • Packaging the update - 0%
  • Uploading the update - 0%
  • Possibly adding more video content - 0%
  • Possibly expanding the random event slightly - 0%

I could release it as soon as I packaged it and uploaded it but I'm probably going to hold off for a day or two and add a bit more. I'm not 100% satisfied with the current update. It is great as it is but I want to do a bit more before releasing it...

Be patient, it is coming soon!
Mar 21, 2018
Evil 2 - 0.53 Update

Bug Fixes
  • Misc small text fixes
  • Misc small formatting fixes/improvements
  • Code cleanup
  • Misc bug fixes (lots)
  • Fixed several bugs where slaves, whores, and maids could still be in college or have a different job other than their current one
  • Added gang costs to the expenses section of the end of day earnings report
  • Fixed some variables that weren't being cleared properly
  • Fixed a bug where the sex video (for blackmail purposes) wasn't being saved if the girl leaves in specific situations (reported by a player)
  • Fixed a bug with purchased whores having two unique names (reported by a player)
  • Fixed some logic problems with drug dens
  • Fixed logic problems with the "Offer drugs for sex" NPC option
  • Fixed a bug where a kissing picture was pointing to the wrong folder and file location
  • Added code that was missing to handle the lowering of debts when the debtor earns money for you
  • Misc bug fixes in the end of day earnings report
  • Misc bug fixes in home sex
  • Fixed several bugs with the whores you can purchase in the black district at bar eight
  • Fixed a bug in home sex where if you 69 the female and she has an orgasm, the player is left without any menu options to continue

Enhancements, Changes, and Improvements
  • Overhauled the aphrodisiac code and improved the logic
  • Increased the minimum and maximum pay for taxi service
  • Overhauled the nightclub dancing and drinking. You can now have more than one drink with girls that you meet in the nightclub. Note: All available options are now listed. Just because they are listed doesn't mean that you will succeed in the task. The success/fail code has been overhauled and improved
  • You can now buy steroids in bulk just like you can with regular drug doses
  • Added a new location to your home/mansion - Guest
  • On dates, you will sometimes have the option to kiss and then fool around with your date if your relationship and history is good enough
  • Added a date option to go straight to fucking if your relationship and history is good enough
  • If a college student whore becomes a prostitute or camwhore they will eventually get kicked out of college
  • Changed the possible jobs for whores and slaves: Slaves can work at the gloryhole, be prostitutes, and camwhores. Whores can be prostitutes, camwhores, and drug dealers (no longer work at the gloryhole). If you have whores working at the gloryhole you will need to reassign them (slaves are fine). There are multiple reasons for this, the primary reason being that whores would not be willing to subject themselves to being degraded and humiliated full-time day after day at a gloryhole, only broken slaves would be a good fit here.
  • The whores that you can purchase in the black district at bar eight are no longer exclusively black. Their skin color is no longer mentioned. The reason for this change is preventing having to find pictures and videos for all the sex interactions (lots) with black actresses which are difficult to find.
  • Reduced the cost of a sniper rifle from $50,000 to $25,000
  • Added pictures to most of the beach activities such as swimming, tanning, and riding in your yacht
  • Slaves can no longer accrue debts or own you money since you own them for life
  • Added an option for sexual partners who aren't slaves or whores to end the pregnancy
  • Made drinking alcohol and getting drunk more random in it's effects. You won't necessarily get drunk after three or four drinks anymore, same with NPCs. I added a random element to it.
  • Changed the conditions on some alcohol and sex related events to be more logical. You can't always just count on getting the girl drunk or high and then have your way with her. It is more difficult now but not impossible.
  • Added over 100 new sex pictures and over 100 new sex videos!
  • Added a new multi-part random event! You can gain a new love interest. I gave players as many end choices as possible (last event). This is where most of my time was spent with this update. Enjoy the events and don't speed through them please. I spent a lot of time trying to write a good story and good fun dialog. I am not a writer per se so it took me more time to do the writing portion of the events. I hope you enjoy them!


I kept finding more and more bugs as I tested and it took an entire day to fix them. After my last message, I probably spent close to 10 hours on bug fixes alone. Hopefully I fixed more things than I broke. I literally touched every part of the game in this update. Report bugs if you find them. If it isn't obvious for me to find, you may want to attach the affected save game. You will most likely run into some glitches during the first few game days with the new update. If the problem still persists beyond a few days then report it with as much detail as possible.

The update includes Patch 1 and Patch 2.

I'm not sure about save game compatibility. I touched so much of the code that I just don't know. I'm guessing old saves will work after you play through a couple of normal days in-game.

You should be able to find the random event by playing the game normally. Like all the other random events, you must own the mansion and have achieved a moderate level of success in the game. If players get stuck, I'm happy to give hints... Don't be a noob and play all the videos from the folders and then say something dumb like, "I tried to figure it out but couldn't so I just played the videos and bypassed the game. It looks good, too bad I couldn't find it in game." I've gotten messages like this more than once sadly.

Feedback - It will only take you a few minutes for the many hours it took me to develop. I'm looking for feedback on the new multi-part random event and also the balance changes with acceptance/refusal at the nightclub (dancing, drinking, aphrodisiac, sex request acceptance/failure) and with alcohol related activities (dates, getting girls drunk, aphrodisiac, sex request acceptance/failure, etc.).


  1. Copy 'Evil 2 - 0_53 Update.7z' to your 'Evil 2' folder - The folder that contains the 'Evil' folder and 'qspgui.exe' file
  2. Right Click on the file - select '7-Zip' (download and install 7-Zip if you don't have it) - select 'Extract Here' - Overwrite and Merge All, if asked
  3. Follow steps 1 & 2 and you will be golden, ignore them and be a noob (and have missing pictures and videos when you try to play). If you installed the update correctly, you should see version 0.53 (re-versioned) on the loading screen.
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Deleted member 216358

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 24, 2017
Wow, huge update! You did all that in a month part-time?

I found the new multi-part random event that you added. It took me two in game weeks to find it. Very cool and very well done! I agree with your assessment on the girl begin great and the guy sucking. The scenes did fit in very well to the story and dialog that you wrote! Your writing is clever and fun. You are right, it is hard to find good believable roleplay scenes in the porn world. This new random event is a great addition to the game! I actually follow that amateur couple online and have for a while now.

The logic improvements look good so far but I'm still playing with them. I love the improvements you made to some of the dates and beach. I like the changes and improvements you made to the nightclub.

I didn't have any problems with my old save games. Overall, your code changes look really solid!

Thank you for this great update and keep up the good work! I'll work on updating the OP.

Update: I updated the OP fully with updated installation instructions and updated change log as well as the new version with downloads links.
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Aug 16, 2017
Thanks for the update. I really enjoyed playing through it for a few hours.

Random event:

I really like the new random events in the mansion, I liked how after we talked to the girl we can get her phone number. What i would like to see is maybe can have a option to take the burglar back to the farm after so that we can break her and make her a slave.


I found that alot of times when you dance the text will say you saw a guy instead of it being a girl and below it will say his boyfriend is coming at you. Don't know if this is a typo or intended. I dont really use the drink alcohol option previously so i didnt know what it was like before. I still tried it and manage to get drunk/make the girl drunk and have sex with her but it did took a bit of trying.


I really liked how we can now have sex with a new girl right away or kiss and fool around after dates. I liked how my college camwhores can now get kicked out of college after awhile it adds a nice flavor to the game.

What i would like to see:

Expanded pregnancy content and incest content. A way to be in multiple relationships at once and a fleshing out of the relationship content. A way to convince you wife/girlfriend to work in the streets or brothel. School and teacher content, right now the school for me is just a way of recruiting people. I dont even both to attend school as there is no point i just go to the classmate tab and recruit who i want.

Overall i really do appreciate your time and effort you spend on this game and making content so people like me can enjoy. I dont really comment much on the site but i wanted to give feedback so you know your work is valued and appreciated :)
Mar 21, 2018
Thanks for the update. I really enjoyed playing through it for a few hours.

Random event:

I really like the new random events in the mansion, I liked how after we talked to the girl we can get her phone number. What i would like to see is maybe can have a option to take the burglar back to the farm after so that we can break her and make her a slave.


I found that alot of times when you dance the text will say you saw a guy instead of it being a girl and below it will say his boyfriend is coming at you. Don't know if this is a typo or intended. I dont really use the drink alcohol option previously so i didnt know what it was like before. I still tried it and manage to get drunk/make the girl drunk and have sex with her but it did took a bit of trying.


I really liked how we can now have sex with a new girl right away or kiss and fool around after dates. I liked how my college camwhores can now get kicked out of college after awhile it adds a nice flavor to the game.

What i would like to see:

Expanded pregnancy content and incest content. A way to be in multiple relationships at once and a fleshing out of the relationship content. A way to convince you wife/girlfriend to work in the streets or brothel. School and teacher content, right now the school for me is just a way of recruiting people. I dont even both to attend school as there is no point i just go to the classmate tab and recruit who i want.

Overall i really do appreciate your time and effort you spend on this game and making content so people like me can enjoy. I dont really comment much on the site but i wanted to give feedback so you know your work is valued and appreciated :)
The mansion burglar is one of the four random events I did in a previous release but I'm glad you liked it. I looked at Lilli as more of a love interest but I'm not opposed to adding a slave option. I'll have to think about it. You do get the option of making a slave out of the new girl in the multi-part random event with the version 0.53 Update. You probably haven't found that random event yet. There are 5 random events in total now. If you get stuck, I'm happy to give hints on them...

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I agree with the nightclub dancing. All those guys dancing next to you is annoying with their jealous boyfriends. I may just remove it all together after your feedback. It isn't a good fit with the gay content gone. Evil 2 is a very physical world though and men often resolve disputes with physical violence. It actually isn't against the law to assault someone of the same sex as long as a minor isn't involved and your intent isn't to steal their property. Murder is still illegal however. The police are often called to break up fights but rarely anyone gets charged unless a weapon is used (knife, gun, bat, etc.) or someone is killed.

I'm not really taking requests but I'll keep your suggestions in mind. I'm not sure what you mean by having multiple relationships. I have over 20 girlfriends in the game. If that isn't a harem, I don't know what is. They just aren't all living with you. You can already convince your girlfriends to work as a whore (camwhore, street, and drug dealer). You can take all your girlfriends on dates and fuck them silly. You'll have to be more specific if you want me to understand your suggestion.

I don't agree with turning your wife into a whore or slave, why? Your wife should be a true lover and not a common slave or whore. At least that is my feeling on it. A wife should be someone you want to be with and spend time with and have a deep emotional connection to, in my opinion, otherwise why make them a wife? Wives can certainly be submissives but whoring them out isn't a kink I'm interested in. I might be open to sharing your wife with close friends but not the common rabble.
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Deleted member 216358

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 24, 2017
The 'Farm College Hazing' random event is the hardest one to trigger. You also have to have a great relationship with the chief of police in order to start the event. All of your random events are well done and a great addition to the game!


Aug 9, 2019
The gang code is kind of messy but you can recruit guy friends to your gang and have them do various tasks. So it is a good idea to make friends with males in the game since this is mostly what your gang will be made of.
I already figured out. how to steal cars, I put 3-4 members on hijacking but nothing happens?
Mar 21, 2018
I already figured out. how to steal cars, I put 3-4 members on hijacking but nothing happens?
As stated in an earlier post, the gang code is one of the few areas of the game that hasn't been touched from the original game. It is a mess and because I'm not sure how it is suppose to work I am at a loss on how to fix it. Sadly, I can't help you with the gang stuff, perhaps a player can give more info.

Reading all of my posts on the previous page will answer some of your questions.


Nov 18, 2020
I came back to the game after the recent update because I recall enjoying this game, back right before it was re-versioned. Unfortunately, I lost my save from then, totally forgot how to play, and find myself reading this thread to find clues, only I got bogged down by the drama of development, lulz. I've tried searching for a guide, but my keywords are coming up empty, and I end up reading posts unrelated to what I was searching. :D

As I recall, the point of the game is to become a pimp and drug dealer, but there are mechanics which are unclear. For example, I made my character's dick small with the medical test and can't find a way to increase it. Someone said it would randomly increase the size greatly, but I don't want to roll the dice and shrink my dick to nothing. It's fine; I guess I'll create another character or try to cheat his dick larger.

The issue now is that the game seems extremely grindy without cheats, especially in the beginning. The main problem seems to be text explaining what is going on. For instance, if you don't turn on cheats, you get a bit of text when you do an action, but the description often doesn't tell the player much. I find myself turning on cheats and clicking on "appearance" just to see stats. We probably need a guide since it's kinda opaque. Like, does exercising too much decrease my weight? What's the relationship between "muscles" and fighting? Why does "prepare for class" always seem to fail for me?

It may seem like I'm complaining, but I'll figure it out eventually. I'm just concerned that players who aren't familiar with basic mechanics will have a hard time. You asked for feedback, so here it is. I actually still like the game, and nobody owes players an explanation for anything. If you keep getting the same questions repeatedly, perhaps I can help write a FAQ or something after I get further along in the game.

Anyway, thanks to spectre for answering questions and jessica for updating and putting up with us.:)
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New Member
Mar 22, 2020
I already figured out. how to steal cars, I put 3-4 members on hijacking but nothing happens?
To steal cars you need to go to the gang menu, select the member and in their menu purchase car jacking equipment for them. Then they should be stealing a car per member during night as long as you have them assigned to the hijacking job.

A short summary of what i've figured out about the gang mechanics, in case they are useful as a guide to anyone else:

To start the gang you need to befriend any male character and then ask them to join your gang. Many people will say no even if they like you, probably some mechanic about their values or priorities. Junkies is my go-to way to recruit (being a junkie has no downside in the gang from what i have seen), they don't mind that kind of stuff.
You can find males to befriend either in the theatre (sometimes men, sometimes women) or by watching a show in the strip club. Starting in university is also useful as you have a lot of male classmates that can be used for something more than just selling drugs to.
You need three people to make money off your gang, this is done by doing robberies.

Your gang members can also be assigned to guard your prostitutes which saves you some money.

You can also assign a gang whore for their "free use", the usefulness of this is unknown but can cause her to be hurt which doesn't help you in any way.

If you want to commit a robbery you need to have scouted a job, have one stolen car, assign one driver, one gun man (has to have a gun of some sort equipped) and one bag man (no special equipment needed). Guns can be bought from the bikers in the slum.

Scouting is done bit by bit by your assigned scouts in the gang. They have to be specifically assigned to scout a robbery and then work on that for a while. If you use multiple member, they are skilled and have surveillance equipment they can scout a new robbery in a day, otherwise it usually takes a couple of days.
After the robbery is scouted you can assign people to the roles mentioned above, then they will run the heist when you end the day. Can go either good, "just not bad" or bad. Save beforehand if you don't wanna have to start your gang all over again...
Sometimes you have it all done correctly but the robbery doesn't happen when you end the day, if this happens try unassigning these three robbery-specific jobs from your gang members and then re-assign them one by one, this has worked for me when it happened.

There is also some kind of gang mechanic where you can assign a leader of your gang, and then interact with other gangs. One gang buys stolen cars, another can give you jobs to scout for people who owe them money which you then go to collect. Then there are dozens more that have no use or purpose at all from what i can tell.
The collection job/mission game mechanics is not good, usually they can't pay you the full debt and the gang that gave you the job still expects full payment from you. Only upside is you can pressure the person into being a prostitute if they can't pay, but from what i understand they will stop being a prostitute when their debt to you is paid so what is then the gain at all of doing all that?

That's the stuff i remember to talk about right now off the top of my head, but i probably have more stuff i don't think about right now. I've never looked at the code, so all my knowledge is only based on what i've figured out from playing on and off for the last two years or so.

If you have any specific questions you can try to ask in a reply to my post and and i'll try to remember to reply when i check by the site.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
Oh this game came back which is nice to see. Guess someone over on the original game's uptown forum got the gang wars all working and stuff in their mod. Been working on my own version as well as learning experience but probably won't release it. QSPs are so fun to mod but yeah, nice to see that this is still going.
3.70 star(s) 31 Votes