Just finished this, and I simply cannot express just how much I love Astrid.

I'm so used to seeing the muscly Amazon type woman as strong, domineering characters and they don't usually do it for me, but Astrid is so sweet and adorable that she is, by far, the best LI in this game. I'm still going to have as much fun as I can with Khadijah, Tahir, and any others that will be available (Cassia was pretty cute and I hope we get some action with Silence), but Astrid is the best and definitely my primary focus if there will be only solo routes and no harem route.
As for the game, I greatly enjoy its unique setting and had no idea so many assets existed for such world-building. The story is intriguing and I hope it won't take too long to find out why the MC is where he is as he's narrating these events. Certainly got quite wordy after the mutliple sex scenes, not gonna lie, and idiot, cocky MCs sometimes put me off games, but as I said, Astrid is great so I'm here for her and that outweighs any negatives.
Keep up the good work,
timepants, and I hope to see plenty more of my beloved Astrid.
P.S. Might have to find a spot for her in my harem, if I can find a render that will work.