I had played this game when it was v.03 or something. I rly dislike these games where u have maps, doors, basically a whole lot of nuttin to click on just to keep us busy, again honestly it serves no fucking point, its nt fun, yes u get the idea ur in an immersive world but when its poorly executed (because the emphasis isnt the gameplay but rather the story and maybe the pics) its just fucking annoying. I understand u wnt to prolong the game but this isnt the way to do it. U should only do it if it rly serves a purpose, if its more than just a game where u trying to kindle love between 2 people. On top of that it clearly causes a lot of bugs and events that dont happen. like why? plus i imagine from a dev standpoint it must be horrific to code all these events with all the rooms, doors, every interactible u wnt to put in the game.
I know im ranting and i havent rly said anything about the game yet and thats just the thing, my game bugged out, maybe because its the bugfix edition i dunno but what i said above just has proved my point, because an event didnt trigger, my save is bugged and so i have now the option to either figure out what went wrong or restart. I have a third option, cya! nvr gonna play it again, nt because the story isnt good, nt because the graphics arent good, no because this crappy buggy shit isnt something i tollerate. yes i know its nt finished yet, hes still building the game etc etc. idc if u wnt to go the "ill millk every interaction, every task to the fulliest of its worth just so i cant prolong my game"-path, then i dont wnt it!