Tool Ren'Py F95Zone Paloslios Renpy Quick Translator

5.00 star(s) 9 Votes

Faber Andor

New Member
Nov 1, 2021
I have done it so that you do not accuse me now of wanting to take away your friend's business.

and no, I'm not accusing you of stealing my "friend's" business or anyone else's, you yourself sank into this paranoia of thinking your codes were stolen without any proof, you tried to cause a huge mess in the Brazilian program's post, just because cause of some personal beef with some of the members of that discord server, and now there's a complete tantrum with ALL the Lusophone speakers, precisely because many there in that post thought the other program was better at pulling all the strings from the game and couldn't bear to see that I had reminded you of the problem with your infected program, which by the way, you never clarified until that day why you had so many detections in it (and as far as I remember, you had also only made that one version, you didn't even consider making it some updated version or something like that that could solve those malicious code problems).

Now so you don't say that I'm attacking you again, I saw the test video you made in this post and I understood the false positives because of pyInstaller (even more so because there were few detections and all of them from very unknown antiviruses). But there is a huge discrepancy between 6 and 20, so much so that even the forum made that mark in the file. Furthermore, there's not much point in making a video about this now, after all the confusion, when the same could have been done a long time ago and resolved/clarified all of this much sooner (no, irony or sarcasm is not a nice answer).

And to be quite honest, I would have liked that program to have been updated (even for this one, for example) to solve all those problems and maybe have some extra functions, because it was actually very fast, and it's always good to have variety of tools.

In any case, I wish you a great afternoon and success with your work, it's just a shame that you're not exactly a good person like I thought you were (although my view is totally irrelevant).

PS: I feel sorry for the Portugueses and other Portuguese-speaking people who could be interested in this program, but will not be able to use it because of its exclusion. At least nowadays we have more options for both free and premium automatic translators.
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Faber Andor

New Member
Nov 1, 2021
like I said....there is too much ignorance

Are you also going to condemn the other person who shares his translation program?

I have no idea what this program is, but if I knew the dev, I would definitely tell him if it was possible to review some part of the code, because if there is one thing that everyone needs to be aware of, regardless of whether they are a user or a dev, is Malware (mainly ransomware and crypto mining)

Deleted member 4812744

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2022
Furthermore, there's not much point in making a video about this now, after all the confusion,
Jan 24, 2023

without any proof
I provided evidence... but there is no one more blind than someone who does not want to see

more evidence than you provided that you accused me of stealing discord accounts (0 evidence)
just a total virus report for using some shitty obfuscator called Hyperion

Honestly.... I gave away my software with only "PT" output language because I know the bad economic situation in your country, when my friends were paying money for it, and instead of thanking me, you attacked me like a criminal.

Don't talk to me about decency or honesty or honor, because I have more than enough, something that others cannot say.

Deleted member 4812744

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2022
I have no idea what this program is, but if I knew the dev, I would definitely tell him if it was possible to review some part of the code, because if there is one thing that everyone needs to be aware of, regardless of whether they are a user or a dev, is Malware (mainly ransomware and crypto mining)
I ask that you please and politely stop talking about what you don't know.

Deleted member 4812744

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2022
It's a very nice programme. Thank you very much. I will have a lot of fun with it.
The program is wonderful... I am very proud of it, that's why I shared it.
and I have been creating translation programs for years
It doesn't extract all the texts as I already indicated in the post (obviously it could do it and I have other programs that do it), but it is very fast and efficient for what many people need.

I don't know of any program that extracts texts without unren, no matter how much advertising they do for other programs. ;)

Deleted member 4812744

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2022
I translate RenPy games into German. If you have any other tools, I would be very interested in them.

Would love to test these.
I have a program that translates renpy (all texts, all versions), RPG mW and MZ, Tyrano and some unity games that works with _AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt, and with many more options, but it is paid :censored:

it is in my signature

Maybe publish a renpy translator that extracts everything for 8 euros :ROFLMAO:

Hein Daddel

Active Member
Nov 22, 2019
I have a program that translates renpy (all texts, all versions), RPG mW and MZ, Tyrano and some unity games that works with _AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt, and with many more options, but it is paid :censored:

it is in my signature

Maybe publish a renpy translator that extracts everything for 8 euros :ROFLMAO:
One-off or continuous?

Hein Daddel

Active Member
Nov 22, 2019
I have a program that translates renpy (all texts, all versions), RPG mW and MZ, Tyrano and some unity games that works with _AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt, and with many more options, but it is paid :censored:

it is in my signature

Maybe publish a renpy translator that extracts everything for 8 euros :ROFLMAO:
The page with the tool does not say €8 but €22


Apr 30, 2020
Probé la herramienta y la verdad es que es muy simple de usar solamente de que lenguaje a cual e indique dónde está el ejecutable del juego y ya

Como dato pase el archivo tanto comprimido como después descomprimir y el juego que traduje con el por el kaspersky y no detecto nada


Dec 13, 2020
and no, I'm not accusing you of stealing my "friend's" business or anyone else's, you yourself sank into this paranoia of thinking your codes were stolen without any proof, you tried to cause a huge mess in the Brazilian program's post, just because cause of some personal beef with some of the members of that discord server, and now there's a complete tantrum with ALL the Lusophone speakers, precisely because many there in that post thought the other program was better at pulling all the strings from the game and couldn't bear to see that I had reminded you of the problem with your infected program, which by the way, you never clarified until that day why you had so many detections in it (and as far as I remember, you had also only made that one version, you didn't even consider making it some updated version or something like that that could solve those malicious code problems).

Now so you don't say that I'm attacking you again, I saw the test video you made in this post and I understood the false positives because of pyInstaller (even more so because there were few detections and all of them from very unknown antiviruses). But there is a huge discrepancy between 6 and 20, so much so that even the forum made that mark in the file. Furthermore, there's not much point in making a video about this now, after all the confusion, when the same could have been done a long time ago and resolved/clarified all of this much sooner (no, irony or sarcasm is not a nice answer).

And to be quite honest, I would have liked that program to have been updated (even for this one, for example) to solve all those problems and maybe have some extra functions, because it was actually very fast, and it's always good to have variety of tools.

In any case, I wish you a great afternoon and success with your work, it's just a shame that you're not exactly a good person like I thought you were (although my view is totally irrelevant).

PS: I feel sorry for the Portugueses and other Portuguese-speaking people who could be interested in this program, but will not be able to use it because of its exclusion. At least nowadays we have more options for both free and premium automatic translators.
We already know that false positives are false positives, so I'm not going to say anything else.
Paloslios is constantly updating and improving its programs so don't rule out that one day it will use Portuguese but it seems to me that that won't depend only on it, things have to happen for it to be that way.
But let's get to the important thing, you have said that he is not a good person based on half-truths and only with 4 things that you see (There are many things that you do not see). He is always helpful when you ask him for help and has even made updates because you wanted him to have a concrete option. There is a lot of work behind it and a lot of that work is given away. It receives criticism from all sides and those who start always have hidden interests. I hope that with this you understand a little more by seeing a little what is outside your bubble in the forum.
I just need to say that it is a great, easy and simple program. Those of us who do value it, are going to enjoy it and are going to look forward to the programs that are yet to come.

Los falsos positivos ya sabemos que son eso, falsos positivos asi que no voy a decir nada mas.
Paloslios esta actualizando y mejorando sus programas constantemente asi que no descartes que algún día lleve portugues pero me parece que eso no dependerá solo de el, tienen que pasar cosas para que así sea.
Pero vamos a lo importante, has dicho que no es buena persona basandote en medias verdades y solo con 4 cosas que ves ( Hay muchisimas cosas que no ves). Siempre esta ayudando cuando le pides ayuda e incluso ha hecho actualizaciones porque uno queria que tuviera una opción concreta. Hay mucho trabajo detrás y mucho de ese trabajo lo regala. Recibe criticas por todos lados y siempre los que empiezan, tienen intereses ocultos. Espero que con esto entiendas un poco más al ver un poco lo que hay fuera de vuestra burbuja en el foro.
Solo me falta decir que es un programa cojonudo, facil y sencillo. los que si que lo valoramos, lo vamos a disfrutar y vamos a esperar con ilusión, los programas que quedan por venir.

⎰ ↜ ✰ BAD 75 ✰ ↜ ⎱

Forum Fanatic
May 13, 2020
all I can say is that for me paloslios has already done so much on f95
besides being a true programmer, and a friend
even now he has offered you a programme for free (which i will never do again ;))

so take the programme, use it
as long as you have people like him who
give you translation programmes for free, you are lucky.
I hope for you that you always find people like paloslios
willing to help
as well as capable
and generous with advice
peace to all
and I hope some of you understand the work behind a programme
because you see it as simple
write language
click here
click there and the translation is ready
but in reality it's days of work done in spare moments that one could devote to something else
afternoons spent studying
evenings trying and trying again
finding faults
trying to improve
and simplify your lif

but many are only good at criticism
and by the way, it will always be people who I call "GOOGOLIANS" who talk and write without knowing anything about codes and programmes
then you have to accept the programme as it is offered
the Portuguese language is missing?

patience look for another programme

or learn how to programme and solve your problem

I have spoken at length and I have not said everything I think so as not to offend anyone.
but congratulate Paloslios
because it is the only intelligent thing we can do

5.00 star(s) 9 Votes