I don't recall seeing anything specific, but we've lost a number of good AVNs in the last year from: lack of financial support, burnout, death of a member of the team, RL changes (new job, family, etc.).
This is an expensive 'hobby' for some - both money and time - while others treat it like a job and put in the effort required to move their project forward.
A creator still has to have an idea that people want to support with $ and be willing to take the time to learn DAZ, blender, photoshop and/or other skills all while supporting themselves (or supporting a family).
I'd love to see Enyo come back.
I think he lost his way when he had Melanie and family take a vacation away from Sebastian.
He could have added the spice to the mix by having Sebastian decide to take a vacation to the same area, renting a cottage and running into Melanie and Tiffany at a local store... fun times recommence.
Instead, he dropped the primary Melanie/Tiffany relationship (with Sebastian) and started to introduce new characters requiring new assets and scenery.
All we can do is hope that he gets his mojo back and decides to return this AVN to its roots.