Ren'Py Family, Friends and Strangers [v2024.10] [JohnAndRich]

4.00 star(s) 68 Votes

Pi Quantum

Jan 19, 2021
After finishing chapter 8 my opinions of several characters have changed - and not necessarily for the better. Officers Paul and Bill seemed to delight in playing the roles of good cop/bad cop, but its now looking like they're actually bad cop/worse cop. Assuming they're not acting out a role for Parker, misogyny seems to be their primary goal, with the intent of setting him on the same path in future.

I love Melissa. There's nothing she wouldn't do to protect her children and the officers know that, but it also limits how far they can push her each time, or they'll lose their leverage over her. They could order her to teach all her classes in the nude and she'd obey, but she'd be unemployed by the end of the day - because there's no way her students could keep that a secret. An unemployed housewife under a major scandal offers them far fewer opportunities for humiliation, hence the lost leverage. There's always her affair with Tom...

If their misogyny is genuine, they'll know the only way they can utterly break Melissa is to turn Parker against her and have him join her abusers. That would explain their current actions and previous chapters have made it clear that Parker can't out think them, or set a trap they won't easily see through. There's obvious inconsistencies in the story they're trying to sell him about Melissa, but he's currently too deep in shock to examine them. Double that if they start putting pressure on Becky.

Carl may yet turn out to be the hero/MC of this story, unlikely as it may seem! He's an honest pervert, loyal to his friends and surprisingly insightful when it counts. If Parker's smart enough to confide in him, Carl should be able to set him straight. Whether they can come up with a way to trick the officers into believing they've succeeded is another matter...

Just my 2c as a new reader. ;)
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Pi Quantum

Jan 19, 2021
Carl's comments about his 'megapixel camera' being superior to the 'low res' alternatives were historically accurate, if we assume that the novel is set in the early noughties. This was the era of the mobile flip phone (remember the Motorola RazR?), when high end models had cameras topping out at 0.3 megapixels with 2 inch phone displays. Those of us who couldn't afford such luxury made do with cheaper models that took pictures at 160 x 120 pixels, which is much smaller than the image thumbnails used in Windows today. They weren't very good at capturing detail, which probably explains why Carl was so enthusiastic about his.

Rich is definitely a Heinlein fan with Parker's quotes about lying convincingly, so I'm waiting for him to use the 'purloined letter' approach by hiding something in plain sight - another favourite of Heinlein's. Ditto for cats covering up on floors. :)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
Carl's comments about his 'megapixel camera' being superior to the 'low res' alternatives were historically accurate, if we assume that the novel is set in the early noughties. This was the era of the mobile flip phone (remember the Motorola RazR?), when high end models had cameras topping out at 0.3 megapixels with 2 inch phone displays. Those of us who couldn't afford such luxury made do with cheaper models that took pictures at 160 x 120 pixels, which is much smaller than the image thumbnails used in Windows today. They weren't very good at capturing detail, which probably explains why Carl was so enthusiastic about his.

Rich is definitely a Heinlein fan with Parker's quotes about lying convincingly, so I'm waiting for him to use the 'purloined letter' approach by hiding something in plain sight - another favourite of Heinlein's. Ditto for cats covering up on floors. :)
Flip phones weren't a thing till around '96...I graduated in '96, and I can assure you that not a single kid in school had a flip phone. I don't think kids really ran around with phones till the turn of the century; and the RazR wasn't out till '06.
But your remarks on cameras is spot on otherwise. If you wanted to take digital pictures, you needed an actual camera.
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Old Fart
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Jun 25, 2017
Carl's comments about his 'megapixel camera' being superior to the 'low res' alternatives were historically accurate, if we assume that the novel is set in the early noughties.
LOL. Thank you for that bit of analysis, Pi Quantum. The game is actually set around 2005-2006. (There was a Hurricane Katrina reference, remember?) I might have been a few years plus-or-minus with cell phone tech - my brain struggles to remember back that far, even though I was involved in developing cell phone apps waaaay back then. Although Wikipedia reminds me that the Motorola Razr was released in late 2004, so maybe I didn't do so badly. The primary point is that it's "pre-smartphone," and "pre-everybody-has-a-video-recorder-in-their-pocket."

And, yes, huge Heinlein fan. Lazarus Long Lives! (And add Asimov, Asprin, Clark and Perry to that list as well...)

Pi Quantum

Jan 19, 2021
I'm hoping we'll see more interactions from some of the minor characters. Sarah (bystander girl with big eyes) somehow reminds me of alien-vampire hybrids from The Sims, so the thought of her performing sexually is both erotic and disturbing! Love the gorgeous model for the new girl (Ashley), but it would have been an even bigger shock if it was Hanni that showed up to give Parker his reward. Aside from demonstrating the reach of the corrupt cops, Parker would have been even more tongue-tied - and I can't see him trying to interrogate her about her motives. It might explain why Hanni is so close mouthed around males...

Paul's plan appears to be an effort to destroy the trust and love Parker feels for Melissa, until he sees her as just another slut to be controlled and follows in their footsteps, possibly joining the police force after graduation. I'm sure plenty of readers would love to see Melissa reduced to a mind broken, stereotypical fucktoy that happily screws any male or female she's ordered to (with Becky and Melanie getting similar treatment), but I'm hoping things don't go that way.

Re my earlier comment about forcing Melissa to breach the dress code... She'd probably report to the principal in that situation and we've already seen plenty of hints that he's a voyeur who works closely with the corrupt cops. Being betrayed by a trusted authority figure would be another blow to Melissa's self esteem after he 'disciplined' her. Perhaps he'd call a staff meeting on her day off, telling the other teachers that Melissa is going through a tough time and her new wardrobe is just one aspect of an emotional disorder that doesn't affect her ability to teach. The other teachers would be asked to be compassionate and supportive, rather than judgemental. A tall order, but who knows how much blackmail material a voyeur principal could have amassed about them over the years? He might know about Tom's affair, for starters. :p

I'd like to see Melissa emerge from this mentally tougher and with expanded sexual horizons. Parker would somehow fool the corrupt cops and see them exposed and imprisoned, after which they'd execute their final contingency plan - and we know they'd have one. Parker (who was with his father Richard at the time) would be killed by a hit and run driver in a stolen car. Too bad, so sad! Melissa and Melanie would be devastated, but Carl would visit frequently to commiserate over their shared loss. The combination of emotional vulnerability and extreme horniness would then see Carl achieve his perverted life's ambition, through a threesome that led to him becoming the man of the house. :love:

On second thought, perhaps I should stick to reading and leave game development to the experts...
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Old Fart
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Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
On second thought, perhaps I should stick to reading and leave game development to the experts...
LOL. I don't consider myself an "expert" in any way, shape or means.

Thanks for contributing your thoughts and ideas. I do appreciate everything everybody has contributed in this thread. Even if an idea doesn't actually make it into the story, it's mind-stretching to hear some of the variations people come up with.


Feb 9, 2019
@ Rich

I have one more suggestion about the facial expressions of the female characters while they are being blackmailed into sex / acts.

Melissa / Melanie / Becky / ... should show more dislike, shame and one or two tears.

You implemented this very well in Mellisa's first BJ scene.

But when Melissa was blackmailed into first sex, her facial expressions no longer matched the storyline. She was moaning.

Just when the officer in her came for the first time, I would have liked to see her helplessness and shame on her face.

And thanks again for the implementation of this story.

Pi Quantum

Jan 19, 2021
Hey friend, what novel are you talking about? Def hoping we get some incest out of this ordeal !
This VN is based on from one of the original creators, which was in turn influenced by , by George VI. If its incest you're after, you'll love these stories!

You'll see some obvious changes from the original story where the plot has been extended and expanded to add new characters, so nobody knows what Rich has in mind for the final conclusion. Next chapter could be a big hint in that direction.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2019
This VN is based on from one of the original creators, which was in turn influenced by , by George VI. If its incest you're after, you'll love these stories!

You'll see some obvious changes from the original story where the plot has been extended and expanded to add new characters, so nobody knows what Rich has in mind for the final conclusion. Next chapter could be a big hint in that direction.
Execelllllllent :]


Feb 9, 2019
At first, sorry for my bad english.

Becky's training should be started slowly.

I would first take a scene with Becky's mother as an introduction.
So roughly without going into great detail, it would look like this.

For example, she went out with a rich guy again.
but instead of giving her rich presents, he made off with a younger woman.
Becky's mother gets drunk in a bar (she feels sorry for herself and tells the bartender that when she was younger, a rich guy never got away from her).
Becky is then called in the late evening by the bar owner to pick up the mother, who has no more money, maybe, he says so that Becky thinks something bad has happened to her mother...

Becky has just been brought home by Parker from a soccer game in a chearleeder outfit. She doesn't want Parker to see her mother so drunk and immediately sets off in a taxi alone in a chearleeder outfit. The younger cop sees this "by accident" and follows her.

Of course, her mother didn't pay the bill for the drinks. Becky pays the bill, the mother wanted to pay it "differently". The two of them no longer have enough money to take a taxi back.
They are looking for a bus stop, the area they are walking through is quite dark and gloomy.
Becky's mother is dressed very slutty again and scolds Becky. It comes to a very loud argument between the two.

The mother says she could have settled the bill with a bj, the 50 bucks debt would have been cleared.

Two rough guys hear this and join Becky and her mother. The guys offer 50 bucks for bj's of the two. The mother is negotiating in jest, Becky is ashamed, is forced to call Parker to be picked up and reaches for her smartphone.

At that moment the younger policeman intervenes and the two guys run away.
Becky and her mother are arrested for prostitution.

At the police station, same game.
The older cop is in an interrogation room with Becky and the younger cop is with the mother in Others rooms. Becky tries to explain to the older cop that they are decent people, not prostitutes. The old cop lifts an eyebrow and looks at Becky's chearleader clothing, especially her legs. Becky blushes with shame.

At that moment Becky's mother gets up and strips in the next room for the younger cop, lapdance, the full program. Becky jumps up with unbelieving eyes and goes with her face up to the glass. Meanwhile, Becky's mother has already unpacked the younger cop's cock and is serving him. The older cop steps up to Becky from behind and says, so you are such "decent" people.

Becky has to watch as the younger cop's cock slides in and out of her mother's mouth. Meanwhile, the older cop hugs Becky and pokes her over her clothes, on her butt, gropes her breasts and whispers indecent things in her ear.
She can feel his wet breath on the back of her neck, it stinks of onions. Becky is shaking all over, tears come out of her eyes but she holds still to avert the charges of prostitution.

The two cops come at the same time, the younger one in the mother's throat and the older one on Becky's bottom of the chearleader clothes, then he wipes his cock clean on her skirt.
With the comment that for now she was able to avert the ad with her "decency" ...

The next step would be a hj from Becky in the old cops car, in front of Parker.

I could describe it in more detail next weekend, when I notice that you like it

Pi Quantum

Jan 19, 2021
Its a plausible scenario, but I don't think the corrupt cops are going after Becky this soon. Paul's plan is to turn Parker into their follower, so the first step is to destroy his trust in Melissa, Becky and Melanie. They've done their best to do that with Melissa, but it's too soon to know if they've succeeded. I expect Paul to follow up with Parker after the shock has worn off.

If Parker works out that they've tricked him and is defiant, they'll try to break him - possibly by blackmailing him into sex with his mother, while Becky is forced to watch, either through the interview window or later via CCTV? If he's undecided but not openly hostile, I'd expect them to target Becky in another attempt to convince him.

Becky's fate could be the same as Emily's. All they need to do is arrest her under any charge and pass on the news to her principal, who will follow their instructions and transfer her to the ALC. Emily is a survivor who will rapidly attach herself her to a strong defender, trading sex for protection against the rest in a far more dangerous environment than high school. Becky wouldn't go down that route initially, so she'd end up a victim until she did. This would almost certainly break her mentally. Seeing Parker every day after classes would only add to that pressure.

There's lots of ways Rich can develop this, so all we can do is speculate at this stage.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2019
Its a plausible scenario, but I don't think the corrupt cops are going after Becky this soon. Paul's plan is to turn Parker into their follower, so the first step is to destroy his trust in Melissa, Becky and Melanie. They've done their best to do that with Melissa, but it's too soon to know if they've succeeded. I expect Paul to follow up with Parker after the shock has worn off.

If Parker works out that they've tricked him and is defiant, they'll try to break him - possibly by blackmailing him into sex with his mother, while Becky is forced to watch, either through the interview window or later via CCTV? If he's undecided but not openly hostile, I'd expect them to target Becky in another attempt to convince him.

Becky's fate could be the same as Emily's. All they need to do is arrest her under any charge and pass on the news to her principal, who will follow their instructions and transfer her to the ALC. Emily is a survivor who will rapidly attach herself her to a strong defender, trading sex for protection against the rest in a far more dangerous environment than high school. Becky wouldn't go down that route initially, so she'd end up a victim until she did. This would almost certainly break her mentally. Seeing Parker every day after classes would only add to that pressure.

There's lots of ways Rich can develop this, so all we can do is speculate at this stage.
The Literotica stories don't go in that direction though. Parker kind of becomes disturbed, enraged even. He keeps trying for a girlfriend but keeps failing short yet seemingly all around him people are getting laid effortlessly and women are behaving "easy". Look at Parker's sister just fucking with her door wide open or Becky's mother walking around nude and propositioning him or, thanks to the cops, Parker's own Mom seducing during interrogation to "lose evidence". The cops arrive at just the right time and corrupt Parker, telling and showing him, that all women are sluts and skanks and fuck for their own gain. Parker does NOT initially believe this but they prove it with vids of his Mom seducing them. This, in turn, angers him and he starts to become manipulative of his mother's position embarrassing her in various ways...requires her to get changed with part of dressing room curtain open, dress scandalously at work, and start performing sexual acts on him in the car before school...

However I don't believe Becky is in the stories at all so who knows what the Dev has planned. It would make sense, because of how much Parker appears to care for Becky, to break Becky first and make her appear slutty. That could also be the 'last straw' that sets Parker into the sadistic pervert he becomes...and carry on the blackmailing tradition...good stuff coming

Pi Quantum

Jan 19, 2021
However I don't believe Becky is in the stories at all so who knows what the Dev has planned. It would make sense, because of how much Parker appears to care for Becky, to break Becky first and make her appear slutty. That could also be the 'last straw' that sets Parker into the sadistic pervert he becomes...and carry on the blackmailing tradition...good stuff coming
I think we all suspect what might be coming in the next chapter, but how remains a mystery. It should be a pivotal chapter and will hopefully be released before the end of the month. Chapter 9 could give us a much better idea of how this story is going to end, which will probably disappoint some, but delight others. Whether we agree with the final direction or not, FF&S has told a fantastic story so far.
4.00 star(s) 68 Votes