Yeah same, I went vanilla route too because wincest is best 'cesti liked the vanilla route (hate NTR so skipped it) but i think the biggest crime/let down is we dont have a sex scene where he fucks them while theyre pregnant. maybe they'll do it in the sequel
Yes it is completeIs the game finished? Asking because i saw this post:You must be registered to see the linksand if so is the version here the full one?
Hi, Yes...Does the game have a gallery/recollection room?
not to be nosy, but why do you have 4 separate internet browsers installed?absolite cinema View attachment 4629891
well, internet explorer is the one who came with windows and i never deleted it, the profile chrome next to the internet explorer is from my gf, and now brave is the superior browser that i just meet on 2024, i did not even saw opera gx, i think i was testing which one was better on 2024, if brave or Opera, and brave was the winner and i never delete operanot to be nosy, but why do you have 4 separate internet browsers installed?