Gave this a go.
I got interested because of the art - June and Raven are pretty lovely!
Let's start with the pros:
- Nice art. Props to the artist!

- Background music is cool
- The inn management idea is interesting; played only another game like that before, but it was abandoned
- Girls have different visuals, personalities and scenes
Now, the cons + suggestions:
- The battle options (simple attack, defend, etc) should be icons with their names instead of just words
- The forest navigation seems quite random. The 'doors' could have symbols on them to make it a bit more immersing
- The dialogue on some of the girls - mainly Sasha and the dragon (forgot her name). Sasha's introduction and entire dialogue arc seem too confusing and too fast. The dragon's tsundere-ness is too 'in your face' and anime-esque; as she's a superior being, I believe she could still be a tsundere but have less 'anime girl' conversations
- Dragon girl's scene has her sprite look uglier than her normal one
- June's first scene (handjob) has her eyes looking too close to the center (as if she was cockeyed)
- The starting gaming experience is sooooo slow. I had to keep saving and loading between doors until I got at least 4 magic potions; only then I could fight a single enemy and then had to do it all over again. Reduce the price of the items, reduce the enemies' power or allow the player to get enough money with the tavern before he explores, as the beginning of the game even alerts you the forest is too dangerous
- The tavern should have names on places you can interact with (fireplace and wall behind Rich). Expanding on that, as the morning and afternoon suns look the same (or too similar to each other; couldn't notice any difference), I didn't understand it was for passing time. Also, it took me a misclick on Rich to know that the wall behind him is for the MC to work there
- The lack of a gallery is really sad. I guess some scenes can be repeated, but I'd like to have a place to watch them all
- Quests like Raven's antidote should tell the player how many of the needed
thing he needs to collect and how many he already has
- It would be nice to have some kind of symbol on characters that have new dialogue/quests
- As you improve the tavern, visual feedback of that should show up (like some background stairs after you build a room)
- More vag/ass stuff, please!
Finally, something that might be a bug:
- Once a door gives you something, it will usually keep giving you that. A door that just advances your steps will do it at least 3-4 times until an enemy shows up. Doors leading to relax areas? Lots of relax areas down that same door! Chests, enemies, etc. If that's intended, then it should be explained somewhere
All in all, I think this can become a nifty game. Too bad you guys cannot add animation for the time being, but I hope you'll get enough money for that soon!