Sarah doesn't explicitly say she's not going to fuck Bradley anymore. Rather, she says she's been trying to undo that mistake. So, she doesn't outright lie. But, if you don't come into the game expecting your love interests to get fucked by other guys you will feel NTR'd or at least cucked. Regardless of the technical definition. Not to mention the fact that she won't fuck you as long as he's around. Even though she's clearly into you. She's also a fucking hypocrite for helping him cheat on his girlfriend. But, she won't touch you as long as she's your "boss."
Add Vera and Sam to the list of girls who say to your face they'd drop you like a bad habit something better comes along. And the girls you have to share with another dude. The first sex scene being MC getting a handjob while watching his long term crush get fucked by the then main antagonist. And you get this deceptively cucky game masquerading as a haremesque fantasy game.
But, most bitching and moaning aside the game has one fatal flaw. The writer straight-up doesn't really know why his characters are having sex most of the time. Meaning most sex scenes don't serve the purpose he wants them to. Which contrasts too wildly with the crisp dialogue and the intriguing overarching plot. Leaving the player/reader feeling frustrated because it's neither satisfying or trashy enough to fap to. If the author didn't feel the need to put a sex scene in every chapter the infamous barn scene wouldn't have happened. Instead, you could have him threaten the MC by saying he'll get her back. At least then you could say it's slow but, it's well written.
Kinda disagree, Mc is having a lots of fun and sex with other girls.... so other characters got ''relationships'' or ''sex'' wouldn't make feel the atmosphere weird. As you see every character has their own history, as Mc, and sometimes they collide, but if see more clear, each hisoty ''individual'' of the characters aren't so extremely in need with interactions of mc for theyre life continue. Making it feel, like hell yeah, this game it's about that boy, but not exactly he is the sun of this solar sistem to flow.
I really loved this game, makes me sad seeing abandoned, when the author made a move for ''book 2'' but the game did not catch that amount of attention, (looking for the biggest number of games trash over the net (makes me more even anger, cuz for audience this didn't get a good view enough to continue).
In other aspects this game really knew on how to build the passion and hotness of some moments of the game, making you feel anxious for the moment. I would like to see more of this history, if one day continues obviously, but the potential is there, In other words people nowadays are more interested in the shitty incest and rape, which makes me love more this game, because those arguments aren't needed or build.
my note is still a 10/10, good history, and an interesting artwork.