- Oct 18, 2018
- 131
- 248
For the ntr content, can I increase friendship points AND get ntr stuff? Or is it ntr only if I'm an asshole?
To seeing the most content/romancing all the girls. Some NTR is instead of player, and those are not on pref path, but the NTR scenes that are extra are... but they are obvious and those that aren't have (NTR) on choice. ex: IIRC i did not put (NTR) on option to bring Mia/Heather to Darius because that is obvious it leads to NTR... (In that one I don't think I have them as PREF either...)I dont want to bother you but the pref options leads to which path (if there are any already read that ntr seems to be avoidable)
You shouldn't need to cheat... there are NO relationship/skill checks, I left those stats for show only... what decides if you see something is the choices you make.is there a cheat?
It has the content of R21.1 of Farmer's Dreams which was latest at time I uploaded (still is?)how much current content is there compared to the original game
Is the NTR avoidable, i.e. can you the player can stop any NTR or just choose not to see it and it still goes on in the background?
I don't want to download it until I get clarity on this as I hate to have my women with other men after they are mine. Any prior relationships the girls might have had before me I can accept just not any after they are mine.
There is 1 single image that is shown that is unavoidable IIRC all other can be avoided. Oh wait IIRC there is 2 not just 1 hmmm... both very short time shown.In the RPGM Farmer's Dreams you can avoid the NTR, meaning it doesn't happen at all. Should be the same here.
I haven't played Love season yet... so can't answer that as well as others here...Never played the original game. Just love season and it's great. Really like Nova from it. Not having her sucks. Is there any content from any of the other characters(roxie, heather, Amanda) that are missing from love season that even make up for her loss? How much is really different from this as compared to love season is what I'm asking I guess. Other then the supposed cuck content I have no interest in.
There shouldn't be any missing scenes in game... I might not have put them all in the gallery... Of course if you find something you think is missing let me know... I literally reduced all code file to no lines to make sure i missed no big scenes...If there are missing scenes report them to Phalzyr so he can add them to the gallery.
It all based on menu choices, such as do you romance Nina, if not and you choose to help her and her boyfriend you see their scene otherwise you won't...For the ntr content, can I increase friendship points AND get ntr stuff? Or is it ntr only if I'm an asshole?
After you give her 500 gold it'll ask about favor... blackmail is the non-pref choice. don't ask for favorCan you blackmail Heather? At which point you make "decision" to follow that path?
Actually, case-sensitiveness is imposed by the operating system. Windows is case-insenstive, but almost every other OS out there - Linux, Mac, Android, etc. - is case-senstive.Nice catch prob a cap error in file name... RPGM is NOT case sensitive on names but Ren'PY is ... Guess I overlooked this one. Yep silly b of body is Cap on file...
"s" (lower-case) is screenshot hotkey on Ren'Py standards. F3 would be graphic debug information, "G" (upper-case) the graphic setting, "A" (upper-case) the accessibility menu and "D" (upper-case) the developer menu. Oh, and there is "O" (upper-case) for the console.Not intentional I copied someones code for gestures in... think skip is "S". Sorry I don't typically play games on phone so not sure what "S" even is lol
Yes was thinking of doing fleeting Iris next but might put a new dawn before it, getting a lot of people wanting it to skip ahead in my order listhi phalzyr awesome work as always. Is there any plans for a new dawn in future because that game seriously need renpy port.
The two stories are different... I was asked to port this because of that...The fuck is this? While I'm not the biggest fan of the "Love Season" it does exist rendering this unneeded.
I made it so both can be doneDo you have to choose between Laura and Nina path in this version? If so, can you mod it so that you can get both?
NTR is "mostly" avoidable. IIRc there are two images you are shown for a line or teo of text before you can choose not to do NTR... Walkthrough is built in via preference menu... basically the RPGM walkthrough choices have (PREF) after them. though some are different as money isn't an issue in my game... and the walkthrough had some incorrect...Is Ntr avoidable? also is there a walkthrough? or can i just use the walkthrough for the RPGM version on the renpy version?
You can bet on it, he always updates his portsThat seems great... Before downloading I wanted to know, will you update it with future updates of the original game?