My Monica has
988,196.00 USD and she is fine. The developer console combined with the codes works wonders.

As for this option - yes, it works and Phillip can accept this money, but the consequences aren't spelled out, so it's kind of a placeholder, because Phillip's whole big quest will be done for a while. I'm pretty sure when the whole quest is done and embedded in the game, Monica in the story will be able to accumulate the right amount of money (30k) and then the player can check out where that choice will lead Monica.
We should be glad it ended so easily. And digging deeper, game developers with female protagonists are still walking on thin ice, since almost any game that features a female MC who is blackmailed and thereby forced to have sex can easily be called a rape simulator if you want, and that charge would be much harder for any developer to get rid of. The whole "voluntary consent" thing in blackmail games... we all know that's total bullshit and there's nothing voluntary about it. So removing Bardie from the game was far from the worst thing that could have potentially happened. (imho)