I like the most her home wear in slums apartment. And always hope for more scenes with it. Who is with me? 
Have you ever tried playing in FB? Usually this way opens the gallery perfectly.How to see the gallery? I found a gallery in game folder, but it is not showing inside the game.
Try "EXIT THE DRESSING ROOM" if you get what I meanView attachment 1417644 How can i leave this room?
The answer is here (see point 1.4.1):View attachment 1417644 How can i leave this room?
The event isn't available for daytime. I re-did the event and still got the same result.
ohhh i thought that we talked about shiny holeCould you post a screenshoot from the point you are stuck. The 9th character who Monica talks to (Adriano)at the party doesn't show on screen until the other 8 have been talked too.
View attachment 1417066
The 9th bloke to talk to is the one in the middle of the screen with his back to us wearing a grey hat.
I'm with you, she looks great in that outfit. Is there on outfit Monica looks like crap in? She looks good even wearing those rags in the prison.I like the most her home wear in slums apartment. And always hope for more scenes with it. Who is with me?![]()
you're wrong...I'm not intending to inflame your discussion with @Stan5851 however I would think that with you being an " IT professional with over 20 years of experience" maybe you would understand why 2 pictures without any text explaining the issue might be confusing. Now that you have clarified your problem, some kind of response can be given.
вы смешны, т.к. ваши попытки троллинга действительно тянут на уровень школьника...В общем, с вами всё ясно. Придирки к словам, потому что возразить по существу нечего и нелепые оправдания вашей собственной лени и неспособности внятно излагать мысли.
Так карта города всё таки появляется? Да, появляется. Вас ткнули носом в вашу же ошибку, но вы предпочли этого не увидеть. Что ж, вейк- ап, Нео, ты обосрался. Остальную вашу пафосно разлитую воду про ваш 20 летний IT стаж я даже читать не стал. Это выглядит как дешёвый толстый троллинг ученика начальной школы. Поэтому, идитe-ка в задницу, глубоконеуважаемый тролль, возомнивший себя айти-специалистом. Вы фигляр, а не специалист. Отправляйся в персональный бан.
In short, you are clear. You are picking on words because you have nothing to argue with and making ridiculous excuses for your own laziness and inability to articulate your thoughts.
So is the map of the city showing up? Yes, it does. You've been rubbing your nose in your own mistake, but you've chosen not to see it. Well, wake-up, Neo, you shit yourself. The rest of your pathetically spilled water about your 20 years of IT experience I wouldn't even read. It looks like cheap, fat trolling by a primary school student. So go fuck yourself, you deeply disrespected troll who thinks he's an IT expert. You're a buffoon, not an expert. Go to my personal ban.
How did you even get there with such a low rate of depravity?View attachment 1417644 How can i leave this room?
Obviously you who posted the two pictures understand all the context. We who just see these screenshoots don't. I personally didn't understand your problem until you elaborated with some text. Have you solved your issue?you're wrong...
Two pictures, given the context, say much more than words...
in this case the context is the topic of this conversation - the discussion of a particular project...
the user can always explain in words less than I see in a screenshot...
Stan5851How did you even get there with such a low rate of depravity?
option one
Load the save to consent to stripping and pump up the depravity to 350
option two
the save editor... raise the level of depravity there to 350... everything becomes fine...
PS after fixing the problem, fall into the pumping depravity, without her further it will be difficult
The trigger for Melanie to return from Marcus happens once Monica has done the Scarlet Pearl and forbidden Desire photoshoots at least once each. Monica then needs to talk to Biff and "ask about the job" with the red dress from the clothes shop. Also the earn $5000 for Victoria quest still needs to be open in the week. If you had already done a contract with Steve that week before seeing Biff, Melanie will not return. Sorry to say but you didn't need to complete any of Steve's contracts for Melanie to return.Playing ep2 and I feel like i'm stuck because Melanie doesn't come back. I've already did Bardie storyline up to webcaming, seduced Ralph (did 2 scenes with him), Betty visited neighbour, did a lot of events on the street at pole (some didn't count as finished in the events log btw), can dance naked in the shiny hole, did 3 contracts with Steve. What should I do? I read her come back is the condition to start office jobs and get photoshoots again. Should you do all 7 (?) contracts with Steve?? It's like a month passed in the game after Melanie went to Marcus...
UPD: Okay, nevermind. I had to finish all 7 contract with Steve and Melanie came back... These 1 time in a week events are kind of stupid as you pretty much have to just skip days for it.