VN - RPGM - Completed - Complete - Fate/Empire of Dirt Full English Translation

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    NTR Recovery Experts

    Unpolished, but still good. The combat is bad, I used the same strats for every single boss and the normal enemies are just annoying (you can choose to skip normal fights). The characters are good, the visuals are great and the story is good... mostly. The story is weighed down by clunky overworld mechanics and you'll find it tends to drag in many places; until act 2 starts and then you have literally no time to process anything, I suspect the developer realized how much time they were wasting in development.
    I played through it once, probably won't to it again. But it was a solid 10 hours of enjoyment and 15 hours of minor boredom, so I can still recommend.