VN Ren'Py Fates Collide [v0.4b] [KatanaVN]

4.70 star(s) 60 Votes


Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021

Hello hello, time for another round of reporting! This one will have slightly more IRL stuff, but only slightly, so lets dive into it.

It's been roughly a month since moving out, and for the most part, it's been well. In the last patreon only post I commented on all the furniture I need to get, and the list kinda expanded even more since then. Honestly, it's taking way more of my time than I thought to get it all done. I thought I'd just visit Ikea, swipe a card, and voila, done. Well, lo and behold, it doesn't really work as simple. They don't have an item so you gotta wait, then you find something is just terrible quality wise, then a size of something doesn't fit and so on. Overall, somewhat "fun" experience of researching, but much more timewise exhausting than I thought. So yeah, those items I still don't have, somewhere next month.
And the oven doesn't work properly, so... Yay!

Besides that, unfortunately, I did have a bad week (last ~7 days). I've said it on Discord already, but I was a bit down in the gutter. With the rework of episode 2 halfway done, I've started feeling the pressure of the "update when?" and some of my self doubting resurfaced, culminating in a burnout where in 2 working days I made a total of ~10 renders. The 2nd day being a single render. So I said enough, let's take a short break. And I did, I went to visit a friend!
... And I got Covid bcs he got sick and we hang out. Yay.

I am fine now, recovered today fully from it and I am also recovered mentally, but I won't sugarcoat, last 10 days or so was a crawl progress wise due to all of it. Meaning, I have ~250 new renders since last report, instead of my estimated 400 that I planned. Happens, sometimes we have good weeks, sometimes not so much. Now we are at 900+ renders in Episode 2 rework stage. I doubted there would be enough different scenes to showcase in a sneak peek post even if I didn't have any issues, so yeah, expect next sneak peeks next month for wine tier and above!

And lastly, I was extremely worried (didn't help with my mental state at that moment) about me doing a cross-promotions right now. I've had a few people already contact me before, but I usually declined because either our games aren't similar enough (and well, mine is a bit on the rarer side) and also because I didn't feel it was the right thing to do. I felt if I made something like that, it would paint me in a negative light. "OMG 6 months no update and now he promoting? LOLOL MILKER"

Well, I decided to bite the bullet and test the waters once. He is a nice dev before his Steam release so I said sure, just this once before my rework is close. Thankfully, my inside fears were for naught, as if anything, people reacted very nicely and the post got lots of likes. Thank you for that, and if anyone wondering, he will make his part once I am close to rework as I do feel a bit off promoting something that's getting a rework

Anyway, that's all from my rambling. As always, thanks for the patience, and can't wait to see you once it's done!

Love you all and stay healthy ()
Kat <3


Jun 3, 2020
Tried this little gem whilst waiting for the others AVN updates
Got diabetes after the date with Avis
10 mins later
Nearly fainted due to extreme blood sugar level when MC went to cinema with Anne I mean Raiko
Add one more AVN to my "To Watch" list.
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Forum Fanatic
Oct 29, 2021

Hello hello, unlucky number 13 is here. Not an unlucky one though.

Quick irl part, last two days I've been dealing with some medical administrative stuff (still lots to do as I suddenly realized I dont have health insurance and I need it for one medication ). So yeah, some annoyances there, some hefty amounts to pay, but that's life.

On a more regular, Fates related progress... It's been good!
I've poured quite a few hours into work. At the moment working (finishing) a brand new Eiko segment for ep2. It has been a bit challenging, as I've realized/remembered that her new hair, while (to me) absolutely beautiful and well fitting for her, has some clipping in her shoulder on one side of it. No matter which tricks I used, it would almost always visually clip. So, I contacted someone to fix that + one other hair I really wanted to use/continue using.
That was an experience. Four days we went back and forth because I just didn't want to accept anything that isn't perfect for them I think he did 9 revisions total (I apologized and paid him a bit extra)
However, it looks absolutely lovely. I'd say it's 220$ well spent for both. Almost no players will notice anything changed from her reworked ep1 renders to ep2, it looks absolutely the same visually, it's just "posing" the hair is now much better and it sits on her shoulders more naturally.

I've also made yet another 2 new map commissions, at this stage it's hard to count how many new/same but improved maps we will end up with. There is still multiple to go. I've also worked again with my visual artist buddy on a little something funny in a certain classroom

And I guess +250 new renders. I wanted to surpass this number, but can't be too mad due to all Eiko/commissions stuff taking a lot of time. Work is work, progress is progress. When I finish this Eiko bit, there is 2 medium segments (Avis cafe + Raiko swimsuit) and the good old big segment of the beach, I guess you could segment it into smaller meetup+Avis+Koko+Raiko+after beach.
We are getting closer, I'll try to finish all renders till the end of next month, and then my team should be able to alpha test it early October? That will probably be 70% of all rework work done then (2/3 episodes + almost all UI done).

I know many are waiting, both patiently and frustrated, and thank you for your patience, truly. I've debated (and still do) many times if I should just say screw it, and upload each reworked episode 1 by 1. Some ppl would be much happier that way, and it would be much, much more profitable. However I refuse to do it as the impact would be less impactful, as the rework and all its changes will make sense and properly shine in it's entirety, and not in one by one episodes. The rework will speak by itself once it's done, and I guess till then, I can only showcase it with sneak peeks and progress reports.

Two full episodes are now almost complete, and while the script wasn't written from scratch (and many things are the exact same), everything else has been redone from scratch. Renders, music, UI, many clothes, maps, you name it. As much as I want to be even faster, and probably could have been a bit faster, I can't be too dissatisfied with almost finishing two full episodes so far.
Unless you are telling me to make my little basement slaves work to make it faster, in which case... Not a bad idea?

Love you all,
Kat <3


Game Developer
Sep 6, 2024
Kat is a trooper for doing so much dev work all the time. Reworking his entire game from the ground-up is no easy task, especially when people are expecting new content rather than improving old content. I can tell Kat puts in a lot of effort to make his game the best it can be with the constant updates on Patreon and even Discord. I hope others can continue to have the patience to support him and see his work in the future too <3
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Jul 2, 2021
Kat is a trooper for doing so much dev work all the time. Reworking his entire game from the ground-up is no easy task, especially when people are expecting new content rather than improving old content. I can tell Kat puts in a lot of effort to make his game the best it can be with the constant updates on Patreon and even Discord. I hope others can continue to have the patience to support him and see his work in the future too <3
100%. Communication in discord & patreon is key in this scenario, if Kat went silent and didn't let us know what progress was happening then I think a lot of people would be mad. Excited for when the rework does release.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
he said the rework would be done in 3 months at most back in november... :KEK:
so when he joked ep5 2027, it might be true :p


Feb 20, 2019
I just recently found this gem while looking for something new
and to be completely honest, the only reason I gave it a shot was Avis xD
Her unique design was an eyecatcher and reading the story made me appreciate her even more
Her character and reactions range from badass to being a tease to adorable af
also her distaste for big boobs and the focus on her butt just wraps a perfect package with a bow :D

So while it sucks to wait for the rework and then even more waiting for an update to the story, I think it will be/is worth the wait
In the meantime I'll try some other VNs and wait for the ~5-7 ones I'm yearning for an update
Will add Fates Collide on that list it seems o7
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Jul 19, 2021
There are quite a few VNs out there, some good, some okay, some just horribly bad. FC is one of my favorites and while the wait is a bit, I can't wait to see what Kat ends up doing with it. Hopefully soon.


Mar 11, 2018

Two weeks passed by, so another report time.
Not sure how to feel about this one. It started pretty well-off.
Finished Eiko's bit, had some slower work here but I also tried to make something work. I'm a sucker for window renders but an idea was just not feasable in hs2. Still, the ending of the section turned pretty good. Raiko's swimsuit section proved a tad difficult, partially do to her butt renders.
Ok, just kidding. Kinda. Butt yeah, finished her section too. I was half worried if the impact/difference will be big enough (graphically) from old renders, as technically that one isn't even that old, but it was quite noticeable. Makes me less worried about Episode 3 rework.
And I've moved onto the Avis section. Started okay, had some issues with the cafe69 map (idk the 69 joke was kinda iconic to it stays) so I re-made half the map on my own to fix the issues.

And it has been going well till last 2-3 days... Kinda dipped down. I'm definitely getting more often than before burnouts/down periods. Not depressed, just feeling a bit down and unmotivated. It's an annoying circle. If I take day off, I'm behind the schedule even further but then recover, but if I don't, I might release the game sooner, and be done with these down periods faster. Not seeing the joy of people after release of a game update, seeing people chat about it on my server or elsewhere, the excitment for so long is taking a toll. But we gotta push through it, no turning back.

From renders perspective, finally a better 2-week period. Total 370 new renders. I really wanted to be done with Avis's section till report, but the last few days were slow. Also, I hate phone renders That makes it up to roughly ~1650 renders for ep2, so total 3 800 renders since rework started.

Not much irl to say. I did have a day for assembling Ikea stuff, solo assembled a big Kallax shelf. Me happy (after assembly, fuck ikea during it). And I did take one day for administritative stuff and fighting with postal office. "Fun times".

As always, love you all. Thanks for sticking out so far with me.
Levy wallpaper renders when I take a day off, don't want to make it while I'm a bit down.

<3 Kat


Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
The way 'Zetan' has been remaking the older scenes of his game has been the best way, he does a little bit with each update, without impacting the development of the game and without losing motivation.

I'm usually against remakes because by the time the remake is complete, it's already outdated again, and in the end, most devs who do it lose their passion and motivation.

I already felt something was wrong when the dev commented on his obsession with Eiko's hair, I expected him to make this remake using the characters we saw in v0.4, not new ones, so he wouldn't have to remake the latest versions, just the first ones, but it seems like he intends to make a complete remake.

Another victim of perfectionism.


Jul 2, 2021
The way 'Zetan' has been remaking the older scenes of his game has been the best way, he does a little bit with each update, without impacting the development of the game and without losing motivation.

I'm usually against remakes because by the time the remake is complete, it's already outdated again, and in the end, most devs who do it lose their passion and motivation.

I already felt something was wrong when the dev commented on his obsession with Eiko's hair, I expected him to make this remake using the characters we saw in v0.4, not new ones, so he wouldn't have to remake the latest versions, just the first ones, but it seems like he intends to make a complete remake.

Another victim of perfectionism.
Iirc correctly, Eiko's hair is basically the same looks wise. The difference is in fk/ik whatever one is used, this is to prevent clipping.

As for the rework it was also to fix plotholes and some other choice/writing things, so doing it in small parts might not make sense. The reason for the renders to need to be done at all was because of the story changes to fix these plotholes.


Mar 11, 2018

Time for new report! Yay?

Good news, I've made some progress from last report. Bad news, I'm still struggling mentally. I did have a few devs reach out in the last couple of weeks for their support, which I'm thankful for, as they understand it the most. There is no denying or avoiding it, I'm pushing through a major lack of dopamine after game releases. It's always the hardest around 60-90% of the game update progress, when you pass the halfway mark and lose the big stored positivity of last release, but also don't get the rush of the very last stretch before it's out. And with what I'm doing and amount of work, it's just even more amplified.

But that's on me, and I'll have to find ways to battle it. I guess rendering butts helps a bit
And speaking of rendering, yeah, okeyish progress since last one. Finally finished Avis's cafe section. Unfortunately her heel shoe broke... Like actual bug/glitch. I posted it on my server, but for some reason her shoe (only one) would start stretching more and more continuosly, going into the ground That was a small setback, as I tried to fix it but found no solution. But yeah, that brings us to 1820 total ep2 renders, +170 from last report. And with that, all ep2 stuff besides the beach is fully done.

And the beach was an interesting part. To try occupy my struggling mind, I made all clothes/outfits for beach + the hotel part, so essentially I have all outfits for end of ep2 + half of ep3 (as hotel is quite lengthy). That's good, I think most outfits will be well received ^.^
And speaking of the beach, the map of it. Uhhh... Yeah old was made out of items and had some issues, from low quality sand, the sea color etc. After researching and trying some stuff, I decided to commission a brand new map. I'd say it was worthy of the $ investment! It took a few days of back and forth as there were a few back, some limitations etc., but overall, I'm extremely happy what Fouetty cooked for me. The picture is only a preview for the map and outfits, so while not render ingame it's very similar to what you'll see.
Call it a little gift from me for the patience. I don't want to post side to side pic with old ep2 render, it ruins the post

Oh, and I was the first it seems to discover a very specific bug with certain clothes on big maps. I guess hooray for the bug finder Kat?

That's all for now, thanks for patience, and as always
Love you,
Kat <3
4.70 star(s) 60 Votes