"There is a grind in the game ..." does not sound all that enlightening. Nobody enjoys grinding ... ever, really, except for certain types of games. Grinding is generally for P2P MMORPG games, and there's a reason for that. I've never gotten up on a Saturday morning, brushed my teeth, and said, "I sure can't wait to get into that game and start grinding today!" Even in WOW or Guild Wars 2 or the original Neverwinter or anything like that.
In a sex VN game? Well ... I just don't really see the reasoning or the necessity behind it. See, I used to have a wife, my first one, who required me to do all this work before I could get to the pussy. You know, back rubs, bath washing, hair brushing, etc. It took hours just to get laid; it was a freakin' sandbox grind every time! It got to the point where it wasn't even worth it, because it was a HEAVY grind, man! AND it was a big reason for our divorce! My little wife now (who resembles Susanna Hoffs in my avatar) for the last 28 years just wants to fuck all the time, and that's how it has always been! No screwing around with back rubs and unnecessary foreplay! That's the kind of woman I always wanted, and that's the kind of woman I married! No sandbox, man! No grind, brother! And I'm a lucky man, because she's hot from head to toe! Men are always checking her out! And often times, I have to say something to them! I'm not a little guy, and they back off. And that's a good game to me. Maybe a little tenderness once in a while. Maybe a single red rose for Valentine's day, or a movie, dinner, and a card on her birthday, or a diamond on Christmas; not EVERY Christmas, but you know, on occasion. But I wouldn't even
have to do that, if I didn't want to. However, I appreciate that she has NEVER turned me down when I wanted to get laid, so I do little things for her anyway. She has NEVER had a headache, even when she's had a headache; you get me? I've noticed that she's felt like shit and still would let me fuck her if I wanted. Point is, if I noticed she wasn't feeling well, I wouldn't bother her for it, because I respect her for
never holding sex over my head as a tool to get what she wants out of me like so many women do to their men.
Sandboxes are like that to me. They are like a stupid game within a game you have to play to get to the prize, you know? A grind of sorts to get to the good part of the game. A chastity belt you have to find the key to, in order to get to the pussy! So maybe you can tone down your grind to a faint whisper, or remove it altogether, because so many great games have been destroyed by that one daunting aspect ... the dreaded
Peace, my brother, and good luck with your game. Take care!