Unreal Engine - Feign [v1.15.03] [slaen]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    The Jester

    Absolute Rock-Hard Gold...

    Even as a Pre-Alpha, this game has more to it than 99% of porn "Games" out there. Not only that, but it is also very approachable (Once you understand the controls which are admittedly a little clunky) and has LOTS to enjoy no matter which type of R34 Aficionado you claim to be.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot


    I have caught this game early in its development so i want to preface that this game in its current form is very barebones. Thus i base my review on the potential that it has, rather than what it is now.

    Ill start off with the positives. Currently there is no real sort of story or progression. But from what i can tell, the devs are making a foundation for that. So i do hope that this game is going to be story focused. And even if it is not, then i can also see a foundation for a combat focused game being set up here as well. I will also say that the character creation is well done, especially so when paired with the well made animations.

    The two main criticisms i have for this game is that the map is enormous, yet is almost completely barren. It would work far better from the perspective of the player if the map was more restricted and then opened up as more content is added to that part of the game. Because i just ended up wandering around looking for things to do and see, yet almost never receiving that wish.

    Secondly, although a bit of a personal problem, but the shadows are simply too strong and harsh for me. The light sources barely help to cast out the shadows. The game became more enjoyable when i turned off the shadows.

    Overall has potential to develop into an interesting game if given time. Keep up the good work dev(s).
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Been following this game for a couple years it seems like. Shows a lot of promise, updates are solid. My only gripe is that the map has way too much empty space and nothing to intuitively point you in the direction of your next discovery/adventure/monster/quest. I presume this empty space is nothing but potential atm, but it's hard to enjoy/explore a world when it's mostly running through empty space.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    1. very good work and respectful to dare to do something so big

    2. an error in the representation after a sex-sensible character is no longer shown

    3. more languages if possible (German, Spanish, Russian...)

    4. shorter cooldown time between attack and block (0.5 - 0.8 seconds less) for better handling

    5. full respect again and good luck and donations for the project I think if you stick with it, it has the potential to become a real gold mine because it would finally be something that is actually worth buying
    (finally a decent game with a concept with good gameplay and S-stuff)
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    Lack luster scenes. the animation quality (models in scenes, parts jiggling etc) could be added. sound effects for sex (slamming against eachother ect) need to be added.

    the gameplay, theres not really much to do. its boring to travel the world and its a chore too. the sexual options are extremely lacking. and it leaves much to be desired.

    i like the fact that you can be a guy, girl or trans, though if you have a dick it adds a vagina under your balls regardless.. meh. needs more time to cook
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start, can't wait for me! The details on the muscular girl bod is nice, I really hope the outfits start to fit better and we get to see a full fledged sexy RPG as a big muscular hottie!

    Really need more sexy buff girl representation in games!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a shame this game starts you in third person. Zoom in. You'll see things from first person. It feels like Skyrim. You can see animations in the first and third person. Interact with characters, steal from them, attack them and fuck them.

    I don't think many people understand the difficulty with making a Skyrim or Witcher style game. Skyrim took a team of 100 people to produce. If you want the adult AAA experience, everything you want out of skyrim with adult content is here in it's bones.

    I have been watching Feign evolve from concept to proof of concept over the past couple years and it's in a really promising state in this proof of concept. I hope this concept helps it secure some funding to get it where it needs to go.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm sorry but from what i saw it was really not interresting.

    MANY BUGS. Just for start the game, when u load u loose your appareance.

    Sex scene didnt work (only leave button worked).

    Creation is interresting but i admit, quest and dialogue was .. slow
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm very perplexed by all the engative reviews. I just spent an hour with the game and enjoyed myself.
    It's a very good looking 3D game. It allows you to play male, female or futa. Lots of things to, um, interact with. I mean you can't fuck everything with 2 legs, but there's no shortage either.

    I mean there's still plenty of rough edges for how old this game is.
    Never did find a settings, would love to cap FPS so my computer doesnt turn into a space heater. Not even CP2027 makes my computer run so hard.

    Menus are rough and need some polish by a UI designer.

    It's at least worth trying and I'm mainly writing the review because I feel this is in no way a 1 star game. Even with many valid criticism, it's at minimum two. I mean there are shit tons worse games here. This one at least ahs some good thing going on and it's a permanent addition to my collection (which I'm picky about).

    It honestly feel like playing WOW in a way, due to the visual style. I played a futa and I loved that with many people and creates I could both fuck or be fucked. Kinda rare.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Very empty feeling game, things dont always render right, also makes my system fans spin weird, not sure whats up with that. Also from the description, the game seems abandoned, so make what you want of that.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    First tried out the game in V1.12. Left a whole lot of feedback for the developer here, and recently tried out V1.14. None of my feedback was implemented and the game actually plays worse than V1.12, hence the 1 star review.

    1. There is no physics of any kind.

    2. Character creation is quite limited. There are few hairstyles, very little body customization (ie a separate butt slider, instead of making hips massive and slightly increasing butt), and penis/balls can not be increased in size.

    3. You can easily get stuck on terrain, constantly. You cannot move, but enemies can still hit you.

    4. There is no ingame list of keybindings or key rebinding. So if you forget the controls, you are boned.

    5. Combat is very barebones and heavily in the AIs favor.

    6. There is insufficient berry bushes to complete one of the quests.

    7. There is no falling damage, no falling animation, and you can sprint for forever. But, you cannot swing for forever with a weapon, but these is a separate meter for weapon stamina and running stamina and they are different colors.

    8. It is not paused when in the Menu or the Inventory.

    9. There are very few animations for each entity.

    10. If you are defeated, you respawn outside of the city. So, if you were really far, at the edge of the map, and it took you 10 minutes to run there, well, looks like you get to run back. Reminds me of dying in World of Warcraft and having to retrieve my corpse, in all the worst ways.

    11. There is no crafting, even though you find ingredients and ores around the place.

    12. Ingredients don't respawn, but enemies do.

    13. Performance wise, it is much worse than 1.12. But, at least it isn't always sunny anymore.

    14. You cannot have sex with random humanoid NPCs.

    15. Enemies will pounce on you and grapple you, even mid-swing, and even if you are blocking. There is no defense against this, and once they decide to try to grapple you, they make constant attempts to do so, if you somehow manage to dodge out of the way of the grapple.

    16. You cannot grapple enemies and you cannot "lustify" them. But they can "lustify" you. If they successfully grapple or "lustify" you, it is the same thing as being killed and thus you respawn at the town.

    17. There is no roleplaying here and interactions with NPCs is extremely barebones. Quests usually lack quest text and after completing a quest, the NPCs are totally unresponsive.

    18. Sex is very barebones, with no sound effects, limited visual effects, and no orgasming. No cum textures or decals or anything.

    19. Loot is nonexistent, and finding upgrades is a major chore.

    Overall, not worthwhile to play at the moment. It is a nice technical demo showcasing off what it "could be". But I review and play the game, for what it is "currently", and what it is, is so barebones and unplayable and unfun, that I'd wait for several releases before trying it out.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Cant wait for more! Really beautiful models and outfits. To have the ability to customize the mc with gender/proportions is gold (it is hard to come with a blueprint in unreal engine with your own fbx/objects). Def going to see more on patreon, this has great future! good luck
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    +Graphics are beautiful. Models are nice. Though I wish there was some way to customize NPCs because the character creator is pretty decent.

    +I like the elements of open world and battling monsters/monster girls to have sex with.

    +The sex animations that are there are actually pretty good.

    -Combat in it's current state feels completely irrelevant. Though I'm not playing for the combat anyways.

    Main cons I would say would be that there could be more animations and more monster girls! Though let's be honest you can never have enough of those.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has great potential.
    Fine animation and enemy types, like minotaurs, goblins, succubes and so on.
    Great character creation with different features combinable.
    Nice shader/graphics with slightly cartoonish style.

    What else to add? More gameplay elements (like horse ride, quests) and monster types - with such cool goblins would be great to see some halflings and orcs, centaurs and so on.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the idea: create you own character(male or female...futa) , explore an open world, get your dick sucked, collect/trade stoff, lots of potential there. Animation were alright, though they clipped a lot. Glitchly here and there but not game breaking. Lots of potential for this game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty Great looking right now . If he or she put everything they plan to into it . It will be a Faptorium for years to cum . ( See what i did there ? Yes you did you perv ) Right now its pretty barebone put the Basic is there . It really is a proof of Concepts
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of raunchy potential. I've played over 24hrs of this in various ways. Have traveled very far. Lit all the lamps. Done every sex position. About the only gripe I have at this point of time in the development is: The controls are too chunky = having to use Mouse, Keyboard, and touchscreen just to do: 1) create a character, and 2) sex positions.
    I look forward to future updates and have it on 'watch' :)
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The creator describes rhis project as a nsfw adult fable/skyrim type of game and you can see the fable inspiration right away. the character customization is great, the game looks and feels great already and the best part is that this creater has only just begun and already is putting so many things in place so they dont have to go back and change things later. Fast moving production and easily one of my most watched games right now
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Strong points:
    -60FPS performance in high quality.
    -Textures and models really well done.
    -Beautiful graphics.
    -Basic character customization.

    Weak points:
    -Animation are ugly/bad and if I observed well, I noticed that it was free animations get on a site for Unreal Engine (jumping, running...)
    -The sex animations are more or less well done (mouth is clipping on the dick, animation doesn't start well, ...).
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is actually completely unplayable. At first none of the animations would trigger correctly and everything would just start glitching out. So then I tried restarting the game to see if that would help and upon restarting Icouldn't even click on things in the menu anymore to even start the game.