Aillor Nailo

Sep 12, 2020
I'm suddenly confused. There's no taking any pictures in Max mission that i can recall. You go on a "date" with him and then, if you choose to go to his apartment you can have sex with him (and plant a bug in his phone afterwards) or chicken out and leave early.
It starts at "MALAY-410000 Taking a selfie".

...taking a selfie! you venture.

Seriously? Like //that?//

Uh huh. You smile brightly.

Fucking hell... he murmurs. That's //hot.// He approaches eagerly, and scoops up his phone. Let's do a couple, he says, holding it up at a high angle above you. Smile...

Wait, not my fa-

The shutter sound clicks and the flash goes off right in your eyes. //Too slow.// Sorry, I'll delete that one later.

He angles the phone down and snaps a few shots of him pawing and fondling your boobs with his free hand. //Click, flash! Click, flash! Click, flash!//

Oh jä, this is //hot,// he murmurs. Looks like your little ruse worked. The camera and his hand move down your body to your crotch, a fingertip slipping between your labia. //Click, flash!//

You smile sexily up into his phone. //Click, flash! Click, flash! Click, flash!// You pose sexily on the edge of the bed, sucking in your stomach and arching your back for the most flattering poses.

Oh jä, this is //hot,// he murmurs. Looks like your ruse worked. //Men!// Turn around, let me get your ass.

You spread apart your legs so he can get better access. //Click, flash! Click, flash! Click, flash!// Holding his phone up to your crotch, he snaps a series of shots of his forefinger slipping back and forth in your pussy.

Then he adds another finger. You gasp and contort your face as two big masculine fingers sink deeply up inside you, right up to the knuckles. //Click, flash! Click, flash! Click, flash!//

You lie back on the bed, legs apart, propped up on your elbows while Max finger fucks you with one hand and takes close-ups with the other. It feels pretty good, if a little detached and gynecological – this is definitely a guy sex thing, but it's not terrible, and from the intense look on his face he's loving it.

At least you distracted him from the...//oh my god that phone is hacked.// Every photo he's taking is being uploaded to _yourCommsAgency as part of the payload. //Click, flash! Click, flash! Click, flash!//

You always check the photos on a hacked phone, always. They're an excellent source of intel on a subject – where he's been, who he was with...what she looks like with her legs spread apart, being fingerfucked after a first date. //Oh fuck!// <<Wheeler>> will definitely see this. Even if Max hadn't caught that shot of your face, it's obviously you.

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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 19, 2022
It starts at "MALAY-410000 Taking a selfie".
Ohh, that's a branch that fires if you mess up and get caught. I've never seen it until now, my Kate was always more competent than that.

edit: it's probably worth noting that you get alternative path to get out of this situation, one which doesn't involve taking selfies. So i think arbitrarily deciding the selfie path should be removed "because it doesn't suit Kate" is a poor call here: let the player decide which path would match personality of their Kate, rather than railroad them into what you personally approve. Or maybe add an option to stop it earlier, for more granularity. Though of course that means extra work.
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Aillor Nailo

Sep 12, 2020
Ohh, that's a branch that fires if you mess up and get caught. I've never seen it until now, my Kate was always more competent than that.

edit: it's probably worth noting that you get alternative path to get out of this situation, one which doesn't involve taking selfies. So i think arbitrarily deciding the selfie path should be removed "because it doesn't suit Kate" is a poor call here: let the player decide which path would match personality of their Kate, rather than railroad them into what you personally approve. Or maybe add an option to stop it earlier, for more granularity. Though of course that means extra work.
Yes, it is hard to cut things but the number of options and paths and choices and "ifs" are multiplying soo quick in this game when you start delving into the code. It rather difficult to try to track their long term effects as well, how should she react/think further on? Right now, it doesn't really impact anything and it should. But I have not got that far yet in the code so a little bit difficult to say.

I might skip this initially and move on, so I better get an understanding of what happens further on and then I might return and add training and Max.

The scene above also continues, I din't add all. So there is a lot hidden behind that failure. And just as you did, my Kate is more competent.

Aillor Nailo

Sep 12, 2020
What do you all think about the dice rolls (DnD-style)? They of course add a bit of randomness to choices, but is that what this story needs? If to be used effectively, Kate would need some base stats that reflects her character.

If "she" rolls a natural 1 deception check (failure, the difficulty class is 2) on entering Thailand then she ends up in a long story that ends with a strip search (vaginal + anal before CCTV). But as far as I know, she does not have a "Charisma" modifier that sets the basis of the test.

So I'm thinking of what to do.

Alternative 1 is to go full DnD making dice rolls for all decision. That means you the player have limited options (more or less no menu choices). You might only impact the game in "level up" situations where you could decide where to put additional stats or maybe give Kate advantage or disadvantage. This would probably mean that no two game plays are equal, which might be fun. It would be very interesting coding it and I have NO idea how the story would run or to keep track of everything.

Alternative 2 is to remove this and make you the player choose everything.
In the above scenario then the choices would probable be two menu items:
1. Succeed
2. Failure [Strip search]
No character stats needed but all "player choices" might need to be saved. if choice(stripsearchthailand) == true then...
Might be many many choices in the end, the story has many choices.

Alternative 3 is maybe the standard "Stats" way, where the main character has some base stats at the beginning and then, depending on certain choices by the player, could gain or lose points. Then depending of the value (if exhibitionism > 2 then show...) events happen or not.
In the above example you probably need to "lower" a stat previously to end up with the Failure option.

I seems Chrush has chosen kind of all of the above but randomly, largely making nothing really work.

Aillor Nailo

Sep 12, 2020
In the end I guess we all want Kate to be our Kate and that decisions made earlier influences later stories.
"Not again! I was strip searched when entering Thailand, what's the chance that it happens here too? Am I the unluckiest girl ever?"
But how to keep track of that with this type of story is currently beyond me.
Even "good" VNs like AWAM struggles to keep this together, and that is an easier story than this.


Nov 19, 2023
What do you all think about the dice rolls (DnD-style)? They of course add a bit of randomness to choices, but is that what this story needs? If to be used effectively, Kate would need some base stats that reflects her character.

If "she" rolls a natural 1 deception check (failure, the difficulty class is 2) on entering Thailand then she ends up in a long story that ends with a strip search (vaginal + anal before CCTV). But as far as I know, she does not have a "Charisma" modifier that sets the basis of the test.

So I'm thinking of what to do.

Alternative 1 is to go full DnD making dice rolls for all decision. That means you the player have limited options (more or less no menu choices). You might only impact the game in "level up" situations where you could decide where to put additional stats or maybe give Kate advantage or disadvantage. This would probably mean that no two game plays are equal, which might be fun. It would be very interesting coding it and I have NO idea how the story would run or to keep track of everything.

Alternative 2 is to remove this and make you the player choose everything.
In the above scenario then the choices would probable be two menu items:
1. Succeed
2. Failure [Strip search]
No character stats needed but all "player choices" might need to be saved. if choice(stripsearchthailand) == true then...
Might be many many choices in the end, the story has many choices.

Alternative 3 is maybe the standard "Stats" way, where the main character has some base stats at the beginning and then, depending on certain choices by the player, could gain or lose points. Then depending of the value (if exhibitionism > 2 then show...) events happen or not.
In the above example you probably need to "lower" a stat previously to end up with the Failure option.

I seems Chrush has chosen kind of all of the above but randomly, largely making nothing really work.
For me it would be option 1 or 3, because why would you choose to be strip searched? It always seems unnatural to me when games give you a "choice" that no rational person would choose as a setup to showing you porn.

But what's the easiest for you to code? I think that anything that moves away from the kinetic nature of the story would be an improvement and if you can add replayability all the better. Another of my pet peeves are the stupid "bad decision" game overs. Like "game over" if you refuse the mission or refuse to get sexually assaulted by the bar manager. It would be awesome if you can do something with those.

I seems Chrush has chosen kind of all of the above but randomly, largely making nothing really work.

Nailed it.
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Aillor Nailo

Sep 12, 2020
It always seems unnatural to me when games give you a "choice" that no rational person would choose as a setup to showing you porn
I think a part of the problem is that it sometimes is difficult to understand if the choice is from the perspective of the player or the character. A player might select that choice because "showing porn" but a character, just as you said, wouldn't.

So in essence we want Kate to behave entirely independent. She should make all choices as is relevant for her. But is that a Kinetic Novel then? Or do we need to randomize DnD variables?

Currently, we as a player decide if she should be sun-bathing topless. Should we be in charge of that?
If not, then how do we make Kate ours?
What should otherwise dictate that choice?

And then we have "external events" like the immigration test. Our character might end up in "failure", but how? Should we have stats or rolls for deception, stress, nervousness, how tired or irritated the officer is etc?

But what's the easiest for you to code?
I do not know honestly. I think I need to understand how the game is supposed to work first.
What choices should be left to the player?
What choices should be left to Kate?
What choices/events should be "forced" onto Kate (based on stat X or Y or dice roll or other)?

When I have found that balance, I think I might know.

But a full on DnD-version might be fun. It will of course contain Alt 1 and Alt 3 (Rolls + Stats) to decide the premise and the outcome of a choice.

How to remember the results and write in variations going forward is a major challenge regardless.

What would Kate's Dnd character be?
Strength. She looks quite fit, above average. 12?
Dexterity. I do not know how tall she is but I would say 170cm? No mention of acrobatics or gymnastics what I have read (or remember) so 10? 11?
Constitution: 12?
Intelligence: I must assume she is quite bright otherwise why is she in an intelligence organization? They wouldn't recruit an idiot would they? 14?
Wizdom: This might be a weakness depending on her age and that she has studied. If you play the earlier versions you go through educations so there you could choose party girl och study-focused girl. 8-10?
Charisma: I do not know what to set this to. But she seems nice? 8-12 maybe? She is quite good looking but that is not a part if the charisma or is it?
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Oct 11, 2024
And... this is exactly what allows Crush to constantly work on "updates" and "improvements" until he's frazzled since 2017. Because opinions are like arseholes; everyone has one and anyone who denies it is full of literal shit. So he's able to say someone asked for X feature, then drag that out for a year, before someone else suggests Y feature, then repeat / reboot into infinity.

What is shocking is his claim he was a project manager, because anyone with any project background knows Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART) goals exist. Last time Trump was in office, Crush had a MFAGA plan, which was clearly not Achievable (given his historic output) nor, and this is the ultimate kicker, Time Bound because he's not been bothered to write 200ish words for a regular report.

How to solve it:
1) humble himself to acknowledge his strengths (writing smut) and weaknesses (pretty much everything else), and pick Specific and Achievable plan to stick to UNTIL COMPLETION OR DEATH (whichever comes first). Can we agree that in Year 8 of development, he ought to be clear on this?
2) commit to a Timeline that he can actually deliver (still waiting for the Booth Babe update) in a Measurable way (e.g. wrote 1k words this week, because 1k X 52 weeks is a short novel). Stop moving the goal posts.
3) after delivering a base story, he can go ahead and add all the dice rolls and lifepaths he want because it's easier to add branches if you've got a sturdy foundation eh? Deciding what's Relevant is where he's spending all his time, pitting group A vs group B, when only he knows what capacity and speed he has.

End of day, till his Patreons hold him accountable, his behaviour seems unlikely to improve especially given the salty undertone when asked for even the tiniest accountability. In his words, "I am sticking to producing weekly reports not good reports. ❤‍" because reporting progress (or lack thereof) is beneath him? To illustrate the power of consistency, even if he produced NOTHING but weekly updates of 200 words since FA started in Sept 2017, that's 76,000 words (exceeding Catcher in the Rye).
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Sep 30, 2017
Aillor Nailo
D&D is fun, and it's gotten a surge of new popularity in more mainstream circles somewhat recently, but not everything needs to be D&D.

For one thing, FA (as currently implemented) just lets you keep going back and re-rolling a randomized outcome until you get the one you wanted to see. Instead of offering replayability, it often just slows down a single playthrough. While you can try to avoid this by preventing rolling back or saving randomized results, having these random choices actually add to the story instead of detracting is based on the game you make. A fully fledged RPG with nuance and multiple fleshed out routes? Sure. A short porn game that's basically a virtual novel anyway? People probably aren't going to be jumping for joy at the prospect of starting a second playthrough just to see the MC get stopped in customs.

Also, using a D20 and the specific set of stats from D&D really isn't necessary for a game this tiny. There's really nothing that requires anything close to that level of complexity. You can do whatever you want, but you don't have to stick with the system that's designed for a completely different genre.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 19, 2022
I can't tell you how relieved I am to see he's going back to the planning stage again. I almost worried something might actually get done for a minute.
Well, he does seem to be doing something:

Transparency report #3
An hour ago
Hey guys! I've been working non-stop on the game for the last 7 days. No peace for the wicked.
This week I put out three new scene tests to the testing group (the last one just a couple hours ago). Those guys told me to sex it up, so that's what I've been doing.
  • Test 1 changed one long sex scene in the previous version to three different short ones
  • Test 2 was non-sexy but good, (a scene for Elite social class Kate where, in her teens, she discovers her grandmother was a secret agent in World War II)
  • Test 3 added an ENF ("Embarrassed Nude Female") scene, a hookup sex scene, and a girl/girl makeout between the heroine and her best friend.
Yes, I've been working my ass off

Transparency reports should be transparent

Honestly: tester feedback has been kind of mixed. I'll wait for more feedback on Test 3, but personally, I'm kind of torn. What I'm adding in is definitely making the Lifepath sexier, but I'm concerned that I'm adding in too much detail and it's dragging the overall pace.
I might just be frazzled from working on this non-stop for weeks without taking a day off I'm going to grab a pen and paper and figure out if I can streamline the design. I just want to get this done and out to you. ❤‍


Oct 14, 2020
Well, he does seem to be doing something:
So since January of 2024 he has done:

1) Re work an already existing scene
2) Decide to waste geniously think that Kate grandma used to be a Secret agent, without this information the story couldn't develop for 8 full years. I mean, WW2 started and ended faster than this game plans to be finished.
3) Create 3 "embarassed nude female" scenes for Kate, a girl who was tasked to infiltrate a Thai prostitution ring and works.... nearly nude is embarassed of ... being nude in front of a girl friend.

Yeah brother Crush is still scamming people harder than Milei with the Libra crypto


New Member
Nov 16, 2018
its a different community but.
January 30 one guy on Patreon say he would post one chapter of his story in 2 or 3 days, February 6 someone post this:
I am going to say it, if no one else is going to. I was fine with the single month break as it was because of family. However when you say you will post in 2-3 days and reply to some 2 day ago that your just finishing the final page and there is still nothing. That is very scummy, and disappointing I expected better. You shouldn't of said 2-3 day if it wasn't going to be posted and add on that there was pretty much a whole month of nothing .

this was on this patreon


New Member
Nov 16, 2018
Is he developing Baldur's Gate 4 or something? Working 14 days in a row but we have nothing. xD
Lost Soul Aside started developing in 2018 with one person, is expected to be released this year
Nintendo Switch was released march 3, 2017... same year FemaleAgent... we are almost getting N switch 2....


Jan 30, 2022
And... this is exactly what allows Crush to constantly work on "updates" and "improvements" until he's frazzled since 2017. Because opinions are like arseholes; everyone has one and anyone who denies it is full of literal shit. So he's able to say someone asked for X feature, then drag that out for a year, before someone else suggests Y feature, then repeat / reboot into infinity... End of day, till his Patreons hold him accountable, his behaviour seems unlikely to improve especially given the salty undertone when asked for even the tiniest accountability.
As long as he is raking in a 6 figure income, why would he change? Genuine question. The fact of the matter is if he had actually worked and released the game 3-4 years ago (which he easily could've done) he would've missed out on close to half a million dollars of Patreon money. And he knows this.

Whether or not he is doing it intentionally is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that he is making a very comfortable upper middle class income quite literally doing nothing but writing a report every month. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, why would he do anything to rock the boat? And yes, releasing new content is rocking the boat when people are happy to give you money for zero content.

Westerners hate paying for games, but they love supporting game devs. The same fan that happily supports Crush's 6 figure income with a 20-30 dollars a month Patreon subscription for years on end would've foamed at the mouth in anger if Crush had released the game finished all the way back in 2017 and asked for a 30 dollar pricetag upfront. It is to the benefit of all western indie devs to drag out the Patreon process for as long as possible to milk your audience, because you know that once the game actually releases sales will be minimal.

All these suggestions on what Crush should do is worthless because Crush is winning and winning hard right now. If he had worked hard at start he would've lost out immensely. From his perspective, why fix something that isn't broken? Why go down a path that would've ruined you if you had gone down it a few years ago?
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