RPGM - Completed - Femboy Holy Order Rascal [Final] [Yanmarumaa]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Idea is good but game is trash.

    First the translation is garbage you can only kinda understand what is going on, so sex talk and everything else is bad.

    Art is decent but not amazing.

    Sex scenes are okay if they had good dialogue which they don´t, but I like that you don´t immedialy get a game over after a scene.

    Gameplay is bad, it´s generic and very slow, I also softlocked myself way too often and way too easy.

    Music generic.

    Wouldn´t recommend it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Lotsa femboys, so if you're into that, you'll definitely have fun... Beyond that, well... I'd recommend just downloading a save and enjoying the CGs, as you're not really losing out on anything but context by not actually playing the game.
    • The MTL is atrocious (Ork gets translated to Oak ffs);
    • the combat is the usual RPGMaker grindfest - but admittedly it's pretty easy and quick;
    • story (I know, very important) is the usual shallow setup and the ending is possibly the most anticlimactic thing ever, which includes the final lewd scene;
    • but hey, at least it's not buggy.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: Final

    The artstyle and the focus on traps are a pretty good quality of this game, and i think that the only quality i can give to this game.
    The gameplay is a joke, far too easy to steamroll everything in this game with 10 minutes of battle grinding, item and consumables are meaningless and money is pointless.

    Its a game that has good qualities and big negative qualities. The best i can give this is a three stars, far too unbalanced in quality.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Too bad this game doesn't have a proper english translation because 69% of the time you get what they are saying while you try to figure it out the proper context on each scenes.

    I support anyone who does crossdressing so its really cool that the dev of this game really empowers to anyone with a taste to become a trap, femboy, trans or crossdresser if they feel comfortable in doing it then they should be themselves so its a beautiful message that you can get to see at the very end of the game <3

    Also the dev seems to be more into Mangas and CG'S judging from checking his DL-Site creator profile so looking forward on twitter the next game which i cross fingers to not have a lot of NTR :(
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    its pretty good i enjoyed the art style and the gay sex. I highly recommend. ''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''' '''''''''''''' '''''''''''''' '''''''''''''' '''''''''''''' '''''''''''''' '''''''''''''' '''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    What an absolute shame. I really wanted to enjoy this game since Femboy content is so sparse, but WOW this is awful. 3 hours of playing and you get hardly any H content what so ever, the gameplay loop is dreadful, and the content provided (When there is any) is inconsistent.

    Most of the game is running through an area and fighting enemies, then running back somewhere else. Other times it's avoiding enemies that instakill you, but will all give the EXACT same scene. I got 5 total scenes in 3 hours, and they were all VERY brief. Most enemies don't have any kind of defeat scene at all, so don't bother losing to any enemy after the very start of the game.

    The gameplay is just awful, the scenes are few and far inbetween, and when you do get some, the art is just...mediocre. It's a really low effort game, a great example of that being how you can change your character's costume, but it's only the sprite that changes. They just...make the standing portrait darker, and it doesn't change anything. They also just drew heads and pasted them onto pre-made assets from PRG, so you'll see an awful chimera of art styles. Imagine being so lazy that you draw a head and glue it onto pre existing assets.