For those who struggle to unlock specialization, there is a small save hack of how to switch between them without actually unlocking
1) Switch the game into the `Compliance` mode
2) Press `New` game button, you'll enter the specializations screen. Check what spec you want to play with. Internally game has some shuffled specs counting, so here are the matchings:
0 - 'None', 1 - 'Nerds', 2 - 'Bunnygirls', 3 - 'Redheads', 4 -'Sailors', 5 - 'Android', 6 - 'Cowgirls', 7 - 'Bimbo', 8 - 'Goblin', 9 - 'Alien', 10+ - seems like same as 0.
Choose the specialization you want to play and record its number.
3) Start the game on any spec or load any savegame
4) Wait until the game is saved at least once (see popup message in the top right corner about game being saved) (or just exit the game, seems like there is saving on exit)
5) Exit the game
6) Go to the game saves folder. To get saves location for your OS go to
ht tps://docs.unity3d .com/ScriptReference/Application-persistentDataPath.html
(remove spaces as i dont know if is it ok to post links to other websites here

and search for your OS and the path from the Unity docs.
For Windows 10, the saves location is:
(Note that there will be two folders: Rel.Pink and Rel_Pink. Choose the one with saves in it.
7) The autosave feature is recording data into 'A.json' file, so let's modify it. But for now, create a copy of this file for backup.
8) Open it with any text editor, then search for "activeSpecialization" key. As the value for key enter the selected number from step 2. You should then have something like this:
(5 here is the number for Android specialization)
Be careful not to delete any additional symbols as this will ruin the save file.
9) Save the file and open the game
10) Press `Continue` to load the game from autosave file
11) Now you should be playing with the selected specialization