Splashed the cash for you guys, Enjoy!
Week 1, Protagonist, Update
Ok, let us be quick: Week 1: 68/75 pictures
It was close and I almost made it, but I'm a little bit behind the schedule. I hope I can catch up in week 2 with the rest of the Captured by Dark Elves renders so that I can work on the implementation on week 3. Again, fingers crossed. A lot of dirty work to do
Now, last week I opened a poll on what you guys would like to play as the protagonist, but I made a mistake giving them different hair and clothes, so your focus was on that instead of body type and physique. I will be a bit more detailed this time:
The Protagonist!
First of all, both models can look fairly similar, can use most of the bondage equipment I collected over the past years, both can wear feminine clothing and get sissified as well as have marks from whipping, caning and so on.
Model 1
We start with the first model who looks a bit older and more mature. The skin isn't as reflective, although I can work on that.
On the plus side, the posture when posing does look better most of the times, especially the shoulders.
I made this model a bit more muscular to show the difference, but I can morph out the muscles.
(even though much smaller, but Model 1 also has some shoulder issues)
The male clothing on this one conforms better, since he's a normal 3D male model.
Model 2
Our 2nd model has arguably the better, more reflective skin. He's also younger, but still has some muscles and is durable. It is an improved version of the current Femdom City model.
Posing on this one can be a bit harder, because model 2 is originally a female model. That makes it also hard to fit male clothes to him. Still, it isn't much of a problem.
(gave it a bit different lighting because of the skin)
(here you see a bit of issue with the shoulder. You see it in some femdom city renders as well. Don't know if that is really an issue for you guys or not).
So, now with the direct comparison, you can really make a good decision on what you like more, so please compare the pictures and then please vote for your favourite. It will determine how the protagonist in future games and artwork will look

. And really choose by preference! Both take a similar amount of work and rendertime.
That's it already. I will go back to rendering now and see if I can catch up some time for the next dark elf episode.
Stay kinky