Porn [most semi-amateur ones are better than highly polished ones], and "stupid protagonist" [hey, that's a maledom criticism of all femdom games

] games are "invisible" for the masses, a high profile scandal would paint femdom as something only "degenerates" like Trump engages into. How would you feel if as a consequence of such a video existing, a stupid meme would have taken hold, calling watersports, or even worse, when its in a femdom context "trumpism"

<-that would surely stain the enjoyment of it markedly. Just imagine: "oh, so you are a trumpist, doing things idiots like Trump are into?"

, it would be devastating for any activity, let alone femdom, which is already ridiculed enough. That was my, very joking

point - since obviously femdom's reputation is anything but untarnished by its haters.
Really sorry if I pushed a few buttons with my last joke - of course I would not want femdom to be associated with Trumpism of all things!

I did understand your joking point the first time around, and replied with a perhaps poorlyb thought out joke. Moving on to the more important parts of your post though,
PS: about stupid characters
They are necessary if one aims to create porn, unless you are willing to craft a serious psychological profile for the MC and brake it down with the artistic gusto of a maestro novelist. Every MC of every adult game is necessarily conventionally stupid, because they skip any complex internal or external descriptions of their motivations. Let's be honest, narrative mostly exists in adult games to facilitate and elicit the porn parts [this can be done more sensually and immersively or less], and not the other way around [such as a psychological drama, containing some erotic scenes to accentuate something else <- and thus the kind of sex being in a psychological and logical continuum with the persona].
Anyone who expects Prince Myshkin level of artistry behind MC's is not realistic in the context of adult games. I have a pet-peeve with this, because my fav femdom games - yes, all of them - were accused at one point or another with the MC being stupid, for the simple reason of them allowing being used or dominated by women [apparently intelligence is in conflict with submission] <- ignoring that the latter is the goal of the game. Another solution would be non-con femdom [so you don't have to make all sorts of contortions about the why of the situation], but then all hell would break loose for different reasons, and we all know what those reasons would be: "tEh DeV oBbViOuSlY hAs No IdEa AbOuT rEeL fEnYdOm ReLaShOnShEePs, 'CoS In ReEl LaIf ThE DoMmE cArEs FoR hEeEeM!.
I have on several posts in the past spoken against the ableist tendency of equating cunning/intelligence with dominance or stupidity with submission, which is sadly shared not just by a lot of ignorant users with mainly dominant fantasies, but also by a few devs! (and sometimes even by the militant kind of soft femdom enthusiasts, some of whom consider submission to fetishes they don't personally have, like say, pegging, spitting or femdom scat to name a few of the less run-of-the-mill ones, to be stupid/unmanly/degenerate or a host of other epithets they fail to realize a lot of judgemental conservative people would just as easily and for exactly the same reason characterize them with...) I was always strongly against this, so you do not need to make that point for me.
I also agree that obviously in any erotic material (video, story, game etc), the plot mainly exists to either emphasize or tie together the various erotic elements into one cohesive narrative which the reader/player might consider hotter as a whole than just seeing a depiction of a porn scene. So yes, while the plot exists mostly in service of the porn, the reason for which I personally tend to like erotica stories and games more as a medium than porn vids is that they allow the writer/dev to explore far more facets of a femdom relationship, character interactions and development over time, as well as some of my favourite fantasies, (such as a slow descent into submission until all of a protagonists personality, including core values and principles, are reshaped by his mistress, so that in the end he not only gives everything to her, but also the right to be his own man in a manner of speaking, as his main goal in life becomes to please and obey her at any cost, or a situation were a previously cocky/arrogant male is blackmailed by a dominant female and eventually winds up having all of his dominant instinct trained out of him and becoming her happy sub or sex slave, or even just a wholesome femdom relationship where a willing protagonist also discovers his girlfriend loves to be dominant and they keep pushing boundaries until their relationship fully changes, more along the lines of what "Escalation!" or "Steps to Love!" did) many of which can't be served by the barebones or sometimes non-existent plot in porn vids.
Of course I do not expect devs to be Dostoievsky or Stendhal or MCs to have more complex personalities and thought streams than my own, but I do tend to be put off when MCs are needlessly unknowledgeable/uneducated about their own world, or can only make choices that, considering their situation, are very naive and they would not make if they stopped to think about them for less than a minute, especially in completely non-erotic circumstances. Choosing to submit/be dominated sexually can be a perfectly intelligent willful decision one makes, (to satisfy a need, explore a fetish they always wanted to, because they simply like the Mistress as a person or a myriad other reasons) but, say, choosing to attempt to escape from a dystopian future you were just kidnapped and brought to by a duo of secret agents by finding your way to the time machine room when it is not in operation, hoping nobody noticed you or no camera recorded you, hoping the device can even be operated and used by the same person, hoping you'll just figure out how the tech from 200 years in the future works and that you'll be able to send yourself safely to the right place and time without you even having any IT, Relativistic physics or other relevant scientific knowledge, AND hoping nobody will follow you through and hurt either you or your loved ones for having defied the will of the female dictator from the future, is... just outright stupid?
Funnily enough this example of a protagonist forcefully acting in a stupid manner comes from a game where MC can very much be dominant as well, not just submissive, (How to Fix the Future) not from a pure femdom game, and I even like the femdom path within that game quite a bit, but this kind of very poor decision-making from protagonists, especially if it happens repeatedly, always puts me off, likely both because I consider it lazy/bad writing and because I have trouble empathizing with/putting myself in the shoes of those character and therefore truly enjoying the story to the fullest anymore. That's actually part of the reason why I love porn games where the submissive MC can also very much be an intelligent person/perhaps even a Scholar like Mistresses of the Forest, Karlsson's gambit, Domina School (hopefully it wasn't abandonned), Seeds of Chaos, Nothing is Forever and various other femdom games (or games with femdom content like the last 2 I mentioned) with well-written narratives and characters! Long story short, I tend not to like stupid protagonists in my porn games (although I can definitely tolerate them if I like other aspects of the content), but for very different reasons than most of the people you had bad experiences with, (like the ableist idiots who think being sexually submissive is in and of itself stupid, or the moralizing preachers who want to kill any non-con game/story with fire...

) and I am truly sorry for having reminded you of all that with my stupid Trump joke!
Phew, rant over. Also,
Ok, for anyone really interested in the nature of the ongoing conflict [not saying its the truth with a capital T, but a great, in my view more objective counter-balance for the usual propaganda with a thorough context for the conflict also provided], I recommend watching this video [an interview by
Abby Martin with Brian Becker]:
You must be registered to see the links
while I haven't gotten around to watching that interview yet, I'm subscribed to the Empire Files and Abby Martin has some great content most of the time!

Thanks and I hope I have made my position on this clearer/less offensive with this post. Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for updating the list!