Thank you for your answers. I read first two though and don't like them very much. MC verbal abusing there didn't seem to me sincere at all since heroines were enjoying it too much - i.e. making it look like MC is pervert or specifically provoked him to be like that. I like more real anger and hatred rather than artificial one. I suspect the third game will be similar in that sense.
Likely. (I didn't like Gyaru express much either) To be fair in Peniban quest for example the plot has many problems from a writing perspective, (it just has some hot scenes here and there, but the MC barely undergoes any development or has any input/agency in the plot, and not even the writing for your companions is very simplistic) and to be fair in a lot of Japanese games with a submissive protagonist you will sadly get the phenomenon of the passive protagonist that just mumbles "That's..." a billion times and ocassionally gets outraged/shocked by the impropriety of what the dominant women say or propose to do to him, which in my opinions lowers writing quality too. (MC only acting as the stereotypical average "salaryman/highschool student" and not having much of a distinct personality or reacting to what is being done to him) I actually agree NNN definitely put in more effort than those 3 games I mentioned to shape up Yamada's personality and character (that much was clear from how little I played) but, again, I only mentioned those games because I thought you might enjoy some of the sex scenes in them, not because I thought the verbal abusing or even the writing in general was great in them.
That I never could understand. For me the most horrible type of games are the so called sandboxes and vns I enjoyed the most were exactly kinetic. The more linear story is - the better writing becomes. It works like that. In the end any potential freedom of choices is just a fiction - you're read exactly what author wanted to say - and no more than that. If that is the case - it's better to read the best author could make in one uninterrupted text rather than something less completed but with multiple pieces of it.
It's simple really - because it doesn't feel like a game if you are just cruising through a completely linear collection of excerpts of text accompanied by static (and seldom moving) images! A KN is basically the in-between version of a novel and a movie, with the main difference being that most KNs don't excell at writing as much as a good novel does, or at visuals as much as a movie does. There is not even any element of "playing" involved, as playing assumes you take at least a few actions and interact with whatever media you're consuming - for KNs, you read and perhaps watch them, but you don't "play" them.
I myself sometimes (although quite rarely) play KNs, because I appreciate the well-written ones just as much as I'd appreciate a good book, (as long as the erotic content in them doesn't put me off) and even my favourite Japanese VN from this whole list, "Steps to Love", has only 2 branching choices that lead to 4 endings, so in many ways it is quite linear and not that far away from a KN, but I'd still argue that the characters in it for example have more personality and layers/facets to themselves, and that the writing is better, than in all KNs I've tried. I'd say the same thing about the characters and writing in games like Nothing is forever or Mistresses of the forest, which are narratives with plenty of choices, so I strongly disagree with you that "The more linear story is - the better writing becomes."
As an amateur writer myself (published a few erotica stories online and been working on a more serious light femdom romance novel for a while now), I will often have many interesting ideas for how the plot of a story can evolve from one point or another, and could apply the same writing quality to a story with multiple endings as I would to a linear one. There is a grain of truth in what you said here in that, even for a great writer, the more endings, choices and variables there are in a story, the more difficult it becomes to write all of them just as well as the ones the author themselves originally envisioned or simply cares more about, so while I 100% agree that "linear = easier writing", "linear = better writing" is not always the case, and I believe most good authors can write well in both formats. Also,
If that is the case - it's better to read the best author could make in one uninterrupted text rather than something less completed but with multiple pieces of it.
Non-linear stories are often actually more complete than linear ones, because they explore the depth of more characters in a story and also take several possibilities in the plot to their own conclusion, which is something a linear story can never do...
And what if nurses were in fact enjoyed what they did and using MC there as their living dildo? They were some subtle hints that even Tachibana were aroused/cumming fucking Yamada and she was very frustrated and sexually unsatisfied with her personal life/boyfriend. Of course they hided it from Yamada.
Other way to percieve it is complete reverse of a gender roles. Nurses were behaving exactly just men raping a women. Including ejaculation part and loss of consciousness. There are lot of such games in the list too - Monster Girl Quest etc. It's just pure reverse rape which is femdom trait without doubt, is it not? I believe they would never do it/found other way to do it - if they really didn't want it.
Again, I never got to the parts were there were subtle hints they enjoyed it, (Tachibana was just frustrated, disgusted and angered by what she had to do in the first 3 or 4 scenes with Yamada) so I will trust you on it and accept that later on it will become pure reverse rape, where the dominant nurses also enjoy it. I also only played a short one hour or so of the game, so I will also agree that maybe it becomes a lot more femdom-oriented later on than the parts I've experienced.
With that out of the way though, no, reverse-rape is not enough to make something a "femdom game". It is a soft femdom kink, but if most of the other fetishes the game depicts are vanilla or maledom in nature (like harem, bukkake, blowjobs, handjobs etc), that's a mostly vanilla/maledom game with some sparse femdom in it, not a femdom game! (hence why most Monster Girl games were not included in this list - too little femdom to maledom ratio) Games like Monster Girl Quest and MGQ Paradox also contain scenes with Luka giving cunnilingus/worshipping the pussy of several monster girls, footjobs, Luka being enslaved forever by monster girls as loss scenes, sometimes forms of his body being crushed/asphyxiated/digested/trampled on by monster girls etc, but a monster girl game that only has reverse rape and maybe a few footjobs, while it also has 5 or 10 vanilla or maledom tags, would not be a femdom game by my definition (as most of the fetishes would not satisfy the 3 criteria I outlined in a post above) or by the OP's either. (you can check his definitions in the OP with the list)
The game is not 100% femdom - but it's clearly very femdom in nature. I agree there are some maledom parts as well -but there are lot of such games in the list too - Starless, Closed Game etc (which IMO much more maledom than NNN ever can be even in theory - with brutal rape of unwilling women etc.).
Fully agreed with this - I don't regard Starless or Closed Game as pure femdom games either and I agree they likely have a lot more maledom in them than NNN. The femdom finder is meant to help players find games WITH femdom, not just games that only have femdom or have a path fully dedicated to it (notice the tags for "marginal" or "mixed" femdom content, as well as "yes" for other paths), so NNN would definitely make the cut. (again, I just think nobody added it because a lot of people are too bored by the passivity of kinetic novels, and I was put off by some of the sex scenes at the beginning) If you want, there is a spoiler button called "How to submit game suggestions" in the OP, so you can follow the method there and submit an entry for NNN yourself! If you want an example you can also check my latest game submission in this post:
Just click on the quote and it will take you to the post - I removed most of the text from the post as it would make this already long message way too long... Have a great day, and feel free to answer again if you still disagree with parts of this!