Unity - Abandoned - Femdom University [v2.4 nr6] [Salia Coel]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The graphics are awful. The apartments are not even painted inside. The controls are confusing. The gameplay is weird and the story is bizarre, even for a game of this type. In short, it's a game that still needs a lot of work. The truth is that I don't know if the Patreon version is better compared to the one published here, and I hope it is, because if the game remains the same as this version, it would be pitiful.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Right i have played quite alot of hours but i love this game. I am a true connoisseur of fetish as i have so many and am willing to try most things. This game is great for ppl who wanna see some of the crazy fetishes out there and enjoy a good hrrrnggg. Yes the movement and gameplay can be sorta basic but its fun to those inclined in the fetish and sub side of things. If you want more like this join Second Life its amazing for the fetish side of everything.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The best theme game. Non-standard plot, many lines of development, deeply thought-out psychology, wonderful AI. I started playing it and haven't been out for over 24 hours! The only thing that is needed is the ability to choose natural content - hairiness, urine, shit, menstruation etc.
    It is necessary, depending on the choice of the character, to promote preferences. There is a slight bias towards foot fetish and kicks, which, for example, is less preferable to me.

    Many thanks to the author!
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    The lost saint

    This is edited and will now give credit where credit is due.
    I am better now and I still stand by I said but I see the opposite now.
    It is nice to have a hard game and it shows how you need to survive.
    You learn and try again.
    I am deeply sorry for my rant earlier but I will say it is a very great difficult game

    I can see how good it is but the controls need to be reworked a bit for PC/laptop.
    This game is more fit for controller and console than computers.
    I said in my rant that it is too hard, it is, This is the dark souls of hentai
    One choice can ruin your whole run.
    I started 5 runs and got softlocked in all of them needing to spend over 5 hours to just get out.
    Doing my final run, anyways goodbye and please do not play this game if you are looking for fun.
    Play it if you have nothing else to do and want to challage yourself
    So, see ya and goodbye
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Greiya Archives

    This is an open world femdom rpg, in other words, this is fucking brilliant.

    First, let me mention that you can choose your protagonist's sex: male, female or futa.

    Now, let me go over the strengths and weaknesses in summary:

    strengths: amount of content, game mechanics, good femdom/lezdom content.

    weaknesses: graphics (but, the prequel made afterwards, fem u zero, uses 2d art that's pretty amazing) , saving system (no manual saving, auto saves at sleep, one autosave slot), some scenes are not replayable.

    overall, i think this and fem u zero might be the two best eroge games i've ever played (I'm a fan of lezdom)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I also did write a bigger, full-version review for the game on my own blog (plus Files for the game like Saves, a Cheat Table and Info on the game), link to that here:
    [The Link]
    But, of course, I'll also leave QuickView here as well, part of the bigger Review:

    Review TL;DR:

    All Scores:
    ================ Plot = 4.75
    ======== Story = 4
    ======== Characters = 5.5
    ================ Gameplay = 6.75
    ======== Mechanics = 7
    ======== Complexity = 5
    ======== Uniqueness = 8
    ======== Replayability = 7
    ================ Scenes = 6.62
    ======== Visual = 5
    ======== Written = 5.5
    ======== Interactivity = 8.5
    ======== Replayability = 7.5
    ================ Development = 9
    ======== Stability = 8.5
    ======== Communication = 9.5
    ================ Obtaining = 8.25
    ======== Price = 8
    ======== Methods = 8.5
    ================ FINAL SCORE = 7.07

    The game is a fair attempt at an Indie femdom project, done by an Individual developer over the course of a few years. Has its fair share of flaws, mostly in overall visual quality, while it shines in having a big variety of Scenes, mechanics, some Gameplay, inbuilt Cheat menus and functions to allow for easier replaying of Scenes, most notably the “Quickmatch” menu to allow for viewing specific Combat Scenes (or just Combat altogether), and the Interactivity and general positioning of the Scenes themselves to provide pretty good fetish content. I do recommend at least checking the game out, even via one of its Free Versions, to see if the visual quality shown is your taste, and if so, and you also end up liking (quite a lot) the scenes themselves and their scenarios, well then, you can also Support the game as well!
    The developer, Salia Coel, is an honest one, actively works for her projects, keeps in touch with the community, and for the time being, showed that she deserves the ongoing Support, as she is showing work and dedication to match it. So from this perspective as well, I can say she is worth showing appreciation to.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game from an amazing dev. It takes a bit getting used to, but once you know how things work, things just click. Hardcore femdom themes also included, so play at your own discretion. Overall, lovely game with regular updates
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Great concept ruined by piss-poor models and execution. The university feels dead, kind of like those early PlayStation games where there were more buildings than people on a map and the NPCs did nothing but stand around and give you tasks. The girls look dead-eyed and lifeless, and their motions are terribly stilted and robotic when you get to the actual sex scenes. I saw a fair bit of obvious clipping, and I was somehow able to navigate the camera under the floor. The devs don't seem to be very good with Unity. Maybe they should try a text game instead. Normally, visuals help a sex game, but this one would be sexier if I imagined what was going on.

    Two stars instead of one because I can still see people getting off to it, but the game gets in its own way.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot going for it :

    Covers a lot of different sexual content.
    You can noticeably feel yourself improve with skills/levels.
    Content is spread across variety of routes.
    Basically everything is repeatable.
    Tons of ways to get out of any bugs that may occur in case dev has missed something (multiple ways to teleport, saves are frequent in the grand scheme of things, etc.)
    Dev is cool and transparent!

    There are issues though, but they will not be the same or experienced by everyone :

    Control scheme can be odd for some.
    The look may not be your "style."
    No "recollection room" is a complaint I see sometimes.
    Only one save, so you have to do backups and such on your own.
    Not every unique character has sexual content (there's no way to know without trying).

    The game is great overall and none of the issues should really change that perception imo.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v2.4 nr6

    This is a great game, that is also very rough to play. Optimisation is almost non-existing, bugs are numerous and harsh and the combat can be boiled down to smash your keyboard and pray, because there isnt anything else you can do.
    Yet, despite all of its flaws, its still a pretty fun open~ish world game with a lot of girls and a good amount of fetishes centered around femdom.

    This game could be some much more if not for its poor performance and gameplay.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I would maybe give the art assets a 3 but dev put in a lot of work so 3.5 for art
    The story warns you what you are in for and there is optional content in most cases so story gets 4
    I enjoy foot fetish and there is that and some giantess/shrink content so 5 for my preferences.
    Music is also pleasant or interesting 4.5
    Dev working on new game and can't help but be excited about it for some mysterious reason so I gave short review rating.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    -Graphics 4/10 ; Bland and generic, simplified anime visuals. Animations are stiff and wonky, but somehow still enjoyable.

    Optimzation 0/10 ; first game to ever max out my 3080's gpu usage.

    -Interactivity 6/10 ; lots to do, and many ways to do it. The Minigames are creative and plentiful (some annoying as hell, but when is that not the case) with mechanics that are actually interesting to engage in. Many of them I literally haven't seen anywhere else.

    Bottom line: there is a fun game here, buried under endless tedium and grind. Needs a lot of polish and QoL improvements before I'd reccomend this to anyone who isn't an actual masochist. Still, there is alot here I felt was somewhat worth being frustrated and bored working through the chore sections to reach.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Looking through the reviews, I see some mixed feelings. Personally, I LOVED the game, maybe because I'm into quite extreme femdom (the dev can go much farther than she has and she won't lose me). I can't put it any better than others already have: big world to explore, which you can treat as 'realistic' (= university + village) or 'fantastic' (= forest and castles). So instead of singing more praise to the game, I'll just discuss some of the criticism I've seen.

    Gameplay and graphics. Some people find the style cute and endearing, and are OK with less-than-perfect animations; others almost find them a deal breaker and want out. Personally, I've always preferred the story to the graphics (which is why I'm OK with Sunny Coast College, for instance), so I have no problems here. Yes, like everybody else, I would enjoy perrrrrfect graphics (Fallout? Halo? Hades?) and awesome animations with voices (lovely girls calling you 'piece of shit' and laughing are among my favorites) and detailed views of all physical interactions (I'd love to see MC's tongue cleaning girls' asses in the bathrooms, and I'd love to hear him swallow dirt as he licks it off girls' boots). BUT: the biggest sexual organ is the brain, and the key to paradise is imagination, so frankly, I don't see any big reason to complain here. Hey, you're getting a free copy from F95 -- and you complain about less-than-VR graphs? As the FU girls would say, know your place!

    Interactivity. As it is, the game is full to the brim with different characters with different preferences you can interact with (though I see a certain tendency towards using MC as a toilet -- not that I'm complaining, mind you, it's just that there are other things you can use a slave as... A little more ass cleaning and worshipping to balance the toilet scenes wouldn't hurt.). But some people complain of it being too little -- too many NPCs without a story! Hm, all I can say is: this game has been growing steadily, and solidly, by adding more and more storylines and quests. I see no reason to expect any less in the future. And frankly, what we have so far so very much (I don't know how the dev manages not be exhausted -- she must be really into doing this. Respect!), I really, REALLY don't see any real reason to complain.

    Bugs. Yes, there are bugs and mistakes and that can be a bit anti-immersive. But hey -- has anyone here ever started a big project? Do people realize just how much work has to go into every little detail, how things that players even take for granted and don't pay much attention to take forever to do for a real-life dev? If you see a bug, report it. (I do.) Hopefully, in a future update, it will be gone. That's how this is supposed to work, isn't it?

    No maledom or revenge path. Sigh... OK, I understand that some people would enjoy a route in which you can take your revenge on those domme bitches etc. But hey -- every game has a philosophy that it is based on. If you are in a game about surviving a nuclear apocalypse, you can't complain about it not being concerned with highschool drama. If it's a sports simulation game, you can't complain about the lack of dramatic dialogue. Certain genres just make explore certain directions, and to open them to too many directions just spreads their "ambiance" too thin. If you could suddenly find a highschool drama path inside of your nuclear apocalypse game, you'd feel tricked, wouldn't you?

    To me, there is some charm in the fact that the player cannot escape humiliation and enslavement, no matter how hard he tries -- that's the thing that makes this game special to me. (I'm willing to bet -- without the stats to back it up -- that the number of people who LIKE this hopelessness in this game is at least equivalent to the number of those who want a 'chance to win'). Now, I can also understand a game with a revenge path as being interesting -- there are several on this very site as I recall, more than the ones in which femdom is inescapable. So frankly -- if you're into revenge, you have so many options already; leave something to the fans of inescapable doom like myself!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting yet brutal game that features a lot of femdom content mixed in a sim-like adventure. The "Quick Fight" feature is a super nice way to allow players to quickly dig into some of the lovely content the game can provide but if players want more than the storymode can provide that. Some of the content can get very extreme but as the developer says, just alt+f4 if you're not into it. The only troublesome things for me is the combat system and the lack of knowing where to go next/what to do but it's not bad thing to explore. :)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    While the graphics and especially the models look quite crude, the content is great. If you keep an open mind about it, it offers a wide variety of FemDom. (Mind you, I'm not talking about the DLC, which I have not tried, yet.)
    At first it may seem a little grindy, but in time you will understand which are the best opportunities to earn money. Just hang in there.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Strict, time consuming mechanics + harsh bugs = fun killer + immersivity wrecker.
    Is it meant to be a game xor a playground?

    1) Bugs can delete your progress for example you can stuck at black screen in the morning and if you haven't duplicated save folder which is outside game folder - you have to reset all game progress. It wouldn't hurt in VN or game with chapter skipping but for such grindy and slow progressing game it hurts.

    2) Battle mechanics now are cooldown based which slowes gameplay.

    3) Character interaction can be time consuming, they are non-skippable and you never know if they are progressing story or if they can vary themselves.

    4) Key persons are far from each other and getting to them takes long and activities could be random.

    5) Some of story progress are tied to relation scales so regrind them to look the opposite pole of story can take more than hour of routines.

    6) Gaining talent points to succeed some scenes without level loss - guess what? Takes hours.

    7) Old saves leads to story blocking bugs. You've grinded for hours? All in vain.

    Summing all up you never know if next 30 mins you can obtain something new or just be involved in same routines/bugs affects.
    If it is a game it has to be more flow concentrated. If it is a playground it have to give more controls to player. Strict mechanics that had worked for immersion in original game became a frustrating element.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best Femdom games you can find.

    An open world full of girls who will try to dominate you ... And sometimes kill you.
    Although don't worry, there are also friendly girls ... Maybe.

    One of the strengths of this game is the variety of fetishes, including those not so common in this type of game such as vore and scat.

    Here are some aspects:

    Gameplay: As I have read, the developer changed the "Break the keys on your keyboard to avoid dying in battles!" system, honestly a good decision. I already want to try that new system when the Steam version is updated. The physics feels a bit strange, especially when you fall from a high place.In stable versions It has some bugs, but they won't bother you, they will make you horny... Well, at least they aren't as annoying as the ones in Cyberpunk 2077.

    Graphics: In my opinion, they are not the best but not the worst either. Character models are acceptable, although I would like to see an option to modify the MC's face.

    Sound: the sound effects are not bad. It would be nice to add a footstep sound effect for the protagonist.

    Music: I have no complaints about it. The music of this game introduces you very well into the atmosphere of the game. For example, the music that plays in the forest makes you feel that you are traveling to a place with "magical beings" and the music that plays at night gives you the feeling that you are even more in danger.

    Random events: this is also another strong point of this video game.

    I wish there was a map, with markers indicating a mission or the like.

    Anyway, I recommend trying this game. The developer posted a free version on her Patreon ... Or you can play the latest version for free by looking for it on a pirate island, but I always recommend supporting the developer financially, at least buying it on Steam like I did.
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    I don't think this is the worst game ever, but it is very slow and clunky at times. There are a lot of mechanics unrelated to the sexual aspect of the game which I don't really like. The femdom in this game is really heavy, so if that's what you're REALLY INTO, you might enjoy this game a bit more. That being said, this game has come pretty far from where it started. There's a decent amount of content if you're willing to slog through it. It wasn't worth it in my opinion though. I'd say this game is worth a try, but just to test if it's your thing or not.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Seen this a while back but ignored it because Msub isn't my jab.
    Saw the female/futa protag tags and decided to give it a whirl.

    Game opening is clunkly and slow. Boring talk with a nobody npc, then the worst type of chargen i've ever seen.
    Instead of getting a menu to select your body from, you have to select dialogue options to pick your stuff, meaning there's no way to go back a stage and it can only display three or so hair-colours at once.
    Just... not great.

    Then you get into the game, and I was waiting for some femdom to happen.
    And I waited.
    And I waited.
    And I waited.

    Looks like the dev's idea of femdom is "Some rude bitch demands money from you, give it to her or partake in an unwinnable 3v1 curbstomp"
    During the fight you will be beaten unconscious, but nothing actually sexy will happen.

    The "gameplay" consists of combat scenes where you play as the most comically inept brawler the world has never seen. Throwing pitiful punches with pathetic range as you move about like a geriatric cripple, while your enemies backflip across the arena like gymnasts and spam unavoidable grapples or Psycho-Crushers at you.

    When you lose, your hp will be drained, your exp will be drained (deleveling you) and your money will be taken, making accomplishing anything in this game a huge fucking chore.

    To escape the grapple, you need to mash A&D
    Except it looks like the enemy is choking you, so you need to mash 2 to breathe, oh and mash 1 to keep your hp up. Don't forget to mash 3/4/ and 5 too, depending on the situation.
    Oh, and spacebar.

    Because mashing 7+ buttons simultaneously is the height of combat/pornographic gameplay, right?

    All the 'mash to survive' scenes are obnoxiously long too. Several minutes long.
    Actually, everything about this game drags out. Every event overstays it's welcome by 50% or more.
    Even going to the bathroom needs to be repeated 5 or more times to actually empty your 'needs toilet' bar.

    Anyway, I finally got to a sex-scene but my camera crammed itself into my character's head so all i could see was my own hair, then the game demanded that I mash 5 buttons simultaneously for upwards of 4 minutes just to survive, then the actual sex started and my partner's pelvis attempted to exit her body through the side of her thigh.

    It was at this point that I realized that after blowing an hour on this game trying to 'get to the good part', i'd yet to encounter anything even remotely fun, engaging or sexy.

    End statement?
    A complete waste of my time, and probably yours too.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    fail emperror

    Femdom University is an ambitious leap of faith towards all things femdom. It does cover a wide array of different aspects to the genre and doesn't shy away from letting the player enjoy submissive roles to extreme levels.

    The ever expanding vast selection of university and monster girls with unique personalities and humorous textlines, meticulously designed for maximum cuteness and erotic appeal, further incentify the player naturaly to find out more about them. With their adventure spirit activated and their submissive nature being spoken to at every corner the player always finds themselves compelled to interact with the characters and find all their scenes.

    Mechanically the game keeps it simple yet entertaining with more or less common survival elements like maintaining thirst, hunger and your energy level. The player constantly feels at a slight disadvantage making it easier to get dominated while not getting unfair in the process. Also, the characters often force or blackmail the player into submissive acts.
    Submitting to girls often nets the player less harsh punishment or even positive effects while resisting and fighting them often makes things harder on the player, though, exceptions to this formula exist making things even more interesting. It's practically like the game itself is training you to become more submissive which, in my eyes, makes it a gem already.

    Combat is pretty straightforward. Everytime a fight gets initiated the player is sent to a seperated arena where he has to fend off girls who generally will try to overwhelm the player with straight attacks or with grabs (which always will trigger erotic animations). The player can struggle out of grabs and also, depending on the nature of the grab, has the option to negate incoming effects or damage by mashing specified buttons.
    To defend themselves the player has the option to move or run just like in the overworld and additionaly can hit enemies or block their attacks. While this concept may seem very simple at first glance enemies especially in the 'later stages' of the game require a lot of observation and good timing to take down, so if you think of it as a simple mashing buttons fighting system you are sorely mistaken.

    Overall event scenes with girls range from classic VN type of scenes to intriguing and engaging minigames generally presented as a erotic scene.

    With all those factors taken into account Femdom University is a brilliant and unique take on the femdom formula and doesn't have to hide behind any excuses. Already the content makes for hours of enjoyable gameplay whereas many other representatives of the genre already fail to deliver gameplay at all.

    Yes, Femdom University is highly ambitious and only time will show if all of its potential turns into reality. More importantly though it delivers on everything it wants to be and while the whole package might not be for everyone it does a more than decent job on being an extremly precious femdom game and worthy contender for becoming one of the best games if not the best game in the whole genre.