Unity - Completed - Feminization Device [v0.3] [FTGirl]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    I remember playing a game previously made by this developer and that game actually gave me motion sickness, a feeling i havent known i could get by playing video games. So compared to the last iteration, it has made leaps and bounds in all aspects of this game. Yet it still is a flawed game with an interesting style and gameplay. I really wish i could give it a higher rating for its playability, yet its still too simplistic and repetitive to praise.

    I will say that the sexual scenes are really good and i quite enjoyed the art style, which some people might disagree with. One last thing to mention is the length of the game. Or more precisely lack thereof. The game could be beat in two hours, less if you dont stop to smell the flowers.

    I dont know if i can recommend this game or not, check your vibes to find out.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game, animations are top notch and the ideas behind them are very hot. only thing that will improve this game is adding even more enemies that you can lose to. maybe voice acting for the cutscenes, but honestly not rly necessary since this game likes to keep it simple. 10/10 overall, honestly surprised me because i had WAY lower expectations of this game
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I finished it in an hour or two...
    And I am not sure if it is good or bad.

    -Story, Originality
    Corruption forces are taking over the city! Go stop them SuperFemboyCharacter(c).

    Interesting 2d models/art.

    Some basic sounds and h-sounds.

    Hit enemies on a location, or hit objects, or both...

    Runs ok.

    Levels regularly restart due to events.

    2d animations.

    -Voice Acting
    Some voice lines.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    I cleared up many reagions.
    Fighting felt junky.

    And then I got 3 events in a row and the game restarted...
    I didn't understand anything.

    I had ~10 more regions to clear and the game finished...

    Well... Kinda boring?.. Stupid?.. Sudden?

    The gallery had around 20-30 scenes that mostly consist of tentacles...
    I am not really a fan, so it saddened me a little.

    Overall, it is an ok game to go through once, but there is nothing overly interesting.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Designs are hot and the gameplay is somewhat interesting, but:

    The objective of the game is super repetitive. I cleared the map Left to Right and when I was about to "Win" a left zone turned red for some reason. You have to go through each sector 1 by 1 to get to the other side of the map. By the time I got there, there were several red sectors and the right side of the map was one of them. All while enemies stopped doing damage to me 4 sectors in. Actually tried to lose and I couldn't.

    This'll still get three stars out of me because I did drop 2 hours on this. It was alittle fun, but couldn't beat it. Katana Bunny OP

    EDIT: Came back and finished. Turns out you just need to beat 4 bosses for one of the endings (Other being clear map). Also finally had some lose scenes. Oh my<3
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    version 1.0

    on one hand this could be a decent game. like easily 4/5. or even 5/5 with some small changes despite some very weird animations... but i dont think anything about this game is enjoyable in its current state. idk why dev insists on doing controls like this, but game is full of bugs. why would anyone hand out a product like this in this state as "completed" i have no idea.

    nearly nothing makes sense in this game. it attempts a storytelling about this 3 crossdressing boys constantly injected by estroget to counteract the zombie virus, and i kinda like everything about the premise, or at least i find nothing particularly wrong with it, but then before every story fight there is a cutscene of how the 3 girls now fight against the boss, and then you are dropped into a random area as a solo girl where you clear away enemies and find the boss and kill it and etc... completely unrelated to the storytelling.

    then H-scenes, there are traps which if grabbed gives an okay sex scene (sometimes hilariously weird cuz animation is too fast and ragdolling the heroine too much) but it's very easy to get away just tap e a couple of times.

    i dont know how enemies grab you, sometimes they grab you for sex scenes but again it's easy to get away, but at some point i put away my weapon and let every enemy hit me, and my hp still couldn't decrease from full... idk why, i seem to have been invulnerable, maybe another bug, i was with the blue haired heroine.

    another gameplay problem: blue haired girl/guy is the melee specialist. if enemy hits you and right after you hit them back then that's a critical hit restoring you to FULL HP AND FULL STAMINA... so basically, the more enemy hits you the more easy to randomly get crit hits by spamming left click, so you never die and constantly crit and kill everything.

    aside from the fact that you don't die regardless because my hp didn't decrease (maybe i overhealed from too many crits? i dont know) but if you are not attacking, you automatically defend if you have stamina as the blue girl... so that deflects dmg as well... and if you attack you crit... so you cant really die. you have to put away your weapon to be able to get hit normally but at that point i was invulnerable.

    so gameplay is a complete mess, only traps do sexual things to you.

    but aside from that, story gameplay:

    you just move around the city, which is distributed to like 20 areas, and you can go to a nearby area... but you can'T jump areas, so if you want to go to the other side of city, you have to go into the area next to you, find the finish point, then again area next to you, find finish point etc, it's boring and makes no sense, since when you clear an area there is NOTHING to do there, why can't you fast travel, it just needlessly wastes your time.

    i probably forgot many other bugs and problems with the game but imo it's enough.

    gameplay is absolute dumpster fire. sex scenes although sometimes funny, they are sometimes kinda weird. it could be good but ruined by easy escapes, then invulnerability. so there is nothing going for it. hence i dont recommend this game to anyone. so it's 1/5
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Rough game, good-ish porn
    Polish is missing in critical areas which makes the game a lot worse than it should be. It feels like this is some mass produced genre that I was previously unaware of, the mix of fighting for land and timing-based combat is interesting. There are some tricks to work out which make the game much easier once you do, but they carry some risk still so it doesn't feel like a cheese.

    Graphics: Quite terrible technically, very basic software with low attention to detail on clipping, animation transitions, animation pacing. The frames themselves are well drawn, but the censoring does ruin it somewhat.

    Art direction: Dark, red fog in the streets, fighting, people crouching in terror. It presents very effectively relative to how low-budget it seems. Individually there is no part that seems innovative, but the combination is unique and spicy.

    Music: This kind of atmospheric, haunting sound with little melody is some of the easiest music to write, and you will never remember it. But it adds to the feeling well, so seems like the correct choice.

    Gameplay: I only tried melee (blue). While attacking you are open to damage, otherwise you always block. I never managed to parry on purpose. Tedious and no dynamic like rolling, but strafing is effective. Environments are closed enough that it is important to keep track of where you go to not get trapped. But FATAL FLAW the traps do no damage and are actually beneficial since enemies disperse while you trap. So the gameplay feels too easy to take advantage of, but I don't mind this in a porn game since it gives a feeling of give and take, control and consent, like BDSM.

    Story: Seems LLM translated, overly wordy and stupidly boring. Other than the text itself though, the concept is vaguely cool, just not a plot for me.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I have a lot of gripes with this game, but I think I can probably boil it down to three things. The horrific sound effects, bad gameplay, and bugginess

    The sound effects are borderline ear rape quality. Very low bits per second and very loud. Most sound like monsters screaming into xbox microphones over dial up

    Gamplay is pretty horrible. There are missions that have infinitely spawning enemies and require ignoring enemies and just running around. The combat is made for a phone

    Buggy af. I couldn't even play this originally, I had to pass some Unity arguments in order to progress past random black screens and story slideshows