quality wise the best discipleofvirginia made so far. the humour is meta and quite nice, the animations are great, no horror which isn't a bad thing (for me at least) and no too crazy female faces (like in the other ones for whatever reason). nice mainscreen and a great amount of a demo with my personal favourite dirty kink. but i have unfortunately make a few small criticims (unfortunately just regarding the female lead) which stopped me from making this a 5 star start/demo.
+ really nice renders
+ really nice animations

+ really great portrait of some dirty old man (which happen way too few times in games for whatever reason)
+ female mc which has some nice curves
+ good english (never was a problem)
+ overall no too freaky faces
+ meta humour and criticism of our social media culture (tikthot, twitch etc)

+ one of the most interesting mainscreens i have seen (really well done)
+ big demo with some solid porn stuff (could be more ofc)
- the girls face is still a bit too "dolly/blow up doll" like. overall nice attributes but put together in a way it nearly looks too artificial but still one of the most tasteful female faces DoV created so far - which is - for whatever reason surprisingly hard for him/her. i would still suggest - if she will be the mc of the game and since it seems he/she want to and really does improve from game to game that he slightly overhauls the face more to the look for example like the girls face from "Appoline" for example.
- female mc's nipples are really odd like she has nearly none kinda let it look like not fully rendered or something - i personally don't know why some game devs have a hard time creating nipples (so yeah he is not alone here even its the oddest nipples i have ever seen so far - sry xD) even it could (and should) be so easy to make decent, delicious and sexy looking nipples.
- its really nice to see the dev tries to make an hourgalls body shape but the waist/hip transition looks also a bit too artificial (i know some girls on social media look like that too but it just doesn't look that right. don't get me wrong small waist and big hips are nice but i can give plenty of game and real life examples which get done more natural. (but this point is the least important of the three in my opinion) but the overall shape is really nice and the hair look great and the idea of her face too. also like her outfits really much.
- the font is a bit hard to read but you get used to it and its unique and unique
can be great (as long as you don't overdo it ;-))
but i am really thankfull for the kink, the overall quality and the overall idea of the female mc. if the female mc gets improved and there will be more stuff and more hardcore stuff going on between Ida and Jörgen (and maybe similar characters and scenes) i am really thinking about supporting this project cause otherwise i really like it.
(sorry if my criticism was again a bit too harsh but its "just" a personal opinion and i pointed out many good things too @DiscipleOfVirginia so, please, don't be mad at me
