RPGM - Final Orginity [v0.4.3 B] [Ropoductions]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Really high quality overall with good writing. The art is unique and the premise is fine. Main character is likable. No H scenes with the MC yet. Not much content so far. It's currently version 0.2.5b, and since this is a western dev, god knows it'll be eons before it's finished.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, great writing. This game nails the perspective of the woman, which a lot of female protagonist games miss. She's a legitimate character and you grow attached to her fast. The pacing is really good as well.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    (spoiler free!)

    This is a real gem and you can tell from the very start that there's been a lot of care put into the characters and the world. You instantly know that it was built by someone who really knows their shit when it comes to game design.

    Despite being an RPGM game, the map design feels complete and pretty much everything has a purpose. There are a few bugs that do show up on occasion though. You might run into certain issues to do with sequencing or soft-locking. However, imo it’s easy for me to look past because you won't run into them most of the time, and the dev is actively trying to fix them in the main thread.

    Most random character exchanges change after every event and are specific to whatever you're doing at that moment. You won't see that kind of effort often, but this level of detail can sometimes lead to a few non-game breaking sequencing bugs.

    Even without all the good lewd shit (of which there is surprisingly plenty) this is one of the few games on this site that would still function as a good game. If you tend to dislike RPGM games then I would still highly recommend playing this one, as I promise you will at least appreciate the work gone into it and find something that you'll enjoy. It also rarely ever feels like it's dragging with it's plot or dialogue, so it’s pretty easy to get into the story.

    As someone who's been actively browsing here since 2018 and who also regularly shits on a lot of the games put on this site, I can't really remember being this instantly impressed. So it gets 5 stars from me. Not perfect in every way, but nothing ever is.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game a lot. Also i found some bugs for example - you can stuck in Bob's Canteen if you get back after getting quest to lead customers. And somehow i returned to the right after "PST! BLONDIE" in clownd guild, but you stuck in that area because if you try to leave again dialoge repeats and you can't do anything. But when i reloaded older save it didn't happened again, so fixed. Really cool concept and art, AND MUSIC :D. I also believe that each outfit can, in addition, embellish the face of the character like little makeup for example. Also, in my opinion game has good scenes to tease player in the early days in the city, but I think everyone wants more (curious how far a developer can go with scenes). Would be cool to see somethig like that in game. I'll follow up for this game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique artstyle, handcrafted scenes, decent enough dialogue and story, a good approach to choice/options presented in quests.

    This game is really fantastic and I have only minor gripes (spanish menu bugs, slow dialogue combined with dialogue auto-skipping options if you press Z, and sometimes it's not clear what to do or who to speak to e.g washing clothes in river).
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game with great potential.
    The game design, characters, plot and everything else are actually great. The game has a good ballance and the developer seem to care about doing a good job, rather than milking donations.

    Personally, I just miss a few more nsfw scenes or mini-events between story chapters. I really think this game deserves to be supported, so consider doing so if you like it!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    VERY NICE! I'm pleasantly surprised. For version 0.2, this is really, really good.

    The porn in the game's early state is lacking (not much of it, not repeatable, pretty tame since it's a beginning of a corruption journey, and you can easily miss like 75% of it), but everything else is put together very well. It has a very solid retro quest game feel, nostalgia 10/10, plus some modern memes. Good pixel art, both tile sets and bigger character sprites, good animations faithful to the style (not a huge amount of frames, but pixel art animation isn't supposed to be cinematically smooth).

    Writing is pretty funny, pretty expressive, and can turn dark on a dime. The big plot is delivered quite well, without boring infodumps (it's unravel a conspiracy type of story).

    Good level design. One of the minor pet peeves of mine is when a background NPC unloads a mini info-dump in one line over and over and nothing else, becoming basically a walking sign post. So, here, a lot of NPCs don't do that, and will instead engage in a mini-conversation with you if you pester them repeatedly. Neat! Also, elves are casually called knife-ears, neat! (even though on the balance I kinda like those jerks)

    The downsides, so far.

    Characters' facial expressions (and body language) could use more variations. Come on, devs, it's one of the most repeatedly used assets of the game, it's a good investment.

    Writing is full of banter, but there isn't going to be a lot of half tones, it seems. If someone is a scumbag, he is a sleazy scumbag through and through, and if some goblin hits them with a golf club in the face, he fully deserves it, if you know what I mean. But again, this lack of shades of gray fits the visual style. Very limited, high contrast palette both visually and narratively.

    Levels aren't fully polished: some tiles that should be traversable aren't, and some that shouldn't are, and some map boundaries could be walled off better. It's not gamebreaking or anything, but there never can be too much polish. We'll see if it gets tidied up later on.

    Very rough quest log. It's not going to be as much of a problem on final release if the game won't branch heavily, but before that... May god have mercy on your soul if you return to an old save after a couple of updates. I would be totally stuck trying to remember where I left off, and quest log as it stands would be of absolutely no help.

    But overall, it was already a surprisingly enjoyable experience.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games where the story is actually funny and worth watching. The erotic scenes are few but that fits the pace of the game just fine.

    Also remarkable: The player is guided through the game perfectly, at least in the current release. No RPGM-typical straying around looking for the right house to enter to advance the story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is very appealing, and the main character's design is pretty attractive. Ero scenes are few, but the art and animations are well done thus far. Great start to this game and looking forward to future development.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games that you download looking to play an H-game, and then find yourself actually playing it for the storyline. Well written, good pacing, cute art, funny situations and dramatic.

    The ONLY downside is that it's still such an early version! I actually felt a profound sense of disappointment when I realized it was the end of the build. Keep it up dev! I'm absolutely keeping my eye on this one.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Stan Marsh

    Thats very nice job dude..
    Unique and well developed story and the exhibitionism and slow corruption looks very well untill now.
    The mc girl is very cute and you are using well her shy side, and the pixel art style is very different than most we see here.
    Keep it up and good job
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    V0.0.5 I love the story and the world you have set up. I love the art and it is very charming. A small amount of content, but what is here is gold. I am looking forward to your future updates and learning more about the in world universe.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    promising game i liked current build ill give u 5 stars, i would like to see other creatures as well in the game, and i just love pixel art animations looking good and fluid too
    hope to see other creatures like tentacles or wolf guys and some hot situations with heroine
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential. The art, animation and the music is amazing:) I can't wait to see where this game ends up. The only complaint i have is the sound effects from the girls, i know it may be a part of the "aesthetic" but it sounds like something from a 1980s game, a bit rough and weird if you ask me. But when that's the only complaint i have, it shows how good the game is. Good luck to the developer/s!
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4031081

    Really promising stuff here. Didn't enjoy ero part of the game, but i don't think the game is exactly about that. What's really interesting about it, it's the story, and while I could see the breaking point from a mile away ("travelers" were too suspicious to not see it coming), and the pacing could be slowed down significantly (with some added characterization), this kind of dark turn isn't really common among games like this, which is what made me interested enough to write a review. Based on the tone of the main menu, and the end of the alpha build, this will be a serious story with serious drama, tragedy, and death. Considering the beautiful art style and the whole tone of the game, I think this can become a masterpiece of storytelling, but there are still some things that can be done to ensure that the foundation for this story is frim and properly constructed. Here what i think can be done:

    1) Slow down the pacing and let us get more acquainted with the people of this town, or, hell, at least the family of main character. Maybe add some simple quests to get player to like mother and father or something.

    2)Maybe tone down the unlikability of other people in the town. Half of them are perverts, and the other half doesn't get two lines of dialogue before everything goes down. Adding a bit more humor in interactions between them and main character would do the job, I think.

    3)Increase the amount of setup that is done during the prologue. For now, it seems, that the only things that will get brought up later in the story are - the cult, main character’s friend and her crazy boyfriend, and maybe horse people or something. I think even in this 10-minute prologue you can put in so much more. For example: One of the npc mentioning a character that will appear later; A visitor in the inn, who comes before the travelers, who will appear later; Some characters in the village, who might survive the attack but run away when main character looks for them, etc. This prologue kinda sets up how much you can pay off in the ending, so i think putting in as much as you can without losing focus is something that should be done.

    4) Turning down the villainousness of the "travelers" would, I think, benefit the story. Now, when the player sees them, they instantly know what is about to happen. I think, if these guys were much more like normal people, and talk more friendly or something, it would be much more surprising to see them destroy the village. Maybe adding some guy that looks and acts as if he can be main character’s love interest, but later he becomes some crazy murderer.

    5) In this kind of beginning the most important thing is contrast. Contrast between the happy life before, and miserable horrors after. Add more abstract noise music, maybe some more shocking scene like one of the cultists eating a person alive (maybe it is the same cultist that main character talked to and who seemed to her like a cool guy, who I talked about in a previous point). General rule: "More contrast --> bigger emotional impact on the player. "

    6) Removing the voice sound effects would be for the better – they don't sound good AT ALL. Instead of them i would consider putting the pixel voice sfx (like in undertale, the most well known example i know of). It always works well and doesn't require that much work.

    7) Expanding the library of poses of main character’s sprite, I think, would enhance the experience. Now she feels a little stiff.

    8) Add a xylophone music track, if you want an emotional moment. It ALWAYS works.

    Other than that, I think that with enough care put into storytelling, this game can become as good as some more prominent and famous indie-games. Really hoping this thing has a big future. (version 0.0.5)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The visuals of the game are beautiful, nice sprites and i like the ladies, the animations were cool and well done, the history seems pretty much interesting. I really enjoyed playing this besides its on early stage and i am eager to see more