I liked this, I really did. Well written, humorous, with a few nice nods to SF and MST3000.
The aliens were strange enough that it made their sexiness feel a bit off, which isn't a bad thing, as it is something new.
What I was wondering is, why do the Aliens kiss each other, but not the MC and why can't we have sex with Zaa as well as Saa?
Actually taking a bit control during sex would be great, like really fucking the shit out of them.
Don't get me wrong, I like the game as it is and can only say good things about it, the above would be completely just adding my personal preferences, as I like to play the MCs as at least as active as the women, not some passive wimp and I also always like it if a bit of tenderness/foreplay and even romance is added (granted, the latter wouldn't make that much sense in the context, but I like what I like.

Anyway, good game. Looking forward to what this teams next project will be like.