- Jun 23, 2023
- 14
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What you mean? Your character is invisible?how do i fix invisible characters in flowerstella
Are you playing the latest demo version or..?yes i use jp local
oh, i didnt know there's a new demo ver. thanksAre you playing the latest demo version or..?
In my experience the simplest fix for me for problems like this has been opening the game with mtool and then pressing GOTO:map or teleporting etc. and it fixes the issue (This is for RPGM games). Not sure which engine this game runs on but there is probably an invisiblity flag or something that got triggered by accident. Once I got stuck facing one way in a game and I figured out that it somehow enabled a flag that fixed my direction and didn't let me turn so I had to turn that off manually (using mtool). Maybe this will work for you.oh well, its still bugged
You mean from Flower Stella?any news guys about the update??
after beating squid pirate queen, and doing something (cant remember what, sorry :\) she lets you go to an "infinite" dungeon, after doing 50 or so floors without saving (halves your progress if i remember correctly) you can fight that boss...Where is this boss room? View attachment 3585337
Have you tried double clicking on it or right clicking and then pressing open?Hey, everybody!
Tell me, has anyone encountered the problem that the game just does not start?
You click on the application icon in the folder and nothing happens
Maybe someone knows how to solve it?
Good luck. It`s a pretty rare drop. I think she is also the only one who can drop that.I picked up this red perfume watering after fighting the pink haired girl View attachment 3598893
Chill, you can`t use that on savepoints. You can use it normally outside of those, like the default canbut i don't know to used red water flower : (
some body help me pls