2.00 star(s) 1 Vote


May 15, 2019
Yeah, things look pretty good so far, but the gameplay could use some polish. Bugfixes, including collision, as already mentioned. On top of what Tashi already showed, triggering The Warden seems to end the demo, so I'm not sure how to unlock her scene in the Gallery. Speaking of which, Gallery unlocks don't seem to be persistent after closing the game. I discovered this after both times that it crashed, once after getting the blond elf's ending, and once in the sewers. I wasn't able to grab screencaps of the errors, unfortunately. Also, while the Escape menu can be opened in dialogue, it appears behind the characters, which makes it of... limited utility.
An explanation of the controls is another big one. So far I've figured out that movement is WASD (but not arrows), and that dialogue is advanced by M1 only, not Space, Enter, or Z. Still no idea how to use the three icons at the top. (Inventory, Phone, and Map?) Even just an instruction sheet in the menu, or a .txt file in the folder would go a long way, no need for a full tutorial.
Lastly, some form of resolution options, and an option for windowed mode, would be good, basic additions to the options. Nothing explicitly mandatory, but good QoL along with the instructions.
The scenes and animations, though? No notes. All the ones I've seen so far have been great. As BitKing said, it's great to see some real female domination that isn't just, "Behold! I'm going to suck your dick, but this is a bad thing for plot reasons, which makes it femdom!"
I really appreciate the feedback, will note these for work to be done! Thank you!
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Jan 21, 2022
Love the game so far. I have 2 ideas that I think could imrpove it.
1 is to make the player lose health over time while in a hold because currently we are invincible as far as normal enemies are concerned.
2 is to make some enemies use threesomes if there's multiple of them close to the player when he is caught.

On another note is it possible to view the scene for the blue slime? I have not seen her in game.


New Member
Apr 25, 2020
Thank you all for the love. We are very glad you're enjoying the Game so far.

We'll try to answer your inquiries as best as we can
Oct 11, 2021
Thank you all for the love. We are very glad you're enjoying the Game so far.

We'll try to answer your inquiries as best as we can
The basement return spawn point is fixed but now I can't initiate dialogue with the elf who needs glasses. I found the glasses but can't seem to find the key.
Edit: found the dialogue button, it's E.
Also, if you get a game over, go back to the main menu and try to start a new game without closing the program first, you start with zero health.
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Jul 29, 2020
how do you actually get the scenes without having to restart the game? The special, wait and escape buttons all do nothing, they just hit you


Jul 30, 2018
My thoughts on the demo 0.04
- The character artwork, design and animations are great and the strongest point of the game, by themselves they are a great foundation for an H game
- The pixel art environment, although fine by itself, is visually very at odds with the character art, as if everybody got isekai'd into an SNES. As a result it has a bit of a placeholder feel for me. The interactible stairs also don't look like stairs to me and are easy to miss.
- The character moves very sluggish and is not enjoyable to control for me. There is a slow acceleration when you start moving, like you're on ice, instead of just being able to move, and the top speed also seems too slow to me. Sprinting feels only marginally faster and stamina is extremely low, in my view sprinting should feel more exciting.
- The AI has very short range of vision like they need glasses, it's quite unexpected and makes them too easy to avoid. They also give up after 2 seconds and move slowly like the player character. They don't feel like a threat or something to be cautious around, which seems at odds with the theme of the game. There is some potential for excitement with getting chased but because stamina is so little and everybody is so slow there is no opportunity for something interesting to develop like running into a different enemy or a dead end, so it's over before it's begun.
- The hitbox on characters is unexpected to me given the perspective, it feels like only the lower legs should be colliding since it's an angled top-down view
- This is a bit nitpicky, but the footstep sound is slightly distracting due to its omnipresence and acoustic characteristics, as well as feeling too realistic for the visuals. Also since it's so realistic I end up expecting that different surfaces will have different sounds (but they don't). With a more abstract/gamey sound this expectation probably wouldn't be there.
- This is a matter of preference but I think it's ideal if H content is part of combat interactions rather than people exclusively fighting each other, and you can still have something else for a game over sequence (or modulate the animation via speed or some other way). Since the main gameplay is real-time I think it might be cool if there were some real-time elements in the turn-based combat such as struggle mechanics, timing mechanics etc.


Nov 24, 2017
I really dont like that you need to lose on porpose to get the h-content. Imo it would be much better to have the enemy use some grapple attacks that initiate the h-content and you have to get away from it.

Also just use Godot. GameMaker is really buggy, and not easier to use.
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New Member
Dec 31, 2023
I'm sorry but I don't see the point of this 0.04 version, like except the fight gameplay added that is really basic af where you have to lose to get the H-content, like there is nothing else at all : no new characters, no new item, no new artwork for the characters ... just nothing. They promised a lot of thing on the patreon but there is absolutely nothing, and I'm a little bit pissed about it tbh
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2.00 star(s) 1 Vote