Others - Forest of the Blue Skin [Build Feburary] [Zell23]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    i dont care if this is passion project or anything its bad there is litterly no story you are thrown in the game no story no instruction its just h scene gallery. gameplay is bad character does very little damage and you have to use parry combat ui is bad idk there is nothing positive about this game
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A good side-scroller with great pixel art, pleasant music and exciting gameplay. However, I can only give 3.5 stars for two main reasons:
    1.Lack of plot or ent.
    There is no plot here and no any explanation about the hero or his motivation. I've checked all three versions of the game, and everywhere the plot is completely missing. In my opinion, even in the simplest games, with the exception of simulators or sandboxes, the plot is necessary. Let it be something minimal, at least a couple of paragraphs at the beginning, so that the player can immerse himself in the atmosphere. This is not the case here. Perhaps the developer decided to focus on gameplay and content, and add the story later. I would like to hope so.
    2.Content and its presentation.
    Yes, there is a lot of content in the game, including various fetishes and stuff. But I realized that I was completely not attracted to sex content with pixelated characters drawn schematically. The images are too simplified and there are few details. Perhaps if each scene had been presented in the form of enlarged, more detailed illustrations, they would have made a different impression. As it is, there is nothing "hot", alas.
    This is a very beautiful porn pixel platformer with a missing plot and unimpressive sex content. But I understand that the game is in development and will be finalized. Therefore, with the hope of improvements, I will add half a star and rate it at 4 stars.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Supreme Dumbass of Thyme

    This game is beautifully crafted through and through, and I love that to this day Zell is still trying their best to perfect this game despite it being "complete." They don't HAVE to put so much passion into an H-game by any means, but they do it anyway, and the product is nothing short of a wonder. If I were to pick a few games as proof that H-games are just as deserving of the love more socially acceptable games get because of how good they can be, this would be my #1 choice. There's a perfectly struck balance between H and Game this project manages to achieve in my eyes, and at the same time it exceeds beautifully in both categories. The day this game is truly finished will hopefully be filled with just as much joy as there was when I first discovered it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Most H-games feel impersonal and charmless to me. They often lack the sort of cohesiveness and/or passion that I think, for a game about niche fetishes, is more important to the experience than one might think. FOBS feels like it was made very spontaneously, as if the creator had too many ideas he wanted to get out and he simply had to make something in order to fulfill that need - and yet the game is still crafted with a sense of personability and consistency that makes it very endearing. This is one of the cutest game on this site, and it's rife with content.

    The author, Zell23 seems to love making games, and he loves weird, cute monster girls to boot - I'm right there with them. One thing I appreciate is how 'monstrous' some of these monster girls get - there's nothing worse than a monster girl game that is too afraid to go all-in on the concept, not-so here. There are some really weird ideas presented between the 2 versions of the game (FOBS A & B), and even if not all monsters pique my particular interests, I'm glad they're there.
    I really do appreciate the added layer of capturing monster girls, which brings a fun puzzle-element to the game. I would be lying if I said it wasn't often arbitrary how you go about capturing them, however.

    The pixel art is simple, yet, to my surprise, manages to still be very expressible and sexy. Obviously, the game is sexy in a cute and conceptual-way, less-so in an intimate, realistic-sense, but if you were expecting HD ball sack textures and boob physics in this game, you're a maniac.

    The art and music are both very charming - and I hate that a porn game makes me feel this way, but it really does come off as nostalgic and earnest in its execution. It's weird to say, I know, but it adds a lot of flavor to the experience.

    I am very excited for the new FOBS versions too, and it seems to be steadily improving. He's almost done working on the fundamentals, which I hope means work will soon entirely be on populating the game with newly updated monster girls, with their slightly more resolute pixel graphics and better animations, and expanding the game environments.

    This isn't the widest game, nor the deepest, but it's the most charming, and it's inherently cute. I find a lot of the concepts great for my particular tastes. I'd absolutely suggest giving it a play and supporting the Author.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely peak content. Was always good art, good scenarios, good puzzles. And now it's being remade even better.

    Personally, I used an AutoHotkey script so I could rebind this game to play it one-handed. If you have that then it's literally perfect
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down the best game on this entire site. It's the golden ticket of H-Games, cream of the crop. This 5-star rating is given to only this game, and I've played hundreds of games on this site. Zell works very, very hard for his work and this deserves as much praise as possible.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Magister Masquerade

    Nothing much to say here. Classic pixel-style monster girl action. I remember playing this back when MGQ was still new to me.

    It's unfortunate that the game is basically just one long technical demo and really isn't much of a game, but it does have quite a lot of scenes despite that.

    Honestly, it probably doesn't deserve 5 stars if we're being objective. It's not really a game, it's incomplete and has been for like a decade, and it has awkward game/ui design and is split into two parts for no reason that confuses a lot of people.

    However, for what it is, it's quality monster girl pron if you like pixel art and what gameplay components are there are smooth and work without issue.

    So, going in with those expectations, it's worth your time and showcases Zell's talent. I just wish he'd use it more diligently.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The one that started it all for me. If I had never found this game way back when I never would've went down the rabbit hole I did. Everything about this game is just amazing. Truly marries game vs porn.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome monster girl game. Nice pixel animations. Unique and great gameplay.

    It's a game where you just run around defeating and capturing monster girls to have sex with, with some secrets that allow more scenes with some of them. There are a few vore monster girls which isn't most people's thing but ah well. Probably the biggest con of this game is that well, it'll be a long long long time before we see new content, if ever.

    Still, if you like monster girls (ME), this game is a GOAT classic.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    If only the newbies knew what they were doing. lol
    Sry I really like this thread but I can tell when no one posts anything asking about where to find an item or game mechanics. Shiro game is the haunted game & there isn't any other game he's personally working on besides the collab he did. Fobs & shiro are his only personal works aside from the old game you find on online but its not even comparable to fobs.

    Now all I see are people who can't seem to solve there own issues when it comes to these games.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean do I really need to say anything more then my rating?

    This game is top notch sidescroller pixel h-game

    My deep respect to Zell23, making quality with nice variety

    Definately worth time

    Please support the author if you can, the guy is modern days legend
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 Masterpiece
    Lots of monster girls, High quality animations and many fetishes!
    ☑ Great
    Pretty simple plataformer game, were you avoid or fight the monster girls you encounter. Sometimes you need to change your skills for certain scenarios, but nothing complicated.

    ☑ (s)Excellent
    Lots of high quality animations, you will not be dissapointed.

    ☑ Decent
    Not great, not bad, it fits the artsyle, and it's not too intrusive.

    ☑ Moderate
    Some areas can get a little difficult, specially some bosses, but nothing bad.

    ☑ A bit grindy
    You unlock certain things doing specific things to some mosnter girls.

    ☑ Just buy it or support the creator.
    The creator is still working on new projects, so if you can buy the games, or support the creator, go for it!

    ☑ Bug free?
    I haven't encountered any bugs ;P
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Good looking animations but the game really lack of lore (it doesn't bother me in porn games usually but i feel this one really needs some). I mean, in version A1.20b, you're just transported to this world where you have no idea what's going on and there are just millions of teleporters in it. I didn't enjoy vA1.20b that much. VB1.05 was a bit better but still the same thing. And the primary weapon with absurd short range... I won't even talk about it. If it weren't of the cute animations i would've probably gave this 1 star
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a classic. absolute must play in my opinion, like this is a literal gem. try it out. also there's updated versions, if you want em you gotta search, it may take a while, anyways enjoy the game!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A platforming game +H pixel animation.
    Pros :
    -Very hot pixel animation
    - Lots of enemy with even more H variety
    -Move set consist of attack, dash, fap and skill usage.
    -The skill usage need to be collected and add more complexity toward capturing the girls.
    - You could choose whether to "capture" the girl or defeat it (or both).
    - Lots of enemy move variation. Require some strategy to capture/defeating it.
    -Boss fight are actually hard but rewarding
    -Frequent checkpoint system with full heal
    -Lots of map to explore
    -Gallery mode

    Cons :
    -Hard to move between map. Sometime can get lose.
    -You really need a walkthrough/guide to capture all the girl
    -Some girls can't be captured

    Conclusion : Go play it
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Anything made by Zell is excellent to me. Tho I wish you can figure out how to capture monster girls in-game rather than using a walkthrough. But still, this is an unfinished game. I'm excited for the full release.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    As much as I would love to praise this game for being a milestone in the H-Game world, there are some things holding me back. The difficulty is something to note, as save/checkpoint orbs are few and far in-between. If you find a green portal, you can teleport back home to use the one there, but if you haven't found either the orb, or the green portal, in an area, you're royally (albeit literally) fucked if you lose all your life. This becomes are major annoyance when you get to the teal brick area (which im assuming is a dungeon) and you have to run around and press buttons in some of the rooms to advance further in. The purple button has a giant ogre woman that will chase you when you press the purple button infront of her, and she is faster than your regular speed. Now, you would assume "hey, maybe if I use the first ability, Sprint, I can outrun her!" NOPE. Try that and your life is gone without a thought. She's still too fast, but you do get really close to the exit. You're supposed to use the Kappa's ability and spam the everlasting fuck out of it and you'll make it by the skin of your cock. And for the love of god, don't press W while you're not getting fucked, or you're as good as a dead man, I swear to god. It's a shame that this is holding me back from giving good praise, because I'd definitely give it all I got, but it's just too difficult.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a milestone in pixel related sex games. A pearl that everyone who likes monster girls needs to play. From game to sex scenes a masterwork.

    It was hard for me to even find cons!
    -Not enough content, because you will NEVER be satisfied, every new location, every new monster excites you and leaves you with craving more.
    -The sounds are generic, but thats almost in every sex game and I don't really care, but I saw it and other people may find it bad.

    +Amazing gameplay. The mechanics are solid, fluid, intuitive and responsive. I played a really dodgy style, dodging attacks waiting for an opening and with this amazing system behind it it worked perfectly. I never felt cheated by the game I always could say, that was my lack of skill or my impatience. The game was not easy for me sometimes. But thats a fucking great thing. I tried, I died, I adapted, tried again and died again until I figured it out or made it.
    +PERFECT art and sex scenes. There is nothing more to say. The monster girls, skills, sex scenes are just perfect. When I see pixel artists I always compare them with this. I cant help it. Its just the best of the best and my standard now.
    +Good music fitting ervery new location.
    +High variety of locations. I dont care for a good story if the enviroment and the world itself is interesting. Figure out your own story because the game wont provide you one and thats good for me. Take a step into this world with many different settings and try to figure out how to beat and fuck your way out of it.
    +Monster girls can be beat in many ways and have different weaknesses and strenghts.
    +The system of unlocking the gallery is fantastic. Trying to solve the riddle how to get the girls was fun.

    I can write pros for days so I just leave these and can only say again. Play it.
    Really let the game tell you how amazing it is.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Can't do anything except watch how the girls rape that little boy. No combat like in the description, tried A v1.19 - there is some combat there. I've walked through every single door in A v1.20b - nothing i can do, except watch
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of good content. You'll need a guide though for most of it though. Or just a save. Overall it's a fantastic monstergirl sidescroller, like eroico. It's been split into two different versions due to engine limitations, but luckily A saves are compatible with B, so start on A version and you'll be fine.