Review 0.1a
Art 8,5: as you open the game you will get pretty pleased cause you can see 2 things: all the character that will have a role into the game, dressed and naked if you put the pointer on them (THAT BUSH! :OhMyGoodness

& you will see a completely personalized renpy's HUD. The models are rich in forms, details and expressions, but some poses are not that good (like the MC on the couch, i feel the neck pain for him

). Same goes for the backgrounds, some are good some are not so good, it depends on what the dev had available.For what i can see that game will benefit immensely from more complex animations, but that is just an hope for the future.
Story 7/10: As usual, for me, the story is the main focus of a game & i have to admit that we have a pretty good set up. We have the porn, we have the "family time", we have the drama, the mistery & ALIENS! (plus some easter eggs
). The only thing that i didn't like is that it feels a little rushed & we miss some background on the 4 main characters, to be more clear they could have been explored a little more before go into the ship. i just hope that we will have it in the future updates.
sound 4/10: we have a little spacey (no homo:tf

tune at the begging that is pretty nice & is perfect for the theme, but the rest is as mute as a fish.
overall 5/10:I use the usual scale, even if the game is good it cannot pass the exam if it's only 5 minutes game play. But we have a catchy story plus aliens, androids, demons?, milfs, teens & some other weirdos that will entangle in a porn version free for all where, like we say in Italy: in tempo di guerra ogni buco è trincea (literally: in time of war every hole is a trench)
Another game that goes under the list "must follow" & for now
Panda of approval