VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Foster Home for Fantasy Girls [v0.3.8_10 Octopus Part 2] [CardinalRed & Tired Txxus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game. The MC is quiete a nice character. You are really intrigued to see
    How he becomes. The FMC is nice aswell. The game design is great. And there was not one but while playing this game. But the game is still short.

    So lets see how it works out.
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  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely one of the best games on this website, the main protagonist is a layered character that you actually want to watch evolve / change over the length of the story.
    Girls tend to just have one big personality trait each but I honestly really enjoy that since it makes them really different from each other.
    Art is a 11/10 and the animations are really satisfying.
    So all in all a perfect game that is currently a bit lacking in content but gets new updates fairly quickly when you consider the quality of the them. And another big plus is that I haven't even seen one single bug or glitch.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So GOOD! Love this game! Game is short, but pretty good! Art/gifs look fresh and unique, girls are hot (must protect), engaging dialogue and intriguing story with interisting MC. No bugs for me.
    To make it brief - good stuff, can't wait to see updates for this game. Check it out.
    Likes: Txxus
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    For now feels overrated.
    Protagonist is interesting. He shows more depth than most protagonist out there, even including non-porn games.
    Girls are.........kinda boring ngl. They are a lot simpler, borderline generic compared to the protagonist.
    Gameplay and game progression is bad. There is no way around it. It's just a grind that quickly feels meaningless and I started to think the game would be better serviced as a kinetic novel. Because for all intents and purpose it is what is is, just that you have to click on 40 buttons between each scenes. Then again, a lot of "sandbox" porn games as of late has this exact same issue.
    Graphic isn't awful by any means but I wouldn't go and call it good either.
    Last but not least - potential. Does this gave have potential? Hard to say. If nothing else, I will say there is nothing in the game I'm looking forward to. If it's just more of the same that is being added, score might raise from 3/5 to 4/5 just because there is more content but that's about it.
    EDIT: author seems to be quite active in trying to improve the game and fix the issues so tentatively increasing to 4/5.
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  5. 5.00 star(s)


    So as a lurker I don't do reviews but this game and dev certainly deserve one. So the game itself is quite nice in both story and content. While the story is fairly captivating it isn't quite so text heavy. If you are looking for a game that is a wall of text simulator with a few pictures thrown in this isn't it. It has the perfect balance of text, pictures, and even animations. So far the small amount of content is actually very diverse in variety and only seems to hint at adding more. I highly recommend following this games development because it seems like it is going to be one of those hidden gems that come around once every few years. I also highly recommend supporting the dev on Patreon to help them focus time as this game. From what I understand this is a passion project that is fueled from the Dev's own savings so just a pledge as small as a few bucks goes a long way in making this more of an attainable project to see through to the end.
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  6. 5.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed in 0.3.6] There's not much on offer here yet, but it is already enough to give great anticipation for more in the future. The pixel art is incredibly adorable and is a major draw for this game to be sure.

    The story is almost as unique as the artwork as well. While you play as a protagonist collecting slave girls, it quickly becomes apparent that both you and your slaves are there to heal each other's emotional scars. The writing does just enough to convey the characters' personalities without over-stating anything; a very nice change from games that seem to think more writing is always better. I do look forward to see a few more characters to interact with in the future, and even more, seeing the characters interacting with each other and not only MC.

    You do have to do the same "training" lewd scene a few times each to unlock extra scenes, but it is not excessive, and is just enough to give a sense of time passing, and most importantly, the characters getting comfortable with each other.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    So far loving this game. The pixel artwork is incredible! I was hesitant to jump into a game with Fey being badly mutilated, but the story line so far has made the characters surprisingly endearing. The MC's story in how it is presented as well as the choices given to the player show much much thought the writer has put into it. A lot of love is put into the project and I am excited to see where it is going.
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  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Ridiculous grind. No, it being quick doesn't make it okay. To get past level 1 on the very first girl you need to go to her room then check out her mouth or ass... easily over 50 times. Outside of the first time you do this there is no dialogue or anything. Its just watching the same animation via the same few clicks again and again and again in an endless void of nothing happening.

    It gets 1 point for the art, 1 for the writing not being too bad (what little is there between the endless repetitive voiceless clicks), then no more. The actual gameplay is just spamming 1 option again and again and again.

    The grind is massively less bad once you pass tier 1, but you have to pass tier 1 to do that. Most people probably won't. And even if you do, its STILL just an enitrely linear sequence of clicking room>her>train/talk>repeat>sleep. Its just a bit faster to get to the next tier of doing the same exact actions.

    I also have 'rel',' stress'+ and also a coin and a minus sign on the middle of my screen and have for most of the playtime. They never go away. Bugged.

    There's also a job you can do for cash but aside from the shop occasionally getting a single item you just buy immediately, there seems to be no point to this. You can buy food but I let her starve and nothing happened. It seems poinltess. Thankfully, since its one less bit of tedium, but if it doesn't work, just remove food entirely

    A bandaid has been added for the grind so there's no need to keep it at 2.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is truly one of the best adult games I've played, it's definitely a promising game, the characters are so cute! I'm sure it will be better with future updates, I definitely say download and play, it's worth it
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good artstyle, finaly a MC that is not a wimp, cool animation, the girls are well done and the H scenes are top tier.
    Would recomend, lacks content atm but is very very promising. Could use some sound effect but that's a very minor thing.
    Likes: Txxus
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    wow I discovered this game yesterday, it's amazing, engaging story, characters with different characteristics, beautiful erotic scenes, I find all this anger and hate of the main character particularly interesting, which is usually built "perfectly" like "Kindest person"in the stories, but this one changes along, it's clear that the mc suffered brainwashing, I leave it as a suggestion since the ""orc"" has a big tongue who knows in the future she can do a rim... ahem, good, you know what haha, well this game has a future!.
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  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's pretty unique in both style and gameplay. I guess it's closest widely known comparison would be a wholesome version of Princess Trainer with a story on top as a neat little bow. You might just want to give it a go instead of reading reviews about it.
    Likes: Txxus
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly unique, Not a lot of content yet so I can't wait to see more. If you're kind of iffy on finding the characters attractive at first I heavily recommend you go a little further past the intro. The story and characters have grown on me a lot.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Been meaning to check this one out for a while and finally did. A bit bare bones at the moment but the setting is fairly unique, and there's a good story going. Not usually a fan of this art style but it's really well done. Not much content yet sadly but it's a good base for future updates.
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  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely scandelous how GOOD the story is. I am about to cry, seeing how his personality is legit unfolding infront of the players and changing.
    Also the comedy is on point, so don't slow down on that!

    There is a few changes I would love to see when it finished and released hopefully on steam (Because that is were I buy all my games, for safety reasons and because of how paranoid I am)

    1. More decisions!
    2. More actions that effect training and relationship. Legit just talk, train, pat, complimate and then sleep. I wanna do more, like giving her a house chore or anything a slave/maid normally would do.
    3. Sometimes it better to type "You had a nice chat with her" instead of repeating a old conversation. It a small detail, but it just feel weird to hear her talk about her plushie five times before getting the quest to get her one
    4. More purchaseable stuff
    5. CLOTHES, being able to dress them would be nice and is a common mechanic in training games
    6. Less sex more story, (This might come as a shock) but I for one plays adult games for the story and because I am tired of games constantly censoring stuff and making npc personalities a bit robotic (Like refusing to kiss or simply going one step further)

    Anyway thats all, bye now.
    Likes: Txxus
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice plot and animations. I liked this game so much that I've created account just to write this comment and rate 5 this game, also this game is still on early development stage, but the progress on this stage is really good
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Elusive Strangler

    I've found this game accidentally thinking it will be just another parody. I was ohh so very wrong. This game is excellent!!! The writing, the pixel art everything is top notch. It's a project made from the heart and you can feel it while playing it.
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  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Played v0.3.3

    Absolutely loved the game. It is kinda short for now but still feels great. The progression hits the right pace. The story is interesting and the characters are believable as part of the universe. Despite being a slave trainer game, the sexual events are kinda vanilla right now. Which isn't a bad thing(its actually kinda perfect for the story). I do hope that the developer would dive into more hardcore stuff in the future. Also, I am digging the art style and the sexual animations. Great panty dropping/ butt slapping animations. I wonder if sound effects are possible for that. Surprisingly, in the middle of the game there was this fully animated dream sequence(non sexual) which I thought was great.

    This game also seems to set up possibility of further development quiet well. I can definitely see more characters/story lines. Maybe lover/slave routes. I would even love to see Fey become kinda sassy as their relationship grows and she grows confident while he eventually stops hating elves.

    The only minor gripe I had with the game was the UI. Instead of clicking on doors we have to click on buttons to traverse in the game. I kinda got used to them and don't dislike them anymore but it was weird in the beginning.

    All in all this is a great game and I am anxiously waiting for any updates the developer has to offer.
    Likes: Txxus
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    version: 0.3.3

    finally tested this game out. first things first. i already had the pleasure of talking with the dev in person back then on discord. i can tell you that he is very responsive and always has an ear for ideas and improvements. he also shares (or at least shared) his work on the f95 discord from time to time.

    let's talk about the game.

    story: nothing to write home about, but enough to settle the mood and let the game play in its own reality. you basically play as an "engineered" human being that fights for the cause of the church against monsters and creatures coming from a different universe. not only can you cast magic like the enemy, you are also capable of getting so old, even merlin would be jealous. with your help war was won and lots of those creatues got enslaved. you settled down in an old mansion and started buying one of these slaves. over the course of the journey you will not only fight the anger deep within you against the creatues you fought, but also question the church as to why there had to be a war like this in the first place.

    surely, the story could be a bit deeper and enthralling, but it gets the job done. the game ain't a text based game anyway. it's also clearly visible that english is not the dev's mother-tongue, so i wont go harsh here with him. surprisingly, i couldn't find many spelling errors and every sentence was clearly understandable. nice!

    gameplay: that's where the game currently is lacking. it's very barebones. it plays like a sandbox game with rooms in your house and some locations on the map. but lots of stuff are either currently under development or simply serve no feature. your slave, an elf by the way (later on you will get a second slave, an orc) can be dragged along, but most rooms like the pool serve no purpose. the orc can be fed but it won't change her feeding status at all. that elf wants a book from you but you can't buy it yet. the shop for slaveowners barely has anything either. in short: this game is still very early alpha and will probably stay like that for at least a year before it has some serious meat on its bones. that being said, what i've seen so far was pretty good! the characters are likeable and at least partly believeable. i like the whole atmosphere the slave trader is giving me (eerie and lonely feeling, very medieval type'ish) and i hope it will reflect the town you are living in as well. it would fit the story imo. right now you can only do three things: increase relationship, increase submissiveness and feeding your slave. the game doesn't seem to feature different types of slave ownerships and instead goes heavily into the friendly and nonabusive story line. so don't expect a game where you absolutely dominate dat girl or be cold as ice. see it more as a game where the mc and his slave learn from and help each other. fetish-wise its pretty vanilla currently with an emphasis on petit girls, which is refreshing. i barely see devs going for adult or at least teen petits. most go straight the loli line. no sex scenes yet, the most daring scenes so far is your slave showing you her pussy.

    graphics: graphically it's pretty good. it's fully made in pixel art, hence why i suspect it will take this game some time to get a good amount of content. but it's worth the trade off i think as the quality speaks for itself. sure, some pictures look a tad bit bland, like the bedroom of the mc where his bed looks more like a brick than anything, but other scenes like your slave taking a shower are top notch. one thing though... redo the mc's dick pls, dev. that thing looks like a scary mushroom!

    sound & music: there is some elevator music going in the background, but no voice acting or anything. it's okay, doesn't annoy, doesn't get in the way. ain't a milestone either though. you can play the game muted without missing on anything.

    bugs: i had one bug. fast forwarding a training or work and then rolling back can cause the info like stress+ or submissiveness+ to stay on your screen permanently. can be easily fixed by saving and loading that save.

    overall i'd say it's a pretty good start. story is fine, characters aren't totally faceless, there is potential for a cool atmosphere for the game (town clearly needs some work there though), we got the foundations for some activities, art is pretty good and the game is stable. i hope we will get multiple choices that actually matter in the future. right now current choices only change maybe the way her collar looks and some lines she says. and ofc i hope we will get treated with some intercourse at some point ^^. who knows what it will lead to: bdsm, pregnancy, watersport. up to the dev to surprise us. even though it doesn't have much fapping material yet, i would totally keep my eyes pealed for this game. could become a very good one!

  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly a good game even though it was an early release there were a bunch to see and even a fun little exercise demon whose bra I might have stolen several times hehe. I can't wait for more updates to see where you go with the system and how far we can get our cute elf to go! of course the little goblin ;)