People gonna not fap to a good game because it's AI is a completely unhinged opinion. It's still good art. I really don't give a fuck which tool the dev used to make it. Imagine dropping a game because the production process included photoshop, lol.
Actually, that's part of my problem - AI art generally doesn't look good to me. Almost everything I've seen has a weird uncanny valley effect that's really distracting, and the few that didn't were fairly simple drawings that the poster claimed they edited, but could have been drawn by hand with not
a ton of time.
That said, that leads into my second point: AI Art's become a sign of lack of effort to me. I could tolerate a bit of jank if the person was masterful at writing or had amazing gameplay implementation, but I don't think I've seen a single project where it's the case - practically everything I've seen has just used it as a way to get some shovelware out the door, and I just don't need more slop games. I'm holding off on judging this game too harshly, as it's still early days, but I'm not really seeing anything to get excited about in the gameplay or writing yet.
Has anyone ever thought it's kinda funny that people complain about AI art because it's like stealing artwork and yet we are on a site for stealing games?

Seems like people's morals are out of wack LOL
Eh, this is also the only major website that I know of to discuss English games in English, excluding a couple of fetish-focused websites and maybe ULMF (I haven't been there in a while but don't think they were fussed about game language, and frankly the forum layout gives me eye strain). Couple that with a lack of demos and
a lot of shovelware, and it's easy to see why. Can't speak for everyone, but I try to pick stuff up or sub on patreon if I like a game, and this site does feature in the marketing strategies for a fair few games I follow.